tfymAddSlide("Dancing With The Birds", "576", "20140514", "Painting/Color Drawing", "", "1"); tfymAddSlide("Flower Babies", "572", "20140505", "Painting/Color Drawing", "", "1"); tfymAddSlide("Gnome Love At Dusk", "344", "20080000", "Painting", " wife diana asked for paint gnome here created male and female set gnomes enjoying the safety beauty nearby plants cuddling through both their hats eyes", "2,5,6,12,13,14,16,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Playful Landscape", "340", "20080000", "Painting", "", "1"); tfymAddSlide("Wild Thing", "336", "20080000", "Painting", "", "1"); tfymAddSlide("A Bee", "335", "20080000", "Painting", "", "1"); tfymAddSlide("Just Ellen (Degeneres)", "331", "20080000", "Painting", "", "1"); tfymAddSlide("Comfort Between Parents", "329", "20080000", "Painting", "", "1"); tfymAddSlide("Pressed Against The Glass", "328", "20080000", "Painting", "", "1"); tfymAddSlide("The Clint", "325", "20080000", "Painting", "", "1"); tfymAddSlide("Violin Duet", "324", "20080000", "Painting", "", "1"); tfymAddSlide("Sight Light", "315", "20080000", "Painting", "", "1"); tfymAddSlide("Seal Sanctuary", "311", "20080000", "Painting", "", "1"); tfymAddSlide("Baby Wrapped Up", "275", "20050113", "Color Drawing", "", "1"); tfymAddSlide("Drawing Baby", "202", "20080129", "Color Drawing", "", "1"); tfymAddSlide("A Bike", "627", "20140921", "Painting/Color Drawing", "", "25"); tfymAddSlide("Connected With Nature", "641", "20141008", "Painting/Color Drawing", "", "2,4,7,11,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("L.L.A.P.", "690", "20150229", "Painting/Color Drawing", "", "1,5,12,16,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Don't Give UP", "738", "20160201", "Painting/Color Drawing", " elderly person has gone through lot his life but keeps trying remove the scars trials for innocence youth and times when had desire monetary status things", "1,7,11,14,15,21,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Dimensional Tears", "802", "20171015", "Painting/Color Drawing", " sadness comes many forms from humans shedding tears flowers wilting polution super novas showing off their last light before becoming black hole this multi-dimensional eye spiraling among all sheds bright emotions against the backdrop blackness", "9,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Life Versus The Winds", "854", "20190521", "Painting/Color Drawing", " the old phrase that nothing stays same accurate each moment life just which then moves next have control over this change can only experience happens here strong wind blowing across hill containing sign and gets parts begin rip off blow away", "9,14,15,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Because Of My Daughter's Love", "861", "20190617", "Painting/Color Drawing", " many times can only thing because someone has presented something encouraged makes possible for proceed this painting was the result daughter giving foot blank canvas out her gift love creating art flowed through brushes into paint and finally gave life emptiness thank you honeypot!", "2,9,14,16,20,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Soulmates", "864", "20190702", "Painting/Color Drawing", " the swirl universe across time and space true soulmates seem drawn together their streams merge make magic here couple souls swim through color currents soon they will forever bonded", "6,9,14,16,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("House Of Love", "873", "20190905", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when two people come together and build all that they have through the eyes love their results affect those who enter here couple uses sign language for you connect hands ceremony affirmation dedication each other", "4,9,11,16,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Finally", "877", "20190924", "Color Drawing", " there are moments when you finally experience what have been looking forward that exact moment often more exciting than the actual prize here minion type creature has desiring banana and gets one", "1,5,7,10,14,22,25"); tfymAddSlide("Cat And Fish", "881", "20191004", "Color Drawing", " nature many animals are extinctively enemies like cat and dogs cats fish birds wait guess things should say prey here with cheshire grin becomes great friends that loves just keep swimming", "1,7,14,19,20,25"); tfymAddSlide("Perspective", "897", "20200220", "Color Drawing", " people can get into tunnel vision where they see things certain way because always look the same changing your assumptions and position you often that were there but not seen here person makes themself feel uncomfortable finally little clearer", "1,5,9,11,14,15,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Leaning On Each Other", "931", "20200820", "Color Drawing", " our world works better when look each other members those who can help become and enjoy them here group famous cartoon characters lean representing the many facets human society from race gender skin color body type these individuals have learned wisely they also found that came before teach vaulable lessons improving how currently things", "1,5,7,14,20"); tfymAddSlide("Swiffle Dink Comes To Life", "941", "20200829", "Color Drawing", " new creature comes life part sea plant many other parts welcome the world swiffle dink", "2,5,7,10,12,20"); tfymAddSlide("Out of The Box", "946", "20200902", "Color Drawing", " being tunnel visioned easier than keeping your eyes open thing around you here doll and two lizards are escaping box they were put make their own way", "1,7,11,12"); tfymAddSlide("Man Made Monkey", "955", "20200909", "Color Drawing", " humans are famous for caging training changing other animals the planet relish and cheer when have trained them here monkey has been taught use typewriter make words but ends just typing banana over again still original nature inside", "1,4,7,9,11,12,22,24"); tfymAddSlide("The Growth Of Knowledge - And How It Spreads", "963", "20200915", "Color Drawing", " when someone reads book learns something new that wisdeom spreads from them others their actions teachings and the things they produce like newer books products here tree growing out with its limbs more which drop seeds knowledge ground trees", "1,2,11,18,19"); tfymAddSlide("Drinking From A Honey Flower", "970", "20200919", "Color Drawing", " what would like for bird show flower with human tools here shows honey stick spoon drink from that has jar its core", "1,2,7,9,12,22"); tfymAddSlide("Flower Creature Visited By Bugs", "978", "20200924", "Color Drawing", " creature who grows flowers out its back visited creatures that love flower and the", "2,7,10,12,14,22"); tfymAddSlide("Finger Flower", "990", "20201006", "Color Drawing", " flower made fingers visited some flying bugs", "2,4,7,9,12"); tfymAddSlide("My Baby Dragon", "995", "20201009", "Color Drawing", " creature holding baby dragon both look very happy", "5,7,10,12,14,26"); tfymAddSlide("Dragon Love", "1000", "20201014", "Color Drawing", " love found all species here couple drags green male and pink female have each other fallen looks produced eggs that already hatched the babies were raised with will come back visit", "7,10,16,26"); tfymAddSlide("Lucky To Be Alive", "1018", "20201115", "Color Drawing", " large headed big eyed creature keeps books catastrophes its table and writes note reminder that lucky alive after all those the have titles like co-vid crash 2008 911", "1,5,10,11"); tfymAddSlide("Supporting Both Sides", "1028", "20210113", "Color Drawing", " when people try bridge between two opposing sides they often get attacked both here creature holding flag pole with the left and right banners surrounded arrows shot from large number bandaides covers its skin previous attacks", "1,7,10,11,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Unique Unicorn", "1036", "20210120", "Color Drawing", " new breed unicorn that has special fiery mane armored nose plates and sparkly effects coming from the horn", "7,10,12"); tfymAddSlide("Ying Yang", "1053", "20210204", "Color Drawing", " snal turtle animal called yin sporting the latest backpacks carrying mouse named yang they both seem happy with each other", "1,7,12,14"); tfymAddSlide("Dragon Hearts", "1068", "20210216", "Color Drawing", " pair winged dragons love hug each other and their emotions float through horns into hearts the sky", "7,10,16,26"); tfymAddSlide("Sweetness", "1080", "20210303", "Color Drawing", " with all the emphasis movies stories and society around violence bad words competition like nice have some things that are only about sweetness here landscape has risen into form angel tree admiring sweet bunny rabbit who also while bird sits wing limb", "1,2,7,11,14,21"); tfymAddSlide("So Cute", "1084", "20210306", "Color Drawing", " cute creature sits fluffy pillow with its feet the air waiting for others notice", "1,7,14"); tfymAddSlide("Swimming Spinners", "1098", "20210323", "Color Drawing", " group fish are wearing their purple shirts and hat spinners while one holds sign that says shirt? spinner? swimming!", "7,20"); tfymAddSlide("So Funny", "1112", "20210421", "Color Drawing", " just person laughing fully totally the moment enjoyment", "1,4,6,13,14,24"); tfymAddSlide("Meat Meal", "1120", "20210513", "Color Drawing", " funny how you look cat eating fish most will mention cute but saw would think was digusting perception and our individual desires mold accept deny images here adult munching while child", "1,7,11,19,22"); tfymAddSlide("Places Races Faces", "1128", "20210621", "Color Drawing", " across the globe there are large variety places where different races have faces but under face all human", "6,9,11"); tfymAddSlide("Vegetable Vixens", "1147", "20210728", "Color Drawing", " when the vegetable drawer refridgerator closes light goes off vixens come out play here three them dance tomatoes with organic corn cob background", "1,10,12,14,22"); tfymAddSlide("Baby Bear's Papa Bear", "1150", "20210804", "Color Drawing", " baby bear takes moment next stream touch the face papa pride and happiness can seen", "7,14,16,20,21,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Robot Cooking And Producing More Mechanical Things", "1163", "20210831", "Color Drawing", " robot duck looking thing cooking some mechanical parts while egg has been produced that also contains", "5,9,10,12,22"); tfymAddSlide("Happy Parachuting Minion", "1174", "20211005", "Color Drawing", " happy minion parachuting into make your day better strings except those holding onto its parachute just wanting you smile", "5,7,11,14,21"); tfymAddSlide("Lounging Dragon Lizard", "1177", "20211014", "Color Drawing", " dragon lizard lounging the ocean floor", "7,10,14,20,26"); tfymAddSlide("Synchronicity Of The Heart", "1194", "20211119", "Color Drawing", " when two people are love their hearts sync with each other and they begin hear thoughts know what the feeling here furry heart creatures intertwined within representing yin yang grows flowers which then visited bees those near that want enjoy effects", "2,7,9,10,14,16"); tfymAddSlide("Good Book", "1200", "20211201", "Color Drawing", " person with really big glasses reading good book next candle for light", "1,5,14,24"); tfymAddSlide("Happy Flower Welcomes New Baby Bee", "1207", "20211209", "Color Drawing", " happy flower holding new baby bee one its leaves while the mother sits another leaf smiling father flys from work", "2,7,14"); tfymAddSlide("Love Is In The Air - Two Become One", "1224", "20220110", "Color Drawing", " couple figures have fallen love that when they hug their bodies melt into each other heads making single heart here stand top yin yang plant with roses growing", "2,5,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Eternal Love", "1230", "20220118", "Color Drawing", " love can eternal here two people who had fallen and lived are now part the cosmos bond", "5,9,16,21"); tfymAddSlide("Too Few Feathers", "1242", "20220131", "Color Drawing", " bird gets two new feathers but discovers that too few fly with", "1,7,13,19,21"); tfymAddSlide("Trio Of Cuties", "1258", "20220215", "Color Drawing", " trio cute critters hamster sits nice pillow that sitting sleep cat head while sleeping bird sleeps the cats back", "7,14"); tfymAddSlide("Tear Wiper Pro", "1268", "20220224", "Color Drawing", " bee has found new career wiping the tears from crying eyes", "7"); tfymAddSlide("Unique Unicycle", "1277", "20220303", "Painting/Color Drawing", " unique creature rides unicycle", "1,7,8,10"); tfymAddSlide("No No No", "1283", "20220310", "Painting/Color Drawing", " kid pink bunny costume looking hand mirror and sees another blue try perform scare jump the mirrior shows what about happen tell other", "1,5,19,24"); tfymAddSlide("Bottle Types", "1311", "20220408", "Painting/Color Drawing", " different type bottles whine bottle for those who want drink and baby with stuck inside brush where the brushing its teeth", "9,13"); tfymAddSlide("Wester Bunny meets Easter Bunny", "1321", "20220417", "Black White Drawing", " bunny from the west wearing cowboy outfit and carrying basket full baby horses met easter who carry chicks eggs", "1,7,12,14,17"); tfymAddSlide("Strut", "1340", "20220512", "Painting/Color Drawing", " beautiful bird struts its pretty flowers while strutting across some metal", "1,7,24"); tfymAddSlide("Living On Lemons", "1362", "20220622", "Painting/Color Drawing", " have been blending whole lemons including the peel with water for drink mornings this how envision look while drinking holding glass mostly drank lemon lips are ultra puckered", "1,5,13,22,24"); tfymAddSlide("Holding on to your Heart", "1375", "20220708", "Painting/Color Drawing", " female figure with wings has the giant outline her heart around body she holiding together while life experiences cause bleed stands puddle hearts drops", "1,5,11,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Two Dragon Figures In Love", "1412", "20220916", "Painting/Color Drawing", " set figurine dragon are love with each other their turning into heart shaped rain", "5,7,10,16,26"); tfymAddSlide("One", "1421", "20220929", "Painting/Color Drawing", " two people are close each other physically and emotionally that they could considered one here the couple embracing with their love turning into hearts flying future", "5,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Super Hero Retirement", "1427", "20221007", "Painting/Color Drawing", " super hero sits cloud holding baby dragon who showing beautiful flower the retired and enjoying peaceful moments", "1,2,5,7,10,11,12,14,21,24"); tfymAddSlide("Purple Elephant Makes A Heart", "1436", "20221023", "Painting/Color Drawing", " purple elephant pressing against the paper creating red loving heart for someone special", "7,16,19"); tfymAddSlide("Dancing With The Music", "1451", "20221108", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person not only dancing the music but with musical notes", "5,12,14"); tfymAddSlide("I Love You - 4 Ever", "1462", "20221118", "Painting/Color Drawing", " monkey squeezes large heart that spilling out the love and spelling you nearby cupcake says ever", "7,16,22"); tfymAddSlide("Home Sweet Home - Happy Holidays", "1467", "20221125", "Painting/Color Drawing", " pair rats 1:50 have made themselves cup hot cocoa bookshelf the kitchen background sign that says home sweet", "7,13,14,22"); tfymAddSlide("Brrrr - I Want This Now", "1472", "20221131", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person points the calendar month jun where will warmer even though currently midst winter has ripped off months dec jan feb hopes summer coming sooner his cat nearby wear same type warm hat", "1,5,7,13"); tfymAddSlide("PopTart vs Popsicle on a Popcan with Popcorn", "1478", "20221206", "Painting/Color Drawing", " poptart battling popsicle top popcorn containing near poster that says pop art", "10,12,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("Moments with Soul Mates", "1489", "20221216", "Painting/Color Drawing", " pair soul mates are each laying their own bathtub reaching with arm back hold the other hand and using mirror see person", "14,16,19,20,24"); tfymAddSlide("Balloon Backpack", "1492", "20221219", "Painting/Color Drawing", " large figure hiking with small backpack while smaller has very that being help group balloons some the are hitting face like how society all resources don want those without but come back and bites them", "5,11,13,19"); tfymAddSlide("Golden Moments - Microphone", "1508", "20230103", "Color Drawing", " old man went and bought really small toy phone after being told needed micro talk the laptop", "1,13"); tfymAddSlide("Green Winged Dragon", "1542", "20230202", "Painting/Color Drawing", " young green winged dragon", "7,10,26"); tfymAddSlide("Hugee Hug Hug", "1553", "20230209", "Painting/Color Drawing", " heart diapers with nothing but love sees another broken the ground and coming over give hug", "10,11,16"); tfymAddSlide("BuuZZZ", "1573", "20230226", "Painting/Color Drawing", " bee taking nap some beautiful flowers buzz creating the zzz symbol use signify someone sleeping", "7,14"); tfymAddSlide("Band Of Banging Brothers", "1598", "20230316", "Painting/Color Drawing", " trio creatures playing different instruments and enjoying making music together", "5,7,10,12,14,24"); tfymAddSlide("Joy", "1601", "20230319", "Painting/Color Drawing", " trio joyful characters holds the letters for joy", "5,10,14"); tfymAddSlide("He.Art", "1623", "20230407", "Painting/Color Drawing", " man paints art the wall while paint has splatted onto nearby cat", "7,13,14,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("LBGTQIABCDEFGH... Love Everyone Every Day Everywhere", "1636", "20230421", "Painting/Color Drawing", " creature holding banner that says lbtqiabcdefgh and heart with everyone ever day everywhere the groin area has flap business", "5,7,10,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Make The Best Of It", "1650", "20230509", "Painting/Color Drawing", " bartender having work hard his job make enough pay survive however even though the low hours long decides best", "5,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Being Focused", "1666", "20230615", "Painting/Color Drawing", " worker looks very focused while working their desk mind drifting more fun time when they were child riding homemade starship ncc1701 vehicle some co-workers nearby think hard", "1,5,12,14,21"); tfymAddSlide("Captain Flushbeard", "1681", "20230704", "Painting/Color Drawing", " pirate turtle called captain flushbeard sailing the ocean his toilet turned into boat", "7,12,20,23"); tfymAddSlide("LoviCornAgon", "1696", "20230724", "Painting/Color Drawing", " unicorn and dragon have fallen love bonded tightly that they are becoming single being", "7,10,16,26"); tfymAddSlide("Mr and Mrs Newton - Discovering Gravity", "1713", "20230817", "Painting/Color Drawing", " mrs newton notices apple falling from tree while boob lower both cases they are discovering gravity", "5,13,24"); tfymAddSlide("29 Again!", "1736", "20230916", "Painting/Color Drawing", " turned again today and made myself laying cake celebrating", "5,14,22,24"); tfymAddSlide("The Grass Is Always Greener", "1764", "20231102", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person flying plane called over the hill mountain where grass spells out always greener but finding isn", "11,13,21"); tfymAddSlide("Before He Became A Famous Colonel", "1788", "20231202", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person dressed for their new restaurant holds package kentucky fried frogs hopes making success", "5,7,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("Star Lars", "1811", "20240101", "Painting/Color Drawing", " powerful evil character that looks like candy piece tells minion dressed pair levis bob father both have their light sabers out for battle", "5,8,10,12,13,21"); tfymAddSlide("Flour Flower", "1815", "20240106", "Painting/Color Drawing", " bee has been collecting pollen from flowers when comes across flower that just bag flour", "2,7,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("Going Nowhere", "1853", "20240206", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person sits boat being pulled balloons one direction while pirahna under the another", "7,11,19,20"); tfymAddSlide("The Original Care Bear", "1882", "20240302", "Painting/Color Drawing", " bear sits swing attached large tree branch getting hugged flower while pot nearby flowers want their turn", "7,14,16"); tfymAddSlide("Waking Up Next To The One You Love", "1898", "20240316", "Painting/Color Drawing", " two elephants lie the forest while one sleeps other awake and happy next", "7,16");