private string tfymDaveToBase16(byte[] tfymParamALValue) { byte tfymBChar = 0; byte tfymB16Val1 = 0; byte[] tfymAL16 = new byte[2]; int tfymIValueLoop = 0; StringBuilder tfymSB16 = new StringBuilder(); string tfymSBase16MasterStr = "TIMEFORYoUrmiNDt"; try { for (tfymIValueLoop = 0; tfymIValueLoop < tfymParamALValue.Length; tfymIValueLoop++) { tfymB16Val1 = 0; tfymBChar = tfymParamALValue[tfymIValueLoop]; do { if (tfymBChar > 15) { tfymB16Val1++; tfymBChar -= 16; } } while (tfymBChar > 15); tfymSB16.Append(tfymSBase16MasterStr[tfymB16Val1].ToString() + tfymSBase16MasterStr[tfymBChar].ToString()); } } catch (Exception tfymException) { tfymFMessageAdd("Sorry, I could not convert to Base16."); MessageBox.Show("Sorry, I could not convert to Base16. The following error happened:\r\n " + tfymException.Message); } return tfymSB16.ToString(); }