tfymAddSlide("Viagra Effects", "8", "20110000", "Color Drawing", " wondered what would like man his later years took viagra and the results ended making him father high maintenance twins", "1,5,11,13"); tfymAddSlide("Hey, Sucker", "11", "20110908", "Color Drawing", " thought about people who act tough and how some them use has shield against their true desire being fun loving childish", "6,13"); tfymAddSlide("The Gathering", "12", "20100125", "Color Drawing", " imagined bunch bugs gathering together leaf talk about their current day adventures place for meeting with chance anger eating each other", "2,7,14"); tfymAddSlide("Cool Flyer", "13", "20100212", "Color Drawing", " silly mind image gorilla trying out hand gliding originally the was all natural but later added bikini for those not wanting naked animal", "7,8,13,14,21"); tfymAddSlide("Sure You Want To Catch Me?", "14", "20120328", "Color Drawing", " there are times when people think they want something not realizing that what chase after might cause more harm than good their life", "5,8,11"); tfymAddSlide("Moving In Abstract", "15", "20120405", "Color Drawing", " wanted show the human form alongside abstract shapes both for contradiction but also movement one other", "2,5,9"); tfymAddSlide("Just Being Me", "16", "20120329", "Color Drawing", " often people want just themselves without all the societal rules politics even dragons same", "5,7,10,14,26"); tfymAddSlide("Computer For Kids", "17", "20120316", "Color Drawing", " with the addition computers into lives children this shows computer offering itself child playmate but tnt that there are also negatives use", "1,5,8,9,11,19"); tfymAddSlide("Dorfus", "18", "20120323", "Color Drawing", " while attending tech conferences there are usually some that stand out among the crowd form including parts themselves their image like ring ear hairstyle dorfus definitely stands", "6,7,10,13,14"); tfymAddSlide("Shhh, A Sleeper", "19", "20110923", "Color Drawing", " baby dragon recently broke free from its egg and now sleeps the effort already benefiting family gifts", "7,10,12,14,16,26"); tfymAddSlide("Quaker Cracking The Page", "20", "20120320", "Color Drawing", " wanted show something breaking through the paper was drawing but friendly inviting face and duck", "6,7,14"); tfymAddSlide("Patriotic", "21", "20111024", "Color Drawing", " find silly and sad see how people one country dress act tough all while pretending caring but only for their own meanwhile other parts are starving", "1,5,11,13,22,24"); tfymAddSlide("Not Quite Fast Enough", "22", "20120402", "Color Drawing", " the rat race life work people are often trying get from point though this rush mode causes them encounter dangers unseen", "5,7,8,11,13,19"); tfymAddSlide("Bottoms Up", "23", "20120309", "Color Drawing", " frequently try and rel-look things this represents way cause your eyes brain see the same differently", "1,5,11,13,24"); tfymAddSlide("Sinister Cell Phone", "24", "20120208", "Color Drawing", " the cell phone companies continually try and get customers buy newer devices plans services brain see them devilish greedy dealers selling un-needed goods corner", "1,13"); tfymAddSlide("Leaving Life", "25", "20120203", "Color Drawing", " when leave our bodies all will this was show that exact moment the body relinquishes its final hold who you are for places unknown living", "5,12,21,24"); tfymAddSlide("Wonder About Life", "26", "20120130", "Color Drawing", " soon after mom died thought about myself sitting pond creature trying peaceful beautiful and thinking life itself", "5,7,10,15,16,20"); tfymAddSlide("Even Though, I Keep Happy", "28", "20120126", "Color Drawing", " during another down moment after mom died saw all the dark thoughts coming and wanted this hippo with umbrella stop them dripping some were big", "5,7,9,11,13,15,20,24"); tfymAddSlide("Keeping Your Eyes Open", "29", "20101206", "Color Drawing", " viewing the ills world from murder crime all bad things see wanted make sure did not become used that still care for effects others", "6,9,15,20"); tfymAddSlide("Just A Cowboy", "30", "20110930", "Color Drawing", " one the few drawings where there was meaning behind just wanted draw silly cowboy desert", "5,17"); tfymAddSlide("Fantasy Web", "31", "20100629", "Color Drawing", " magicians are often portrayed with magical tools wondered what would like combine magic the armor from knights and spider", "5,7,10,12"); tfymAddSlide("The Crew", "32", "20111215", "Color Drawing", " observing how co-workers approached tasks and there were distinct methods wanted show some these personalities all working together for the daily they often made things work affect", "1,5,8,13,15,20,24"); tfymAddSlide("The Napster", "33", "20120221", "Color Drawing", " often pit dogs and cats opposites enemies this was view non-truth bully dog showing his colors message the", "1,7,8,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("My Mom Died", "34", "20120125", "Color Drawing", " mom died jan 2012 this was the first doodle could make after that experience saddest picture have ever drawn", "1,5,10,15,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Whadja Say Pardner?", "35", "20120207", "Color Drawing", " heard brain asking for rootin tootin creature and came with this lizard cowboy sheriff did not know lizards could stand two legs eh?", "5,7,10,12,17"); tfymAddSlide("Supposed To Make Life Easier", "36", "20120104", "Color Drawing", " surrounding ourselves with tech advertised make our lives easier however they continue pile around have gotten more stressful expensive burdened", "5,9,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Made Of Parts", "37", "20120106", "Color Drawing", " one day was work and realized each have many senses use taken give others but sometimes lock those avoid conflicts", "6,9,11,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Sharing The Load", "38", "20110908", "Color Drawing", " seems happen most work places there are those who hard all day and others find reasons spend not working then some them actually ask the workers things", "1,5,13,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Another Day At The Office", "39", "20111028", "Color Drawing", " thought was funny that all the office our place work what have survive even animals like this bird", "5,7,13,24"); tfymAddSlide("You There?", "40", "20111121", "Color Drawing", " another one those moments where wanted friendly creature just pop-up and say that all strings attached stress", "4,6,7,10"); tfymAddSlide("Diving Pig", "41", "20120213", "Color Drawing", " matter the size your body form please still pleasure seemed shame that seems only those marked good looking seem hit swim suit arena throngs", "1,7,8,12,13,14"); tfymAddSlide("Just Being", "42", "20120217", "Color Drawing", " nice just sometimes this creature with very long tooth stopping the middle day other needs pulling", "6,7,10,14"); tfymAddSlide("Cheering Up", "43", "20120221", "Color Drawing", " bad mood weather experiences hit this normally bubbly things other little creatures step help brighten the moment", "5,7,10,14,15,16"); tfymAddSlide("Get Along Little Catty", "44", "20120314", "Color Drawing", " would not nice mouse rat could flip the normal animal warfare and ride same cat that normally devour it?", "7,12,13,17"); tfymAddSlide("Willing To Prepare To Win", "45", "20120302", "Color Drawing", " came across quote willing prepare win and loved took the letters found they read same forwards backwards great saying!", "1,5,8"); tfymAddSlide("Sexy Serpent", "46", "20120312", "Color Drawing", " there the well known mermaid creature what dragon serpent wanted compete for sexiest creature? this was impression that contestant", "7,10,12,26"); tfymAddSlide("Day Dreamer", "47", "20120227", "Color Drawing", " even dragons through their teenage years here female dragon pouring over the latest gossip magazines", "1,6,7,10,12,13,14,26"); tfymAddSlide("Just A Little More", "48", "20101026", "Color Drawing", " demonstrate how those who just keep wanting more end bloating themselves this cat has had wayyyy too many food cans and now laughed the small mouse", "7,11,13,19,22"); tfymAddSlide("The Flying Frog", "49", "20091012", "Color Drawing", " have had lot people think this frog floating pond but idea was who tied feathers found the ground and now soaring through clouds", "7,12,14,21"); tfymAddSlide("Content", "50", "20110316", "Color Drawing", " often try and make myself humble content what have had instead could makes for happier day", "6,14"); tfymAddSlide("Ahh, But Wait!", "51", "20100315", "Color Drawing", " heard some movies people asking for cup joe then thought how nice and warm that liquid sharks would probably love soaking these are mini normal sized human about take sip", "1,4,7,13,15"); tfymAddSlide("They Call Me Top Hat", "52", "20110413", "Color Drawing", " gentlemen frog decided see what the fuss was about with humans and their top hats walking sticks", "7,12,20"); tfymAddSlide("Forcing To Watch", "53", "20090504", "Color Drawing", " though not watch the news much when normally full very sad events turmoil and calamity sometimes force myself feel empathy for those suffering", "4,6,11,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Tool Too Big", "54", "20101008", "Color Drawing", " workers often try and best their co-horts the quantity size tools they buy learn get this shows extreme competition how can backfire", "1,5,11,15"); tfymAddSlide("A Okay Baby", "55", "20110321", "Color Drawing", " baby sucks thumb too much will grow this size?", "4,6,13,14,24"); tfymAddSlide("Almost A Zen Moment", "56", "20110314", "Color Drawing", " frog almost achieves complete calmness but distracted their favorite food the lowly fly", "7,13,14,15,21,22"); tfymAddSlide("If Shapes Could Draw", "57", "20100630", "Color Drawing", " wanted draw bird completely out shapes instead outlining the body", "7,9"); tfymAddSlide("Another Birthday At Work", "58", "20091009", "Color Drawing", " had work overtime again birthday and this dog represents how felt about special day", "7,15"); tfymAddSlide("Think", "59", "20100226", "Color Drawing", " often wonder why people approach their days tasks tunnel vision many not seem want think about things instead they look for the quickest results", "1,9,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Touching The Paper", "60", "20120410", "Color Drawing", " was drawing wondered what would like for creature show the other side paper then touching and showing really liquid", "4,6,12,14,24"); tfymAddSlide("Pedal Family", "61", "20111121", "Color Drawing", " family matters all life believe want that even flowers have some sort ties each other", "2,6,14,16"); tfymAddSlide("Customized For Me", "62", "20111121", "Color Drawing", " having little experience gymnastics found interesting that they have balance beam width for all when there are many different sizes feet bodies think should sized equipment make fair", "1,7,8,10,13,14"); tfymAddSlide("Worm Models", "63", "20120308", "Color Drawing", " there are many magazines out subjects would nice even the worm could have things read just about their lives", "1,7,13,18,22"); tfymAddSlide("Peace 2", "64", "20091208", "Color Drawing", " peace such nice work and meaning here show the word but replace letters with objects zen flower eye crying person thinking not praying being humble", "1,2,5,9,16"); tfymAddSlide("Peace", "65", "20111010", "Color Drawing", " the word peace shown from different perspectives actual hand gesture symbol and someone speaking", "1,4,6,9,16"); tfymAddSlide("Norm The Fish", "66", "20120409", "Color Drawing", " the animal world there still seems ones that stand out from crowd and are ridiculed just human children", "1,7,13,15,20"); tfymAddSlide("Buddies", "67", "20091119", "Color Drawing", " sure penguins would rather not cold here couple buddies create campfire yes top iceberg with marshmallows boot", "7,14,20,22"); tfymAddSlide("Be Silly, Be Happy", "68", "20100726", "Color Drawing", " trying remind myself well others not take things seriously that when you are silly often happier", "1,6,13,14"); tfymAddSlide("Draw 2 Live, Live 2 Draw", "69", "20100405", "Color Drawing", " motto can live drawing art blood look for opportunities create new pieces and those make feel alive", "1,5,8,14"); tfymAddSlide("Our Hero", "70", "20101112", "Color Drawing", " often the portrayed advertised heroes our community are there because people that supported them here super hero using regular person stand but usual press only shows part worthy masses", "1,5,9,11,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Ninja Rabbit", "71", "20100223", "Color Drawing", " martial arts ego sometimes bubbles the surface with skills this expert sharing his talents some happy bunnies here", "5,7,8,13,14"); tfymAddSlide("The Circle Of Strife", "72", "20110209", "Color Drawing", " during the circle life big and strong often forget that everything connected even smallest creatures end feeding from them", "7,11,15,19,20,22"); tfymAddSlide("Figures Playing", "73", "20111122", "Color Drawing", " not wanting draw human figures making outline these were created with only the shadows that would have been caused their parts plus some circles mix", "5,8,9"); tfymAddSlide("Happy Dragons", "74", "20090629", "Color Drawing", " more caricature test playing with different looks for some happy dragons", "7,10"); tfymAddSlide("Perspective", "75", "20110330", "Color Drawing", " trying see mind what would like look directly down someone and draw that perspective", "5,6,24"); tfymAddSlide("Remember To Rest", "76", "20100511", "Color Drawing", " our busy moments must frequently remember just stop and rest yes you can always one more thing but stopping good for the mind body soul", "1,3,5,14"); tfymAddSlide("Cupid's Arrow", "77", "20090417", "Color Drawing", " envisioned cupid shooting arrow into the forest and creatures jumping for ride", "2,7,8,12,14"); tfymAddSlide("Eye See You", "78", "20100204", "Color Drawing", " our eyes are part but what they could their own conscience this little guy seeing the world for first time its", "6,12"); tfymAddSlide("Sitting Back", "79", "20100128", "Color Drawing", " after hard work day bird sits back watching the sun down pulls out sun-remote and about enjoy some well deserved candy worms", "7,14"); tfymAddSlide("Not Sharing", "80", "20100128", "Color Drawing", " sad watch those with much devour use they can while starving nearby hope from scraps left behind", "7,11,15,22,24"); tfymAddSlide("Too Focused", "83", "20110404", "Color Drawing", " this ufo alien think warrior against helpless little flying creature but just behind larger ready show the who really fear", "7,10,11,13,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Bombarded", "86", "20110427", "Color Drawing", " during common work day often feel bombarded multiple audiences needs desires each wanting their stuff priority number one makes cross eyes sometimes", "6,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Drudgery Of A Housewife", "87", "20110324", "Color Drawing", " this lady has done many years housework from the cleaning cooking chores kids animals and such she needs day out town pampered", "6"); tfymAddSlide("Fido", "88", "20100712", "Color Drawing", " often hear the name fido used reference cartoon dogs this what would think had make", "6,7,13,14,16"); tfymAddSlide("Waiting For Someone", "89", "20100210", "Color Drawing", " even dragons get lonely this guy girl waiting for another wander some company", "6,7,10,14,26"); tfymAddSlide("Playing With Magic", "90", "20090721", "Color Drawing", " two young wizard duel out for fun top sphere landscape have idea who would win they both seem capable", "5,12"); tfymAddSlide("Family Picture", "91", "20090818", "Color Drawing", " mom dad and child dragon spend day the beach one other goers was nice enough take this photo snapshot them keeps copy his wallet", "1,7,10,14,16,26"); tfymAddSlide("Silhouette Of A Family", "92", "20110222", "Color Drawing", " avoiding the classification race nationality this represents made family silhouette coincidence that amount genders are same family?", "5,14,16"); tfymAddSlide("Opening Day Of Star Trek Movie", "93", "20090508", "Color Drawing", " star trek movie came out one favorite series and this was excitement going see later that day the shapes creatures also spell boldly", "1,5,12,14,21"); tfymAddSlide("Like My sword?", "94", "20100112", "Color Drawing", " gnome sorts showing off his newest weapon one that should have left the store for someone better proportioned", "5,12"); tfymAddSlide("Big Brained", "95", "20101020", "Color Drawing", " when people give you compliments for feats wisdom try and not let your head that are too special soon enlarged ego will noticed attacked", "1,5,7,11,13,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Geeks Of The Sea", "97", "20101006", "Color Drawing", " during the periodic workstation server crash would nice have pirate ship techies who survived such issues and bonded together rebellious teamwork", "1,6,13,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Heart Flower", "98", "20090826", "Color Drawing", " wanted create flower that also represented heart", "2,16"); tfymAddSlide("Hang Loose", "99", "20090914", "Color Drawing", " using shapes the only method for creating this hand spells out love you", "4,9,16"); tfymAddSlide("Getting Along", "100", "20091112", "Color Drawing", " with many different types both people and animals would nice those differences were put aside more often lieu the default anger", "7,10,11,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Wrapped In Art", "103", "20091030", "Color Drawing", " draw the hand again wanted show merging with paper was drawing and then back", "4"); tfymAddSlide("Say, Have You Heard?", "104", "20101028", "Color Drawing", " during political hailstorms commercials speeches left right independent arguments could see them all trying grab the audiences ears and spill their thoughts inside", "1,6,7,10,11,13,24"); tfymAddSlide("Reality of Realism", "105", "20101202", "Color Drawing", " rich seem unhappy more often than the poorest our towns funny how bling seems sting yet hardship creates softness", "1,5,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("The #1 Devil", "106", "20091116", "Color Drawing", " the college where work has mascot that red devil this was version", "5,7,8,10"); tfymAddSlide("Do Not Bite More Than You Can Chew", "107", "20100507", "Color Drawing", " going both approach sometimes and what see others should often step back judge whether are taking too much", "1,6,11,13,15,22,24"); tfymAddSlide("The I-Generation", "108", "20100202", "Color Drawing", " with the i-pad i-pod i-phone etc how far will people keep piling i-stuff their lives?", "1,5,8,11,13,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Hard Girl Meets Soft Girl", "109", "20110304", "Color Drawing", " showing the contradiction hard technology compared soft curves humans", "5,12,24"); tfymAddSlide("Ready To Join", "110", "20091202", "Color Drawing", " son became more interested joining the army age felt compelled show how was playing out mind", "1,5,11,13,24"); tfymAddSlide("Gather Round", "111", "20101118", "Color Drawing", " adult dragon bring into his fold group child dragons share with them stories advice from its life", "7,10,12,14,16,26"); tfymAddSlide("Whew, Finally!", "112", "20090507", "Color Drawing", " this bird must have really big partner how the heck that sized egg came out her idea but did and now she has baby same size take care poor mamma", "7,13,15"); tfymAddSlide("Tree Of Life", "113", "20090729", "Color Drawing", " with the tree life used science circles would neat see have face", "2,7,14"); tfymAddSlide("Need To Slow Down", "114", "20091130", "Color Drawing", " projects are continually weighing the time have available like this poor turtle trying move along while balancing balls and having frequent alarms banging against his head thing", "7,13,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Octopus Flower", "115", "20090424", "Color Drawing", " dna splicing becoming popular the world they were splice octopus and flower maybe this what results would be?", "2"); tfymAddSlide("Living Abstract", "116", "20100419", "Color Drawing", " landscape objects made from abstract shapes red striped bee thing cliff being smiled the waves bottom right", "2,7,9,10"); tfymAddSlide("Death's Bestfriend?", "117", "20100624", "Color Drawing", " dog man best friend yet dogs also love bones does death get treated with just little more interest from his pet dog?", "5,7,13"); tfymAddSlide("Too Many Munchies", "118", "20090921", "Color Drawing", " trees have many treats for little bugs their branches this one has eaten way blue berries and now contemplates whether just more worth", "2,7,10,12,14,22"); tfymAddSlide("The Meanie", "119", "20100408", "Color Drawing", " elder mouse have gotten over confident and examining the cheese left trap cat not knowing has returned also changed sign read correctly", "1,7,13,19,22"); tfymAddSlide("Baby Glasses", "120", "20101013", "Color Drawing", " babies are always finding and playing with things this was view baby some glasses how would look through the lenses tip: blocks back spell", "1,5,9"); tfymAddSlide("The Perfect Remote", "121", "20091027", "Color Drawing", " watched movie where the actor could make things happen with remote this has would like command", "1,4,13,14,24"); tfymAddSlide("Gibble Dots", "122", "20100721", "Color Drawing", " sometimes nice watch little creatures having fun these are the gibble dots who only exist play around one bottom left does not look happy though", "5,7,10,14,16"); tfymAddSlide("Aladin's Cat", "123", "20100504", "Color Drawing", " while aladdin was out dong stuff his pet cat decided take the carpet for ride", "7,12,14,21"); tfymAddSlide("Little People", "124", "20100430", "Color Drawing", " sandals expose our feet ants bugs and the like here show other things interested toes", "3,5,7,10,12,14"); tfymAddSlide("Refocused", "125", "20100427", "Color Drawing", " often see the bad without noticing good here flame captures gaze eyes while just out focus beautiful flower waiting noticed", "2,4,6,9,24"); tfymAddSlide("Gathering Of Shapes", "126", "20110125", "Black White Drawing", " some work with shapes and how they could interact each other", "9"); tfymAddSlide("A Picture's Worth", "127", "20110112", "Color Drawing", " picture worth thousand words least the old saying goes here monkey experiencing but realizes that really isn real thing", "7,13,22,24"); tfymAddSlide("Middle Aged Karate", "128", "20110106", "Color Drawing", " during one practices realized was silly how sometimes push hard become fitter then later stuff ourselves with bad things", "5,8,13,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Rock Meets Retirement", "185", "20120511", "Color Drawing", " age shouldn matter when you have desires and who want here man his older years still likes rock out", "1,5,13,24"); tfymAddSlide("Leaping Lizard", "186", "20120523", "Color Drawing", " even lizards dolphins and bird check have the desire for adventure this lizard put his space suite then made might leap into only find others already there wonder how they got there?", "7,10,12,13,21"); tfymAddSlide("School Bus Stop", "187", "20120523", "Color Drawing", " children begin playing the game who cool and not pretty early corner bus stop stylish female shows off her clothes form while boy attempts look well", "1,5,11,13,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Best Feline Friend", "188", "20120517", "Color Drawing", " the term bff best friend forever was pretty used when did this one thought that cats might want use same but for their species", "1,7,14,16"); tfymAddSlide("Wannabe Bottle Dancer", "189", "20120516", "Color Drawing", " amazing how often channel into things that fit our body personality here soda bottle tries make dancer but soon realizes wasn made for this type activity", "1,5,8,13,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Clicked While Grooming", "190", "20120524", "Color Drawing", " cats often groom themselves and just had happen that mouse was nearby with camera", "7,13,19"); tfymAddSlide("Star Flower", "191", "20100524", "Color Drawing", " just some odd ideas for plant life from the star flower bird thing being born pod believe those are dragon tailed vines right", "2,9"); tfymAddSlide("Psychically Gifted", "192", "20120517", "Color Drawing", " google being the all knowing resource internet thought was about time that fake psychic used information pretend see into future", "1,4,6,9,13,24"); tfymAddSlide("Which One Does Not Belong?", "193", "20120423", "Color Drawing", " contrast being viewed group creatures which seems replicate how gathering often happen set good people will brought down mean spirited one", "1,5,7,10,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Silly Salamander", "194", "20120426", "Color Drawing", " even salamanders must want dress look good sometimes this one looks like about out the town", "7,10,12"); tfymAddSlide("My Big Buddy", "195", "20100331", "Color Drawing", " remembering old movie about student asking older bigger help protect him this memory caused the same themed doodle", "5,10,12,19"); tfymAddSlide("Earl's New Braces", "196", "20120419", "Color Drawing", " buying braces such hit the wallet and couple years out child life that wondered snakes needed would they cheaper easier because little teeth fangs", "1,7,12,13,24"); tfymAddSlide("Synchronicity", "197", "20120424", "Color Drawing", " the circle life bonds all creatures this was meant represent some them showing their", "7,10,12"); tfymAddSlide("A Day At The Beach", "198", "20120504", "Color Drawing", " unknown creature spends nice day the beach building sand castles going bathing suite would guess boy must chilly though with that scarf wearing", "5,7,10,12,14,20"); tfymAddSlide("Hair Wrap Style", "199", "20120416", "Color Drawing", " have found silly when men like lose their hairline and some them try wrapping long strands around the head hide what natural", "1,6,13,24"); tfymAddSlide("Captain Kudos", "200", "20120516", "Color Drawing", " actually dressed captain kudos one year the college also won best costume contest that made entire like all mine didn look this but name was same", "5,12,13"); tfymAddSlide("Trying To Pull-Up", "201", "20120518", "Color Drawing", " often refer techs this doodle show how all feel weighed down when trying much with little and changes most the time you know what need but are hampered tech funds politics other tasks", "5,8,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Drawing Baby", "202", "20080129", "Color Drawing", " this one favorites searched through some magazines and found picture sleeping baby then thought about the creating drawing itself love see each time view", "1,5,24"); tfymAddSlide("Gitty Up Cowboy", "203", "20080123", "Color Drawing", " reversing roles frequent theme mind this case the horse has flipped work around and shows cowboy just what feels like ridden minus spurs", "5,7,8,13,17,18,19"); tfymAddSlide("Shipping Error", "204", "20071106", "Color Drawing", " kind split panel cartoon this one depicts mix-up the delivery routes astronaut received uses water hose while house owner sees air bubbles coming out guess shuttle filled with too?", "1,5,13,21"); tfymAddSlide("Crocs Day Out", "205", "20071025", "Color Drawing", " often see crocodiles submerged with eyes peeking out the banks about time they are shown having some fun family", "7,13,14,20"); tfymAddSlide("Greedy Hand", "206", "20071020", "Color Drawing", " greed sad see that this came out one day the point wealthy pile things weight poor for basic survival while they enjoy comforts pleasure bling", "1,4,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Figures Posing", "207", "20071015", "Color Drawing", " caricature sheet showing the different positions unknown figure with robotic type looking gizmo for head head?", "5,9"); tfymAddSlide("Leapin Frog", "208", "20071009", "Color Drawing", " this old frog has been around the pond for some time and pretty wise wold though still needs hop leap get things", "5,7,12"); tfymAddSlide("Kangs At The Beach", "209", "20071005", "Color Drawing", " out this picture kang dad and his child the beach enjoying some family moments like how two legs tail form together adult something about lines", "7,14,16,21"); tfymAddSlide("City Of Spiders", "210", "20071002", "Color Drawing", " spider man seems have super powers but ended neighborhood with spiders they wouldn think much his skills even the dog background can all", "5,7,12,13"); tfymAddSlide("Super Hero", "211", "20070926", "Color Drawing", " what can say about this one? believe just wanted write the phrase super hero different formats then added figure round out page don think knows with itself", "1,5,12"); tfymAddSlide("Handy Hair", "212", "20070914", "Color Drawing", " watching people and their styles makes for some interesting thoughts here was seeing thinking about the different hair wanted come with one that had not been used yet", "4,6,12,24"); tfymAddSlide("What Am I?", "213", "20070808", "Color Drawing", " good question for the title guessing own creature would say what water swimming wiggly ear dental needing quad-pod who loves balls?", "5,7,10,12"); tfymAddSlide("Reading Dragon", "214", "20070807", "Color Drawing", " this dragon reader reading book how fly might have the wings but has spent his days doing non-flying things and now trying catch looks like good read though", "5,7,10,14,26"); tfymAddSlide("Cat Eating Fish", "215", "20070705", "Color Drawing", " when hear the word cat fish wonder why they called that might for looks maybe more other reasons this about find out there are skeletons bowl", "1,5,7,10,11,13,19,20,22"); tfymAddSlide("Finger Eyes", "216", "20070703", "Color Drawing", " have many senses with eye sight being very powerful one what could combine touch now that would make for some interesting adventures nature weird flying bug seems more interested the flower than fingers eyes", "2,4,7,9,10,12"); tfymAddSlide("Holding Back Time", "217", "20070701", "Color Drawing", " many people have commented about this one seems are all often weighed down the clock and how time waits for depending your needs you may want faster guy left slower right just burden bottom", "4,5,11,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Castello and Abbot In The Raw", "218", "20070529", "Color Drawing", " nudity sexy but often seems funny when you see from different angles here abbott and castello provide they can work any medium", "5,24"); tfymAddSlide("Loving To Draw", "219", "20070201", "Color Drawing", " more collage parts this one represents artist searching for his next inspiration traveling the unknown paths mind hopefully with lots and paper", "4,5,7,9,12,14,21,24"); tfymAddSlide("Penguin Pond", "220", "20061105", "Color Drawing", " love how this one turned out just two penguin children having blast the iced over pond curious fox hides background", "5,7,8,14,20"); tfymAddSlide("Armadillos With Armor", "221", "20061103", "Color Drawing", " armadillos being covered armor just seems make sense since they really have their own type need more style coverings", "2,7,12"); tfymAddSlide("Dragon Dentist", "222", "20061101", "Color Drawing", " dentistry never seemed dangerous though the dragon causing bubbles come out his nose how bad can really be?", "4,5,6,7,10,12,13,14,26"); tfymAddSlide("Playtime", "223", "20061001", "Color Drawing", " playing probably why many children have much fun and adults seem get stuck serious things older people view with rockets airplanes child game but lost the knowledge that makes you happy what pretend for", "5,12,14"); tfymAddSlide("Being Cool", "224", "20120525", "Color Drawing", " you walk watch people around notice lot them try and cool the expense being comfortable sincere this guy thinks with logo his shirt even girl caught trademark symbol rather person underneath", "1,5,7,11,13,24"); tfymAddSlide("Balancing Conditioning", "225", "20120529", "Color Drawing", " legs gymnasts are toned wanted push the fact little further than reality kind sumo wrestler level strength this one", "5,8,24"); tfymAddSlide("Hey There", "226", "20120530", "Color Drawing", " out nowhere this thing just wanted pop and say must not have good dental workers where lives", "6,15"); tfymAddSlide("Protecting Palm", "227", "20120611", "Color Drawing", " creature sits the comfort human hosts hand feeling warm and secure falling into deep sleep", "4,7,10,14,16"); tfymAddSlide("Farmer Pig", "228", "20120612", "Color Drawing", " pigs are often part farm life about time they get one the masters fields", "2,5,7,12,18,22,24"); tfymAddSlide("Muscle Man", "229", "20120618", "Color Drawing", " you see these very large whey packages vitamin stores guess impress how big will get just taking this senior citizen decides try out", "1,5,8,13,24"); tfymAddSlide("Bat Hybrid", "230", "20120614", "Color Drawing", " interesting that didn put any back legs this flying creature some kind vines are enjoy lift well must pretty small thing else really big sunflower the background", "2,7,10,12"); tfymAddSlide("Folding Flower", "231", "20120619", "Color Drawing", " nature shows they sometimes show exotic flowers that can catch bugs attract certain types bees this make-up flower fold itself close when doesn like the company", "2,7,12"); tfymAddSlide("Meditating Man", "232", "20120621", "Color Drawing", " buddha statues often show him sitting long that snails rest upon his head this the same type thing where meditator staying still ball yarn has grown and around yarn? growing? hmmm", "5,8,14,15"); tfymAddSlide("Your Going To Do What?", "233", "20120621", "Color Drawing", " when you look the human hand and its fingers almost seems like spider end our arms this then made frog going have part", "7,13,19,24"); tfymAddSlide("Born To Be A Clown", "234", "20120702", "Color Drawing", " science often says that are born with certain pre-determined personality traits here adult may forced live work within society place rules but finds time just let loose and his true self", "5,13,14"); tfymAddSlide("Roller Blading Dragon", "235", "20120709", "Color Drawing", " roller blading cool dragons are this combining the two things makes doubly cool?", "5,7,8,10,14,26"); tfymAddSlide("Stopping On A Dime", "236", "20120711", "Color Drawing", " driver training they tell students that must stop dime sometimes avoid accident well this person shows can without the car", "5,12,24"); tfymAddSlide("Stretch!", "237", "20120712", "Color Drawing", " sports seem provide many pictures funny scenes this coach encouraging his student stretch even further think they are breed reptile", "5,7,8,10,15"); tfymAddSlide("A Good Haul", "238", "20121026", "Color Drawing", " did this one just before halloween many kids being happy about getting candy that imagined myself out there and bag full the sweets well with friend think was meant represent wife diana", "1,5,14,16,22"); tfymAddSlide("Born To Use", "239", "20121025", "Color Drawing", " places where people use and without any regard for how they are using the resources this one shows guy drinking from can that being fed poor frog nature", "1,5,11,13,22,24"); tfymAddSlide("Bird Of A Feather", "240", "20121018", "Color Drawing", " this guy thinks decorating himself with feathers from bird the best way honor nature group right has different thoughts about type thinking", "1,5,7,11,13,19,24"); tfymAddSlide("Societies Influence", "241", "20121012", "Color Drawing", " even though all have type inner desires society seems frequently influence and how act feel respond", "6,15,20,24"); tfymAddSlide("YOLO", "242", "20121009", "Color Drawing", " one the catch phrases being heard lot was yolo you only live once this shows silliness when someone does die from doing too many bad things like energy drinks and ends becoming yodo", "6,13,23,24"); tfymAddSlide("A Slice Of Life", "243", "20121017", "Color Drawing", " ewwww each time revisit this piece though meant little funny the slicing fingers along with carrot may have been too much still smiling though!", "1,5,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("May Day", "244", "20121005", "Color Drawing", " the continual habits that define how are not single day being good bad here girl with fat decides order lot and lots extra eat little however they both were opposite for months need learn better more permanently", "1,5,11,13,22,24"); tfymAddSlide("Ohoy Matey", "245", "20120928", "Color Drawing", " smile each time see this one love how turned out sea captain his floaty dingy trying like pirate but really just nice guy", "5,12,13,14,20,23"); tfymAddSlide("Complete Freedom", "246", "20120927", "Color Drawing", " during moments stress large tasks too much many things think about this how imagine being peace strings responsibilities just free", "5,12,14,21"); tfymAddSlide("About That", "247", "20120921", "Color Drawing", " fly sticks its tongue out the giant frog was just sitting there meaning mean anything but now that doing having seconds thoughts about being nice", "2,7,13,19"); tfymAddSlide("World Peace", "248", "20120919", "Color Drawing", " mom had died exactly months before this doodle believe was way remembering all the people lose ourselves are lost", "1,5,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Not Anime", "249", "20120912", "Color Drawing", " one kids was really into anime decided try type drawing but when done knew not and titled clear about being", "5,7,12,21"); tfymAddSlide("FDA Approved", "250", "20120911", "Color Drawing", " nutrient labels most food packages shows sooo many bad things here bird with the same additives being offered healthy natural don take little birdy!", "1,2,7,13,22,24"); tfymAddSlide("A Furry Something", "251", "20120910", "Color Drawing", " not much this beyond making some creature with lot fur doesn look very happy though", "7,10"); tfymAddSlide("Wanna Buy Some Eggs?", "252", "20120816", "Color Drawing", " own chickens and you can hear them cackling lot when they let out the eggs then use thought about how little work for created egg dealer selling goods from hard working layer background", "1,7,13,18,22"); tfymAddSlide("Bling Bling", "253", "20120820", "Color Drawing", " bling expensive shiny things are sold almost every store people seem think that you buy put automatically become pretty marketers glad get the populace believe this", "1,5,13,24"); tfymAddSlide("Buddies", "254", "20120823", "Color Drawing", " two buggies out enjoying bike ride just the day moment don believe they are human but who cares having fun", "5,8,16"); tfymAddSlide("Farmer John Says Hi", "255", "20120823", "Color Drawing", " trying different designs for mouth eyes the end results looked like farmer and added hat straw appears john", "6,17,18"); tfymAddSlide("Look Who's Coming To Dinner", "256", "20120828", "Color Drawing", " couple mice have captured the baby kitten and are preparing kitty for dinner but background one adults has showed will show them otherwise", "1,7,13,15,19,22"); tfymAddSlide("Who Has Time To Stop?", "257", "20120829", "Color Drawing", " see co-workers students always rushing not taking time for breaks lunch themselves this bunny wants everything fast that even carries toilet paper and along", "1,7,8,13,24"); tfymAddSlide("Lizard Sheriff", "258", "20120809", "Color Drawing", " don know would every want get caught this lizard sheriff actually looks pretty serious about his position", "7,17"); tfymAddSlide("Ballon Cheeks", "259", "20120808", "Color Drawing", " musicians the horn blowing field bring their cheeks full size push lot air once this seems like large balloons mouth here one them notices same thing balloon with scarf floats", "6,13,24"); tfymAddSlide("Dual Wings", "260", "20120807", "Color Drawing", " double wings should better than one plus having set like bat and bird give that extra ability for night day flying", "7,10"); tfymAddSlide("Fencing Bee", "261", "20120806", "Color Drawing", " really like how this turned out bees have stingers which actually are used seem swords why not that fencing?", "7,8"); tfymAddSlide("Hand Tools", "262", "20120816", "Color Drawing", " doing things perspective fun see how you can think views here turn hand into objects and then slice out some get inside the water show motion affected shapes", "9,20"); tfymAddSlide("The handshake", "264", "20030701", "Black White Drawing", " all the hands have drawn this one makes feel like got right point that when handshake someone how really about them happy sad who cares?", "4,6,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Three indians", "265", "20030806", "Black White Drawing", " life have thought many times how non-native americans stole the land resources from those here before though weak tribute this was attempt show appreciation for them", "6,17,24"); tfymAddSlide("Reaching For Destiny", "266", "20050103", "Color Drawing", " move along life continually have decisions who are approach things with hope love take the opposite approach?", "1,4,11,15,16,21,24"); tfymAddSlide("Portraits", "267", "20001116", "Black White Drawing", " though dislike drawing real things actual people did few times see how they would come out then cut those pictures and made them into collage course had add some fictional creatures for good measure", "5,6"); tfymAddSlide("Choosing A Face", "268", "20030723", "Black White Drawing", " when wake the morning walk into room with people can choose what face will put", "6,24"); tfymAddSlide("Dad's Little Boy", "269", "20030715", "Black White Drawing", " inside ahhh each time re-see this one kids are special they grew and out heart sank feel sad about the loss but glad least had them for reminds those moments with playing wrestling floor tickling bed bug etc", "7,14,16"); tfymAddSlide("Desk Of Perspectives", "270", "20050127", "Color Drawing", " some perspectives objects sitting desk from little mouse finding tasty cheese snake that looks flat parts", "7,9,12"); tfymAddSlide("The Old King", "271", "20030101", "Color Drawing", " this king probably descended from some ancient alien species going his green skin and funky ears", "6,12"); tfymAddSlide("Native Brothers", "272", "20030630", "Color Drawing", " showing how native americans feel connected the earth living things and each other two are sharing water life", "6,9,12,17,20"); tfymAddSlide("Walking On The Same Path", "273", "20050118", "Color Drawing", " our steps through each day come price the things use even sidewalks foundations build walk more comfortably rarely recognized that all living share same space and isn just for human", "2,3,7,9,11"); tfymAddSlide("Who Is Wuscular?", "274", "20030105", "Color Drawing", " was going write book about character named wuscular wrote draft version one but never finished making final copy these are different ideas for how could look", "1,7,10"); tfymAddSlide("Baby Wrapped Up", "275", "20050113", "Color Drawing", " protecting babies are parents job until they can fend for themselves this represents how the mother and father secure comfort newborn connection between two with hearts shows their love each other multi-colors skin show all different races same trivia: picture originally showed spikey tacks around baby well dangers but removed them before colorizing didn like distracted from", "1,5,9,11,14,16"); tfymAddSlide("Fish From The Bronx", "276", "20030730", "Black White Drawing", " here group fish purchased bronx pet store show the same toughness personality native residents they are ready take any other gang who might try infiltrate johnny room love how have starfish holding throwing star trivia: looks like originally titled bottom right aquarium", "1,7,10,12,13,20"); tfymAddSlide("Face Made Of Faces", "277", "20030709", "Black White Drawing", " the reflection someone eye you can see what they are looking here take that and turn back into then keep turning faces made", "6,24"); tfymAddSlide("Breaking Through The Emotions", "278", "20050104", "Color Drawing", " emotions are such powerful force our lives this represents breaking through the walls that scars often build actions like baby emerging from egg shell", "4,6,9,11,20,24"); tfymAddSlide("To See Warmth", "300", "20080000", "Painting", " giant space creature sits planet and warms itself against the sun though fireplace trivia: this was first real attempt full sized painting", "5,12,14,21,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Lost In The Water", "301", "20080000", "Painting", " flowers have feelings too been proven scientific experiments this shows live flower right mourning for its partner who broke off and floating the water", "2,16,20,25"); tfymAddSlide("Baby Elephant", "302", "20080000", "Painting", " bushes hide and secure new born elephant from predators the parents off finding food for newborn knowing spikes bush will keep safe", "7,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("Two Sides", "303", "20080000", "Painting", " said everyone has good bad side and that all have the capability for doing right wrong this shows normal public facing face left its hidden private trivia: modeled from own", "6,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Eye In The Horizon", "304", "20080000", "Painting", " far beyond the visual horizon unknown thing peers back through void with its bright red eye", "9,0,25"); tfymAddSlide("Bottles", "305", "20080000", "Painting", " one the few paintings did actual objects just some bottles sitting table that covered with sheet", "22,25"); tfymAddSlide("Rose Admiring Itself", "306", "20080000", "Painting", " here rose stands admiring itself the reflection fish bowl being fed water falls and filled with little fishes small crash has been exposed one escaped into new formed pond bottom right", "2,9,14,16,25"); tfymAddSlide("To Grab Nature", "307", "20080000", "Painting", " nature and humans often separate themselves with clothes buildings other unnatural walls here person allows their hand enveloped actual feel for the first time", "2,4,12,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("Portrait In The Mirror", "308", "20080000", "Painting", " rarely draw paint real things but this looking myself the mirror once done though looks like melting and brother face have often heard that painting neck without shoulders makes seem head floating not intent cool observation", "6,20,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Quick Flowers", "309", "20080000", "Painting", " abstract version some made flowers", "2,25"); tfymAddSlide("Baby Moon", "310", "20080000", "Painting", " the first and only time copied another person art was assignment class had like how turned out appreciate original artist concept trivia: when painting concentrating shapes colors didn understand why child such big lower torso but finished realized rock", "2,5,14,20,25"); tfymAddSlide("Seal Sanctuary", "311", "20080000", "Painting", " modeled from scuba divers photo like how this turned out style had never tried before mostly done with splotches dots tip: there are seals the pictures", "2,7,14,20,25"); tfymAddSlide("Time To Relax", "312", "20080000", "Painting", " along hillside this creature basking the warm glow sun while butterflies flip about and one stops its toe for snooze", "5,14,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Tilted Vase", "313", "20080000", "Painting", " purposefully turned the canvas degrees see how would effect picture interesting starting corner instead sides looks though fictional was looking jar with flowers for basis", "2,25"); tfymAddSlide("Gathering Of Fruit", "314", "20080000", "Painting", " instructor placed some fake fruit bottles and other things table asked make picture this was view", "2,22,25"); tfymAddSlide("Sight Light", "315", "20080000", "Painting", " face masks hanging walls seem have their own personality life thought about one them wanting see and placed light behind actual wooden mask the lights come out eyeball sockets used real baby power for most paint base", "6,9,12,25"); tfymAddSlide("Raggedy Ann and Andy", "316", "20080000", "Painting", " wife loves and owns raggedy ann andy dolls this was placing them chair positioning about holds hands", "5,16,25"); tfymAddSlide("Balancing Act", "317", "20080000", "Painting", " balancing our lives emotions all the things that make who are frequent subject mind art here unclassified person sitting watching sunset while balanced chair being held balloons balloon floating away right shows becomes more difficult times", "5,9,12,14,20,21,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Charib Protection", "318", "20080000", "Painting", " baby dragon emerging from its egg find group charibs keep watch and protection over birth into the world", "2,5,7,10,12,14,16,25,26"); tfymAddSlide("Inside Out Pregnancy", "319", "20080000", "Painting", " inside pregnant mother torso this view how envision must look peering out trivia: folded the canvas into shape and painted that way then unfolded see final piece", "5,9,14,15,16,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Book Of Nature", "320", "20080000", "Painting", " french fries these are not which many people see first this book about nature that has been floating the water long itself growing out", "2,9,20,22,25"); tfymAddSlide("Look Outside", "321", "20080000", "Painting", " darkness comes all life challenges continually push our here flower feeling gloomy during dark moments stretches and seeks find happier places", "2,9,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Beach", "322", "20080000", "Painting", " two seashells sit beach alongside the oceans currents trivia: consider this one most boring pictures morals story just couple objects yawn", "14,20,25"); tfymAddSlide("Lovers Loss", "323", "20080000", "Painting", " some are lucky enough find bond with another that deep survives even the death one here two lovers continue meet spirit while their bodies can longer touch", "5,9,12,14,15,16,21,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Violin Duet", "324", "20080000", "Painting", " swirling among the waves music pair violins create duet song with single strand trivia: used honey instead water force paintbrush paint act differently", "9,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Clint", "325", "20080000", "Painting", " probably about spit this homage clint eastwood and his powerful characters shows him role the outlaw josey wales trivia: used baby oil instead water mix with paint for background copyrighted warner brothers", "5,6,17,19,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Samurai Standoff", "326", "20080000", "Painting", " facing off for dynamic battle two samurai warriors draw their swords embark horror while the midst beauty", "2,5,8,11,15,16,19,25"); tfymAddSlide("Playing With Drops", "327", "20080000", "Painting", " good just let and enjoy yourself the moments when possible some red creatures play with falling raindrops while ice skating suspended spheres trivia: missed hair conditioner paint", "5,9,10,12,13,14,16,20,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Pressed Against The Glass", "328", "20080000", "Painting", " playing with perspective girl presses against the canvas some people see sky town background others wall trivia: asked daughter sit floor pressing herself pane glass model for this", "3,4,5,6,15,21,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Comfort Between Parents", "329", "20080000", "Painting", " mother and father bird sit watch comfort new born who eyes the world with curiosity apprehension while keeping warm between its caring parents trivia: tape canvas upside down shower used body sponge produce background", "2,7,14,15,16,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("You Ready?", "330", "20080000", "Painting", " horizon and ship create the backdrop for this pirate who looking back you his crew seeing are ready take over passing goals piece was tension rope tilting", "4,5,6,15,19,20,23,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Just Ellen (Degeneres)", "331", "20080000", "Painting", " compliment ellen degeneres kindness others created this impression her coming out one shows along with the show curtains copyrighted", "6,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Holding Onto Love", "332", "20080000", "Painting", " heart full love floating over potential suitors the current partner holds heat moment and competition flames side trivia: window door showing blue skys meant represent brighter moments locations", "2,9,14,16,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Painter", "333", "20080000", "Painting", " painting scene this painter shows his hand and paints along with the mind creation tree hillside", "2,4,9,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("Hidden On The Rock", "334", "20080000", "Painting", " after lying rock for years this object becomes part the and plant life grows over trivia: most people see shape seconds some first spider while others actual which human body wearing bermuda shorts its arm draped face holding flower", "2,5,9,20,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("A Bee", "335", "20080000", "Painting", " flower and bee once again come together for the daily ritual sharing trivia: forced myself hold paintbrushes tip handles cause brush marks act differently than intended", "2,7,14,22,25"); tfymAddSlide("Wild Thing", "336", "20080000", "Painting", " the eyes often show tell more about something than face body this wild thing caring creature though seen full view most would consider monster", "6,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Sleeping Fish", "337", "20080000", "Painting", " old fish slumbers for long time the bed ocean his natural coat scales conforming look surrounding seafloor hide while snoozes", "2,7,10,20,25"); tfymAddSlide("Pointing To Perspective", "338", "20080000", "Painting", " pulling down the horizon was goal this piece invisible arms reaches into texture background and pulls shapes causing green paint flow", "4,9,20,25"); tfymAddSlide("Baby's Bath", "339", "20080000", "Painting", " surrounded the wild savanna baby elephant enjoys bath while momma watches caringly over experience", "7,14,16,20,25"); tfymAddSlide("Playful Landscape", "340", "20080000", "Painting", " wanted represent city skyline the distance with some fun abstract shapes enjoying night their own while humans slept light bulb pouring out soothing blue liquid really love how glass surrounding transparent over", "9,12,20,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Ballet Dancers", "341", "20080000", "Painting", " often said that some people are born with natural skills this shows dancer who reaches the top her form dna enforces desires", "5,8,14,16,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Chair's Visitor", "342", "20080000", "Painting", " attempting use the contrast black and white set footprints come from left only off right finally back top there leave coat hat then disappear without any leaving prints", "3,9,25"); tfymAddSlide("Watching The Shark", "343", "20080000", "Painting", " dorsal fins sharks shear the water surface they search food oceans here view that top ocean while also showing underneath and which causes fin move", "2,7,20,25"); tfymAddSlide("Gnome Love At Dusk", "344", "20080000", "Painting", " wife diana asked for paint gnome here created male and female set gnomes enjoying the safety beauty nearby plants cuddling through both their hats eyes", "2,5,6,12,13,14,16,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Three Flowers", "345", "20080000", "Painting", " sun and flower share many common traits from beauty light colors here show trio flowers growing out the universe while their cousin shares process trivia: this painting longer exists wanted better view painted over with newer version same title updated", "2,12,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Three Flowers - updated", "346", "20080000", "Painting", " sun and flower share many common traits from beauty light colors here show trio flowers growing out the universe while their cousin shares process artist hand mine emerges middle help creation trivia: this painting updated version painted over top another that longer exists wanted better view with newer older same title", "2,4,12,25"); tfymAddSlide("Unicorn", "347", "20130113", "Painting", " this unicorn stands gray clouds while pointing towards something the distance", "7,10,12,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Wild Hairdo", "348", "20001205", "Black White Drawing", " some creature holds object each hand sporting flaming hairdo", "5,10,12,21"); tfymAddSlide("Hand Gesture 1", "349", "20000921", "Black White Drawing", " practicing angles and hand parts this left", "4"); tfymAddSlide("Self Portrait", "350", "20000920", "Black White Drawing", " during art class our instructor asked self portrait look pretty non-emotional the eyes almost angry must have been bad day", "6"); tfymAddSlide("Dragon and Unicorn", "351", "19990101", "Color Drawing", " dragon and unicorn enjoy slumber together looks like originally titled this the two make one going note bottom", "7,10,12,14,16,26"); tfymAddSlide("Sleeping Dog Man", "352", "19921103", "Color Drawing", " combining dog and man weredog? this combined species sleeps tree limb next bat nest with baby bird", "5,7,10,12,14"); tfymAddSlide("Night Sitting", "353", "20041014", "Color Drawing", " after long day the battlefield this knight takes well deserved rest from hack and slash dragon body covers his chest while hand occupies shield", "5"); tfymAddSlide("Happy Gathering", "354", "20051104", "Color Drawing", " gathering together just share some time space group creatures smiles each other the smaller bat sub-species dorkus flightus flying dork", "7,10,12,14,16"); tfymAddSlide("Happy Gathering 2", "355", "20050818", "Color Drawing", " all levels things encounter others here gathering spider centipede beetle and other small come together this leaf twig spiked ball fruit", "7,10,12,14,16"); tfymAddSlide("Water Travels", "356", "20051005", "Color Drawing", " showing how feel water would act when being and coming out through things cup mug plates straw spoons help effect the", "9,20,22"); tfymAddSlide("LCC Red Devil", "357", "20050830", "Color Drawing", " currently work lower columbia college and their mascot the red devil this idea for how could look trivia: letters lcc make trident tips", "1,5,8,12"); tfymAddSlide("Snake Loves Flower", "358", "20050930", "Color Drawing", " even snakes love things snake finds fluffy flower and falls with the colors shape feel horns not bothering its tough scales", "2,7,9,12,16"); tfymAddSlide("Emotional Safe Room", "359", "20050620", "Color Drawing", " negative influences bombard daily from all directions inside our thoughts can build walls locks and other barriers between sensitive core these nasty objects", "5,7,9,16"); tfymAddSlide("Creature Climbing Up", "360", "19940704", "Black White Drawing", " creature climbing rocky cliff was the inspiration for this one looks part dragon dog and mix some other yet discovered things", "7,10"); tfymAddSlide("Praying Hands", "361", "20001010", "Black White Drawing", " replicating picture made someone else two hands come together pray for some personal request answer", "4"); tfymAddSlide("Dragon's Letter", "362", "20050628", "Color Drawing", " brother dragon writes letter his sister about the humans who visit cave and are annoying dragons also keep reading like how fly proper eating habits", "1,4,7,10,12,26"); tfymAddSlide("Flying Super Dog", "363", "20050621", "Color Drawing", " faster than can opener able pee any fire hydrant this super dog comes with matching speedo and cape", "5,7,12,21"); tfymAddSlide("Fast Food Fun", "364", "20050901", "Color Drawing", " bringing together different fast food place foods envisioned them getting away from all and spending day the beach", "5,9,13,14,22"); tfymAddSlide("Advertising The Brain", "365", "20050920", "Color Drawing", " waves electrons are constantly bombarding our brains from radio wireless microwave and many other forms influence here can see the thoughts being implanted directly into heads would probably scare could actually quantity things", "1,6,9,11,21,24"); tfymAddSlide("Creature Meets Moth", "366", "20050905", "Color Drawing", " moth with sunglasses meets creature flower looking head who drinks hot cocoa the morning", "7,10,12,15,22"); tfymAddSlide("The Wise Old Creature", "367", "20050726", "Color Drawing", " suspended foreign plant limb this ageless creature stares back you with eyes filled stories made through the eons", "2,5,7,10,12,21"); tfymAddSlide("Mr. Cool", "368", "20050810", "Black White Drawing", " see people often trying act look cool appease others here random person makes hand gestures and facial expressions impress someone watching", "1,4,5,13"); tfymAddSlide("Surfer Shark", "369", "20050816", "Color Drawing", " surfers and sharks are common partners the waves this shark decides finally enjoy what humans his domain surfboard bermuda shorts make moment priceless", "5,7,8,13,14,20"); tfymAddSlide("Teaching To Fly", "370", "19940700", "Color Drawing", " set parents begin teach their newborn how fly love for each other shown the electricity flowing between tails", "7,10,12,14,16,21"); tfymAddSlide("Hand Gesture 2", "371", "20000920", "Black White Drawing", " gaining perspective the human hand did this left", "4"); tfymAddSlide("Figures Of Folly", "372", "20001114", "Black White Drawing", " during one sessions martial arts thought about the different poses and movements trainee goes through combined with silliness these are some ideas for caught motion", "5"); tfymAddSlide("Model Perspective 1", "373", "20001128", "Black White Drawing", " art class had the pleasure nude model was really interesting special able draw natural human body and not one built for modeling most are thank you his courage time", "5"); tfymAddSlide("Stone Cold Focus", "374", "19920123", "Black White Drawing", " remorse for this warrior thing its actions are done with solid purpose emotions regrets does that simple", "5,6,7,10,12,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Sailor's Pipe", "375", "20001116", "Black White Drawing", " art instructor asked replicate another artist piece this was impression the chose can find remember original you know would love add description", "6,8,14,20,24"); tfymAddSlide("Dragon's Toy", "376", "20050802", "Color Drawing", " the clouds young dragon plays with human fighter jet that was flying hope pilot already ejected", "7,12,21,26"); tfymAddSlide("Looking Down On Lap", "377", "20001024", "Black White Drawing", " looking down own lap while sitting chair not something would usually think doing but the angle neat", "3,5,24"); tfymAddSlide("Hand Gesture 3", "378", "20001024", "Black White Drawing", " the artist left arm mine stretched out interesting how perspective fingers causes them shortened", "4"); tfymAddSlide("3D Shapes Collide", "379", "19920205", "Color Drawing", " some shapes thought they would come out brain and occupy the same space meant see how interact collide with each other", "9"); tfymAddSlide("Creature Touching Butterfly", "380", "19921029", "Black White Drawing", " creature from some far away forest come contact with and excited find butterfly old play the phrase beauty beast believe this one turned out looking like cut", "5,7,10,12,14,16"); tfymAddSlide("Model Perspective 2", "381", "20001129", "Black White Drawing", " fellow art student laid table for our class and gave the honor drawing her body learn about angles shapes created", "5"); tfymAddSlide("Rendition Of Mona Lisa", "382", "20010422", "Black White Drawing", " the mona lisa mentioned often world art that figured should draw least once see how felt produce such image maybe percent good original?", "5,6,25"); tfymAddSlide("Rendition Of Little Indian Girl", "383", "20000928", "Black White Drawing", " replicating piece called little indian girl like the way eyes stare back you", "6,25"); tfymAddSlide("Spider Of Dots", "384", "20060500", "Black White Drawing", " creating spider with only dots and shadows including the baby spiders attempt create object without actually drawing its outline", "7,9"); tfymAddSlide("Jumping On Trampoline", "385", "20060516", "Black White Drawing", " trampolines are much fun for any age here child with adult coat jump high that bird surprised the human air dog looking and wondering when its master will return", "5,8,13,14"); tfymAddSlide("Fairies In Sight", "386", "20041208", "Color Drawing", " couple fairies are playing some roses while human gets close for better inspection the wing patterns", "2,5,6,10,12,14"); tfymAddSlide("Parts Exploring", "387", "20050000", "Color Drawing", " using parts create beings these are two exploring their world springs balls honeycombs and leafy things make bodies", "5,9,12,14,24"); tfymAddSlide("Mother Protecting Eggs", "388", "20041105", "Color Drawing", " hungry snake has already broken and eaten two babies just the mother discovers protects her remaining baby egg which crying loss webbed bunny watches picture unfold", "3,7,9,10,12,19,22"); tfymAddSlide("Happy Elf At Christmas", "389", "20041211", "Color Drawing", " most christmas movies books show the elves having good time building toys for children this elf one happy team just finished toy truck some special list kid", "5,12,14"); tfymAddSlide("Cowboy Sees Dragon", "390", "20050000", "Color Drawing", " another author was asking for picture showing two cowboys discovering dragon this idea the scene", "5,7,10,12,15,17,21,26"); tfymAddSlide("Cat Flys Biplane", "391", "20060600", "Black White Drawing", " bi-plane flown combat cat makes its way over the city", "7,12,13,14,21"); tfymAddSlide("Squirrel Loves Nut", "392", "20060500", "Black White Drawing", " high tree away from the competition squirrel falls asleep with large nut found", "7,14,16,22"); tfymAddSlide("Super Hero Jet Pack", "393", "20030314", "Black White Drawing", " super heroes often fly the sky with cape and their own abilities this hero however using technology aid his skills", "5,12,14,21"); tfymAddSlide("Three Serpents Combine", "394", "19940700", "Color Drawing", " after seeing some famous artist merging similar shapes creatures across the page and interacting wanted same these three serpents merge under over each other", "7,9,10,12"); tfymAddSlide("Dragon Idea 1", "395", "19970120", "Black White Drawing", " dragon idea see how the parts could look and wings presented", "7,10,12,26"); tfymAddSlide("Shark With Mermaid", "396", "20080000", "Painting", " mermaid and shark inhabit the oceans together little sea crab comes from bottom right with sunken ship resting ocean floor behind", "5,7,9,10,14,20"); tfymAddSlide("Ooga Booga Caveman", "397", "20050121", "Color Drawing", " cavemen had many threats their lives with only naked bodies and spears protect against being eaten here caveman starts fall asleep dragon lizard waits anticipation trivia: noticed the cave drawings rocks?", "5,7,10,15"); tfymAddSlide("Mother Dragon and Babies", "398", "20051026", "Color Drawing", " mother dragon goes stroll with her two baby dragons the youngest reaching for hug", "7,10,12,14,16,26"); tfymAddSlide("3D Shapes Interact", "399", "200800", "Black White Drawing", " playing around with some shapes and how they could effect each other not only space but weight balance going this the dragon weighs same egg that dolphin nose awfully strong", "5,7,9,10,12"); tfymAddSlide("Work Landscape With Egg", "400", "20080000", "Painting", " started work lower columbia college sep 1997 this shows view one the buildings from central quad admissions with fictional egg thrown", "2,25"); tfymAddSlide("Lake Sacajawea", "401", "20080000", "Painting", " since 1994 family has lived longview this lake sacajawea the middle town where one water fountains come out", "2,25"); tfymAddSlide("Flowers Receive Visitor", "402", "20080000", "Painting", " glass jar and flowers were placed table art class where asked paint our impression added flying creature some other things liven the scene", "2,7,9,10,12,20,22,25"); tfymAddSlide("Woof Goes The Rat", "403", "20130000", "Color Drawing", " cats usually have the upper hand mice and rats this rat has fashioned dog mask playing going woof through speaker good enough scare cat away", "1,7,13,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Solitude", "404", "20130716", "Color Drawing", " during hectic times life there are moments where felt being alone would nice refresh batteries this how think face looks when have those", "1,6,14,24"); tfymAddSlide("Freedone", "405", "20130702", "Color Drawing", " freedom such great thing and when you have complete for yourself one felt freedone would word freed", "1,4,5,10,14,24"); tfymAddSlide("The Deceiver", "406", "20130723", "Color Drawing", " false faces actions are common society people pretending things while really thinking other thoughts here devilish creature place finger that looks like cute little birdy the shoulder guy just met new friend meanwhile uses hand strike", "1,4,5,7,10,11,12,15"); tfymAddSlide("Gargantuam Eye", "407", "20130627", "Color Drawing", " large creatures are cool see movies wanted create similar scene and this one with head but eye where the belly normally", "3,5,10,12,13,15"); tfymAddSlide("A Good Day", "408", "20130711", "Color Drawing", " two monkeys find giant banana and felt that this really good day their situation", "1,7,13,14,16,22"); tfymAddSlide("Be Who You Are", "409", "20130716", "Color Drawing", " peer pressure causes many change who they are how act here wanted show that you should what want just let the walls down and dress polka dotted bikini wings webbed feet", "1,2,5,7,10,12,14"); tfymAddSlide("Decisions: Who Will You Be?", "410", "20130717", "Color Drawing", " each day live make decision how will act the worlds with other people species imagined person would wake and see choice being greed lazy one hanger while humble fit caring", "1,5,9,11,13,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Be A Mentor", "411", "20130718", "Color Drawing", " howling the moon taught young wolf who looks happy his parent", "1,7,10,11,14,16,21"); tfymAddSlide("Robot Chicken Gets Married", "412", "20130711", "Color Drawing", " watched show that had robot chicken and thought would funny married computer believe young bird the tree thinks gangsta wannabe", "1,7,9,10,12,13,14,16"); tfymAddSlide("Dragon Fun", "413", "20130701", "Color Drawing", " this probably favorite doodle piece since love dragons making them and also try approach life through free child like mode came out the dorky one back has wings needs bike with middle pretty normal except for tiny chunky front either but uses rocket fly", "1,7,10,12,13,14,16,21,26"); tfymAddSlide("Mini-Vision Quest", "414", "20130823", "Painting", " vision quests have been described people for eons tried own mini one going into the garage drinking pack beer usually don drink putting goggles painted black could not see and then painting blinded pane glass took upstairs room light center camera flash top right showed picture love how happened looks like glowing hand coming down some faces staring that", "6,9,12,20,21,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Teamwork", "415", "20130725", "Color Drawing", " believe strongly teamwork and many people can use each others strengths produce something amazing here group animals rely other help falling bird trivia: the team called animal rescue spells out art", "1,7,10,11,13,15,16,21"); tfymAddSlide("S Is For Serenity", "416", "20130820", "Color Drawing", " being peace with oneself nice serenity find this guy definitely the mode trivia: his body forms shape", "1,2,5,9,14,24"); tfymAddSlide("Cat vs. Spider", "417", "20130821", "Color Drawing", " sneaking spider this cat thinks going surprise the little thing but poisonous turns around and lets know that has picked wrong target", "7,13,15,19,22"); tfymAddSlide("We Are One", "418", "2013827", "Color Drawing", " from birth through death all humans share the same life force often labels distances cause people think they are different other group here string moves swirling masses and how pool trivia: image also creates question mark treat each", "1,5,9,11,20,24"); tfymAddSlide("My Friend The Fish", "419", "20130903", "Color Drawing", " water and land based species often have hard time being friends here human find fish friend", "5,13,14,24"); tfymAddSlide("Hang Loose While Tight", "420", "20130829", "Color Drawing", " the confines work and hardships life often get wound tight about stresses this character crunched between borders page but makes his situation fun one anyway", "5,6,7,14,16,20"); tfymAddSlide("Book Worm's Bodyguard", "421", "20120510", "Color Drawing", " the famous bookworm little one with book back has tough muscled worm protect him against much larger bird knows birds are for eating worms", "7,11,13,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("See Me For Who, Not What I Am", "422", "20120712", "Color Drawing", " with piercings clothes locations skin color titles status and the many other things that define your place this world not who you are awkward looking guy just wants find out inside outside", "5,7,11"); tfymAddSlide("Watch Out", "423", "20130108", "Color Drawing", " there are many things that can come heading our way from bad news natural disasters the nasty practices people who approach life through dog eat mentality this hand using eye see behind around over obstacles what coming", "1,4,9,24"); tfymAddSlide("Cat Posing", "424", "20130109", "Color Drawing", " cats often lick their fur look best this feline has taken step further and followed the human desire sexy when posing", "5,7"); tfymAddSlide("Better Butterflies", "425", "20121119", "Color Drawing", " drew this 2012 and write description the beginning 2016 tech influences additions surrounds has gotten even worse infiltrated more our lives than imagined four years ago here butterfly upgraded his wings techie thinking makes him cool but natural winged girl butterflies thinks just silly", "1,7,9,11,12,13"); tfymAddSlide("Hello! From The Other Side", "426", "20121220", "Color Drawing", " there are alien theorists books shows movies all trying give their thoughts what other intelligent life might beyond our earth this just happy say and has agendas but friendly", "1,5,10,21"); tfymAddSlide("Winner of The Best Outlook On Life", "427", "20121217", "Color Drawing", " bad things are bound happen all from stressful days work deaths debt and unlimited amount ills however can choose how react when have choice this guy freezing shorts one play ball with but taking advantage the moment happy notice penguin earmuffs bottom right?", "1,5,7,11,13,15,20,24"); tfymAddSlide("The Star Hippo", "428", "20121214", "Color Drawing", " yourself common thing tell children this hippo learned that lesson long time ago and being who she wants even the photo taking ladybug cannot distract her from enjoying what loves", "5,7,8,14"); tfymAddSlide("Naughty List Winner", "429", "20121207", "Color Drawing", " there just seems some who enjoy doing damage bad things others this trouble maker using hair dryer melt the back sleeping snowman guess santa naughty list year?", "1,13"); tfymAddSlide("Because I'm Entitled", "430", "20121115", "Color Drawing", " live life and find many who push shove cut line things that make their place seem more important than others tried sum what this category people approach finally found the perfect word entitled when those need get they feel theirs whether space few seconds road last item sale sad for not grabbing makes you truly happy giving where heart lives", "1,5,11,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Drawing To Break Free", "431", "20121205", "Color Drawing", " this drawing doesn like being confined the paper and uses drawn pencil try break free from constraints page", "5,14,24"); tfymAddSlide("Rats Being Watched", "432", "20121129", "Color Drawing", " worlds are different for each depending their view experience senses here child mouse feels like being watched while the parent too busy notice anything readying latest book humans trivia: see faded eyeball human face back left?", "1,7,13,15"); tfymAddSlide("Seeing One's Reflection", "433", "20121220", "Color Drawing", " recently saw article harrison ford the new star wars movie and said when looks mirror still sees brown hair even though 2016 all gray too not see myself really couple times have looked seen older man but most time from years ago interesting how our vision can affected mental stages", "6,9,12,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Who's The Uncivilized?", "434", "20121214", "Color Drawing", " there was another dooms day date coming dec 2012 drew this the latest craze mayans and translation that chart some other prediction tool approached keeping open mind don know either way thought about native americans how their more natural skills would much better world than our pretend control all temporary gadgets", "1,11,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Arby's Realization", "435", "20121114", "Color Drawing", " the hat that arby used have top their restaurants made think thing would worn here one sandwiches wears but soon realizes why others really want him", "1,5,9,13,15,22"); tfymAddSlide("Female Warrior", "436", "20121109", "Color Drawing", " shame how most strong warrior tough things are commonly given male impressions watching wife give birth and other has shown that the female humans much more than males many ways might able lift heavier rock but can usually carry lighter one longer further", "5,12"); tfymAddSlide("Holding On To Work And Life", "437", "20121106", "Color Drawing", " everyday make decisions about what will focus debate constantly spend moment with the kids wife pets repairs house making art writing stories creating programs and many other things this person tries hold both work life while doing one too much can create opportunity for break represented scissors", "1,5,9,11,15,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Gettin Ready", "438", "20121031", "Color Drawing", " voting was approaching again for presidential race the days get nearer bull-s gets deeper here voter pulls his pants knowing full well bull right about just let loose", "1,5,7,11,13,24"); tfymAddSlide("Remembering The Journey, Not The Goal", "439", "20130122", "Color Drawing", " goals are great thing having plans desires things reach for what keeps going but try get there need constantly pinch ourselves remember that today the moment most important part all really tomorrow and one knows future will", "1,5,6,11,14,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Gronk Loves Kitty", "440", "20130130", "Color Drawing", " huge people are often the most kindness here giant man picks and cuddles kitty who thoroughly enjoying trivia: notice mouse?", "1,5,7,10,14,16"); tfymAddSlide("Made Of Stripes", "441", "20130116", "Color Drawing", " this face foundation made only stripes then added the eyes brows and mouth you look left notice how they don connect", "6,9"); tfymAddSlide("Shapes Moving Fast", "442", "20130118", "Color Drawing", " comprising body just made shapes here show shape running fast who knows where looks kind confused well", "5,9,24"); tfymAddSlide("The Wanderer", "443", "20130129", "Color Drawing", " hiking wandering just exploring experience many enjoy this creature loves much that all does frog decides hop into the journey and sun", "1,5,7,10,12,14"); tfymAddSlide("Blocking It Out", "444", "20130517", "Color Drawing", " the background words show there are always things pounding cause stress thought person putting block them out like umbrella hat goggles scarf and rest", "1,5,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Working Hard", "445", "20130502", "Color Drawing", " balls yarn are commonly associated with cats having fun this feline has tried hard play and found itself now tied within the thing", "1,7,13,15"); tfymAddSlide("Eye Wrapped In Ribbon", "446", "20130430", "Color Drawing", " just eyeball wrapped ribbon seen one them all no?", "9,24"); tfymAddSlide("Fishes Of Fashion", "447", "20130509", "Color Drawing", " underneath the oceans ceiling group fish decide fashionable their realm one middle looks little snooty", "1,7,13,20"); tfymAddSlide("Having Tools", "448", "20130506", "Color Drawing", " braggers like exclaim how big much their tool chest goodies are but just having lot huge sized doesn mean the person good fit for job", "1,7,8,11,13,15,20,24"); tfymAddSlide("The Mr. Bell Curve", "449", "20130503", "Color Drawing", " school often fell the bottom bell curve bad grade side here thought about name and how could represent his life span", "1,13"); tfymAddSlide("Yes, I'm Happy", "450", "20130507", "Color Drawing", " those will thoughts war often put down with peaceful agendas funny how who believe might right are displeased life and pursuing soft paths happier their lives", "6,14,24"); tfymAddSlide("Growing", "451", "20130510", "Color Drawing", " growing heart that grows from the love two affection comes vines brightens other people lives and thus creates more hearts bigger trivia: when see creatures face man wife woman", "1,2,9,10,14,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Vision", "452", "20130501", "Color Drawing", " removing the walls that filter our visions and abilities often helps getting clearer picture this guy has removed all his worldly things except undies get good vision", "1,5,11,12,14,21,24"); tfymAddSlide("Of Mice And Meows", "453", "20130515", "Color Drawing", " mid air battle rages between cat and his nemesis the rats out numbered being targeted day not going well", "1,7,13,15,19,21"); tfymAddSlide("Rubic's Turtle", "454", "20130530", "Color Drawing", " felt sorry for this turtle after drew but still think funny lots people like the rubics cube puzzle and thought about shapes shell how would neat have based", "1,4,7,8,9,12,13,15"); tfymAddSlide("Friends On Another Planet", "455", "20130524", "Color Drawing", " two friends enjoy moment sunshine the presence another friend top some foreign planet trivia: notice small dog squid thing?", "2,5,7,10,12,21"); tfymAddSlide("Playtime", "456", "20130528", "Color Drawing", " mother lion and her cub find moment play the savanna", "1,7,14,16"); tfymAddSlide("Boasters Beware", "457", "20130606", "Color Drawing", " boasters people who think their stuff great are often exposed talked negatively about the viewing audience", "1,7,11,13,19"); tfymAddSlide("Partner", "458", "20130605", "Color Drawing", " having someone help you when need great thing here frog attempting get wandering fly but just out reach another uses its limbs push the other higher", "1,7,14,15,16"); tfymAddSlide("Smiling Signs", "459", "20130607", "Color Drawing", " our hands can used signal many messages here are some the positive ones like love you live long and prosper number one string happiness connects them all", "4,14,24"); tfymAddSlide("Hang Loose", "460", "20130627", "Color Drawing", " watching skateboarder from the ground gave inspiration for this picture don remember why placed mesh his face and trailing breeze", "1,5,8,14,24"); tfymAddSlide("Food Pyramid", "461", "20130624", "Color Drawing", " top the many species that allow human race live spoils does this relaxes with his brewsky while living things gave their life for make pyramid all possible those animals don look happy being used", "1,5,7,9,11,15,22,24"); tfymAddSlide("Love's Release", "462", "20130621", "Color Drawing", " love covers many aspects our lives the heart can open close depending who what are experiencing this opening itself for found moment that calls full exposure", "1,2,4,6,9,10,15,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Rocks Are Thrown AT Things That Shine", "463", "20130620", "Color Drawing", " have noticed that those who the work become good what they are often attacked don want make effort butterfly type creature represents efforts better", "1,2,5,10,11,12,14"); tfymAddSlide("Baby Courier", "464", "20130618", "Color Drawing", " pelican with baby its beak seen many children stories about where babies come from this take that answer female courier dressed bird like costume doing the actual deliveries back large animal", "1,10,12"); tfymAddSlide("Living It Up", "465", "20130617", "Color Drawing", " ants take advantage anything that might cross their trails this ant has found soda bottle still containing some the sugary liquid quite excited about free sweet tasting treat", "1,7,14,22"); tfymAddSlide("Dragon", "466", "20130614", "Color Drawing", " concept for possible dragon look this one seems little oriental with its hair design", "1,6,10,12,26"); tfymAddSlide("Hear, See, Say No...", "467", "20130611", "Color Drawing", " the three monkeys that represent hear see say evil seen many souvenir stores take are these colored beings each with their own hairdo using arms create same monkey saying", "1,5,10,11,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Pig's BBQ", "468", "20130613", "Color Drawing", " while drawing lunch hour someone asked could draw pigs having bbq this was idea since get place them pit why can they the same along with pickling our parts", "1,7,11,13,19,22"); tfymAddSlide("Off To School", "469", "20130418", "Color Drawing", " having the pleasure seeing kids off school and learn new things this represents those their adventures laying ahead them his hand shows one skills they will how spell", "1,5,7,12,13,14,21"); tfymAddSlide("Dragon Hair", "470", "20130417", "Color Drawing", " birds around the world have some prettiest feather arrangements this dragon was born with same trait and displays nice looking style", "6,10,12,26"); tfymAddSlide("Sharing", "471", "20130228", "Color Drawing", " when true friends get together they like share things with each other here group music food and good time even the mouse scurrying bottom getting sharing", "1,5,10,11,14,22"); tfymAddSlide("Figures Intertwined", "472", "20130403", "Color Drawing", " three human figures intertwine with each other and some ball shakes along string", "5,9,24"); tfymAddSlide("Water Creatures", "473", "20130401", "Color Drawing", " watching the shows underwater life decided come with some that have not been found but might", "7,10,20"); tfymAddSlide("My Buddy", "474", "20130222", "Color Drawing", " cowboys are known for their bonds with horses this pair cowboy and horse close that the rider bought some nice boot just both seem quite happy relationship", "1,5,7,14,16,18"); tfymAddSlide("The Mayor", "475", "20130220", "Color Drawing", " politics place where those power have the opportunity help community this frog mayor well respected child who wants his autograph", "1,5,7,12"); tfymAddSlide("Feeding The Id", "476", "20130313", "Color Drawing", " through life and make our decisions how treat people work the world handle supplies earth continually feed internal become who are this figure picking from many aspects its deciding which ones will fed directly core being allowed just small part background water", "1,5,9,10,11,14,15,16,20,22,24"); tfymAddSlide("True Love", "477", "20130409", "Color Drawing", " working for some one cause that you truly love not really work but joy this husband having great time carrying the luggage his wife and maneuvering through obstacles life all with smile stretches from non-ear", "1,9,10,14,15,16,20"); tfymAddSlide("One + One = Four", "478", "20130415", "Color Drawing", " two dragons come together use their love and build four out the trivia: writing end arrow special language created for keeping messages secret works great when need record passwords other information without prying eyes from seeing", "1,5,7,9,10,14,16,24,26"); tfymAddSlide("The Kids", "479", "20130319", "Color Drawing", " parent spends some quality time with the kids adult full pride about how special and loving children are turning out trivia: this kudos meant for all three you call camden ryan narina give such allowing raise", "1,7,14,16"); tfymAddSlide("Foster Freeze Nesting Cone Parents", "480", "20130201", "Color Drawing", " was looking the ice cream cones shop one day and noticed they seemed like little beings then expanded that into this entire family trivia: notice baby father hand?", "1,9,10,13,16,22"); tfymAddSlide("Feeding The Brain", "481", "20131008", "Color Drawing", " are exposed many things each day from available books the internet and other influences can help hamper those inputs this bird represents person brain picking out force feeding them back into conscious itself", "1,4,6,9,22,24"); tfymAddSlide("Outing In Outer-space", "482", "20130923", "Color Drawing", " one things remember most from life the outings have with family just going drive walk wife kids beyond any luxuries earth people can offer here imagine are taking trip space our customized spaceships even baby has ship made for", "1,5,12,14,21"); tfymAddSlide("Singing On The Stage", "483", "20130924", "Color Drawing", " watching band play the college gave opportunity give image moments though these members don look anything like real close what saw experienced", "5,14"); tfymAddSlide("Martian Martial Arts", "484", "20131002", "Color Drawing", " pair martians decide try out their martial arts skills each other the style not named but looks kind complicated silly they sure have some muscular legs too!", "1,5,8,10"); tfymAddSlide("Full Of Life, From Giving", "485", "20131001", "Color Drawing", " society seems bent getting things they think that when you buy something fill some hole your heart seem miss the point not desires but giving get much pleasure out ability hand over someone who needs even expense own comfort favorite role models same approach", "1,5,11,14,24"); tfymAddSlide("Fun In The Water", "486", "20130926", "Color Drawing", " beneath the waters group water bound friends enjoy some free time believe one background type clown fish trivia: popular shirts this was born ride sting shark middle takes different spin with swim", "1,7,10,14,20"); tfymAddSlide("The Day The Ducks Took Over", "487", "20131004", "Color Drawing", " hunters beware! the ducks have been taking notes and get point where they will longer put with being dinner notice now deceased hunter feet?", "1,7,8,11,13,19,22"); tfymAddSlide("Bouncing Bunny", "488", "20131007", "Color Drawing", " surrounded what loves best this bunny mid-air bounce flying between group carrots", "7,22"); tfymAddSlide("Mother Nature", "489", "20130918", "Color Drawing", " the tree nature mother has been shown many pictures this plant also and creates other species like cat dog bat even human baby meant show that are all connected", "1,2,7,9,10,12,14,16"); tfymAddSlide("I Found The Gift You Left For Me...", "490", "20130911", "Color Drawing", " when someone sends bad thought message other nasty thing your way but package good hurtful and unnecessary this depiction the reaction person returns favor packaging similar gift thank mean", "1,5,11,13,15,19,20,24"); tfymAddSlide("Dancing Dragon", "491", "20130906", "Color Drawing", " even dragons love dance this flash type personality dragon really getting into the moment", "1,7,10,14,26"); tfymAddSlide("Bubble Heads", "492", "20131021", "Color Drawing", " bubbles look like they are having such fun when float from the wands into air here family get fictional bodies and see their newest baby bubble emerging", "1,9,12,13,14,20"); tfymAddSlide("Cat Dog Man", "493", "20131115", "Color Drawing", " show how are all connected put this dog cat and human together with the ribbon life intertwined between them trivia: one drawings that used cardboard back art pad since had run out paper which made white chalk other materials act differently", "5,7,14"); tfymAddSlide("Farmer John And The Chopping Block", "494", "20131114", "Color Drawing", " thanksgiving the time year that turkeys fret most this turkey has had just about enough his kin getting their heads chopped off and decided have revenge farmer", "1,5,7,11,13,15,18,19,22"); tfymAddSlide("Technology Versus Nature", "495", "20131112", "Color Drawing", " nature has built flexibility tenacity and softness that technology will never match this robot broken limbs cannot reach tool fix the bolts while mouse sits nearby offering piece cheese", "1,9,11,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Horse Thing In Space", "496", "20131106", "Color Drawing", " using space and shapes give impression horse", "7,9,10,21"); tfymAddSlide("Fairy'sFlower Fun", "497", "20131105", "Color Drawing", " fairy and lady bug explore the coolness nature rose welcomes attention", "2,10,12,14"); tfymAddSlide("Hear See Speak", "498", "20131101", "Color Drawing", " play the hear see say evil this expresses parts that are used for spewing good bad flower coming out mouth shows does not have offering but can created well", "1,2,4,6,9,24"); tfymAddSlide("The Squnks", "499", "20131029", "Color Drawing", " squirrels are cute skunks often shunned because the stink thought about creature that was morphing those two species who ended being called squnks", "1,7,14,16"); tfymAddSlide("The Walking Behind Dead", "500", "20131022", "Color Drawing", " after watching some the walking dead series thought about human focusing zombie but while being pursued another angles red and blue lines were show different approaches for each character", "1,5,15,17,19"); tfymAddSlide("Sea Creatures", "501", "20131016", "Color Drawing", " creatures the sea come many forms these three made ones show off their unique looks", "10,12,20"); tfymAddSlide("One With Some Ones", "502", "20131014", "Color Drawing", " crowds gatherings each still just one person among other people who are also this shows lot ones getting together trivia: play the word someone", "1,5,9,24"); tfymAddSlide("Who's Watching Who?", "503", "20131011", "Color Drawing", " the hunter has tracked down these two bear cubs thinking upper hand with his sneaky skills little does know father better tracker and will make sure are protected", "1,7,8,11,19"); tfymAddSlide("Balancing With Technology", "504", "20131009", "Color Drawing", " working the tech field for long years this painting find daily challenge balance with nature both have their benefits", "1,5,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Road Trip", "505", "20131121", "Color Drawing", " one kids wants see what the seattle hemp fest was all about and went though none took take illegal drugs interesting seeing products when returned this image came mind some vehicles also enjoy their influences trivia: that bra female truck back", "1,13,14"); tfymAddSlide("Weighting Around", "506", "20131120", "Color Drawing", " the size someone muscles doesn relate chance violence this large weight lifter plays with kids between reps lifting trivia: amount gender matches those wife and have", "1,5,8,14"); tfymAddSlide("The Bad Egg", "507", "20131204", "Color Drawing", " just giving birth bunch eggs this chicken shocked find that one egg was born rebel from", "1,7,15,18"); tfymAddSlide("Crossing Paths", "508", "20131204", "Color Drawing", " beaches are normally great places play but this monsters beach and should not visited people however mischievous younger monster changed the sign human crossed paths with larger who had himself nice chomping", "1,3,10,19,22,26"); tfymAddSlide("Follow Your Heart", "509", "20131205", "Color Drawing", " sometimes life you just have for and follow your heart matter what mind friends tell this guy blindly following his over dangerous cliff giving all the not worrying about something else", "1,5,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("We Think YOU Are Cool", "510", "20131206", "Color Drawing", " life there are times where you want lift your self esteem this group creatures things just letting know that cool strings attached", "1,5,7,10,14,16,18"); tfymAddSlide("The Day The Caffeine Ran Out", "511", "20131205", "Color Drawing", " not drink coffee but most people days where some cannot get that cup you can see how the lack caffeine affects their mood this creature has run out and now depressed", "1,5,10,15,22"); tfymAddSlide("Focus", "512", "20131215", "Color Drawing", " focusing too deeply task can sometimes bite you the butt when another has ill intentions towards multiple heads with their different connections represents how focus good thing but also cause pain", "1,4,6,9,24"); tfymAddSlide("Fido's Parents", "513", "20131216", "Color Drawing", " dogs are and cats least seems that way these dog parents notice their pup plays with yarn balls finds kills mice reads book called how meow has also changed his water bowl from fido sylvester definitely more cat name than", "1,7,11,13"); tfymAddSlide("Battle Of The Brothers", "514", "20131217", "Color Drawing", " two super power brother beings living space have argument and begin battle each other their powers being great that the results cause cracking itself behind another dimension creature peeks through crack", "5,12,15,19,21"); tfymAddSlide("Time Lost", "515", "20131220", "Color Drawing", " move through our life experiences realize that each just moment time and cannot relived this older gentleman looks back photos what was realizes how fast flows trivia: see myself picture", "1,5,11,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Go!", "516", "20131231", "Color Drawing", " riding lion lizard type creature this other species pats the mount butt and says go!", "1,10,12,21"); tfymAddSlide("Soul Mates", "517", "20140103", "Color Drawing", " when couples stay together long enough they begin anticipate know feel what the other thinking feeling one can see something and like later walks past same object feels their partner liked", "1,6,9,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Staying Ahead", "518", "20140107", "Color Drawing", " swinging through life fun but seem always chased mean forces from bad people bugs sometimes feels like are just ahead them", "1,11,14,15,21"); tfymAddSlide("Prescription", "519", "20140108", "Color Drawing", " gormf alien from who knows where had bad eye sight however even after ordering glasses its vision wasn improved because the were meant for another", "1,5,10,13"); tfymAddSlide("Finger Heads", "520", "20140114", "Color Drawing", " scientists say have five senses one them being touched believe all the are actually which melt between each other this hand feeling things with fingers but causing experience well finger full head its own", "4,6,24"); tfymAddSlide("Spark's Food Dish", "521", "20140113", "Color Drawing", " sparky the dog finally had last straw waiting for food owner lays floor after took out its anger good thing dogs not know how hold such weapons", "1,7,11,13,19,22"); tfymAddSlide("Camo U' Flauge", "522", "20140114", "Color Drawing", " creature with camouflage lays top stripes drawn piece paper", "1,7,9,10"); tfymAddSlide("Sharing Hearts & Minds", "523", "20140117", "Color Drawing", " the bonding two more than just vows rings and keys mind heart couples are often shared between well", "1,6,9,14,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Eyes Of Nature", "524", "20140122", "Color Drawing", " observing nature this monkey type animal examines the beauty flowers while nearby flower plant", "1,2,5,14"); tfymAddSlide("Dance Of The Bear And Horse", "525", "20140121", "Color Drawing", " the wilds nature unknown humans secretive dance bear and horse", "7,14,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Team Pride", "526", "20140115", "Color Drawing", " amazing what accomplishment can done when group people from being individuals into working team", "1,5,7,10,11"); tfymAddSlide("Eye Of Three Holders", "527", "20140124", "Color Drawing", " playing the term eye beholder three hands prepare take turns holding ribbon shows their connection with each other", "4,9,24"); tfymAddSlide("Bunches Of Buzzes", "528", "20140128", "Color Drawing", " many flying insects make buzzing type sound from flies bees others", "2,7,14,21"); tfymAddSlide("A Cat Always Lands On Their Feet", "529", "20140129", "Color Drawing", " many say that cats always land their feet thought about how fight and two them were wresting fell one would have back", "1,7,11,13,15"); tfymAddSlide("Water Boy Tries Out", "530", "20140130", "Painting/Color Drawing", " more will power than physical strength this small sized boy was assigned the duty water but tries out for team well with helmets uniforms not meant his smallness", "1,5,8,13,15,20,25"); tfymAddSlide("Octopus Flower", "531", "20140131", "Color Drawing", " morphing octopus and flower the plant would known one most unique also dangerous flora", "2,10,25"); tfymAddSlide("Another Graduate", "532", "20140204", "Painting/Color Drawing", " getting degree big self esteem builder but there are many who think that their needs wants and desires the only way for everyone else either highway this guy given entitlement being selfish", "1,5,11,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("King Fish", "533", "20140206", "Painting/Color Drawing", " down the depths ocean one fish has been voted king others here proudly shows off his elected crown", "2,7,10,20,25"); tfymAddSlide("Creature Planet", "534", "20140228", "Painting/Color Drawing", " little sprunky often stays late catch episodes the tube watch his favorite shows parents are their room sleeping and not suspect one isn getting full night sleep", "1,7,10,12,13,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("Hammer Fin Fish", "535", "20140227", "Painting/Color Drawing", " rare animals are often mentioned touted nature shows however none them have ever documented this hammer fin fish that only exists piece art", "1,7,12,20,25"); tfymAddSlide("Another Tigger Fan", "536", "20140226", "Painting/Color Drawing", " pig like animals puts tigger costume with paired slippers and bounds into the distance help spring", "1,5,7,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("Cool Comb", "537", "20140224", "Painting/Color Drawing", " sometimes buy things because they look cool commercials tell must have then when get home and find out was waste money serves real purpose value our life", "1,10,13,25"); tfymAddSlide("Dragon's Hairball", "538", "20140220", "Painting/Color Drawing", " you have every owned cats are bound comes across the notorious hair ball this case dragon left hairball earlier then when came back became alive and scaring", "1,7,10,13,15,25,26"); tfymAddSlide("Will Over Power", "539", "20140219", "Painting/Color Drawing", " during life are often presented with challenges some them seeming impossible however frequently those the wall try conquer things that didn seem possible were larger than themselves here small person little muscle standing giant bully and have feeling guy going win his shirt says all", "1,5,8,11,15,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Heist", "540", "20140218", "Painting/Color Drawing", " crime movies see humans robbing banks people and the like here bear has done same type heist honey tree being pursued cops store", "1,5,7,11,15,22,25"); tfymAddSlide("Mr. Yin and Mrs. Yang", "541", "20140212", "Painting/Color Drawing", " two people find each other and really connect their identities begin melt into they compliment the good bad parts zen yin yang this couple flows between inside around them children actions tentacles also spread out with same power complimentary traits", "9,10,11,16,20,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Joy", "542", "20130114", "Color Drawing", " ugly emotions often come mind your life due influences the happy ones are able help heal body and here two faces want nothing but make you smile", "1,6,14"); tfymAddSlide("The 50's Adapts Into 2014", "543", "20140304", "Painting/Color Drawing", " contradictions the era people and things are easy see when placed next each other here lady from 1950 stands contraptions 2014 with her also holding cell phone which many today they walk miss world around them lieu digital offerings", "1,5,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("zzZZ", "544", "20130405", "Color Drawing", " being able sleep and relax one the pleasures life this person floating comfy pillow clouds while bird chirps sweet music dreams peaceful island enjoy cold beverage", "1,5,14,20,21"); tfymAddSlide("Jack In The Box", "545", "20140306", "Painting/Color Drawing", " while reviewing posts the website reddit came across request from someone help their doodle become art piece took call for and created this there original sketch can found http: timeforyourmind com davesart pic545-originaldoodle jpg", "6,9,11,15,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Baby Bird #2 Cheats At Flying", "546", "20140305", "Painting/Color Drawing", " online user asked could create something that dealt with rockets thought about how new baby birds need learn fly from the next and one them cheat experience siblings can seen trying get parent attention", "1,7,13,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Evolution Of Strength", "547", "20140311", "Painting/Color Drawing", " women liberation was wonderful thing that empowered get what should have always been there unfortunately with great power comes responsibility and sometimes can become negative reward", "5,11,22,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Rolling Out The Look", "548", "20140312", "Painting/Color Drawing", " industry feeds its own products and conforms the ingredients used build them this case naturally born beautiful women are molded conformed forced fit mold what optimal selling points often detriment good parts", "5,6,11,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Absorbed In Your Work", "549", "20140313", "Painting/Color Drawing", " during moments zoning into art feel myself absorbed the picture mediums and results longer being but more part process creating something new", "1,5,9,12,14,16,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Dedication To Love", "550", "20140317", "Painting/Color Drawing", " nitpicky greedy self centered along with long list other traits are given this man from those who associate him the wife can also see feel these dedicates herself needs her husband focusing stronger weight their love than effects brings", "1,5,6,11,15,16,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Super Bird", "551", "20140308", "Black White Drawing", " super heroes come all variations this bird was born normal but seeing other supers fly past their way great deeds causes the aspire being greater than his inherited destiny", "1,7,12,21"); tfymAddSlide("Tic Toc Sands Of Time", "552", "20140308", "Black White Drawing", " taking each day comes they will come with without your desire for them the tick clocks sands time wait one", "1,6,9,11,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Bad Goals by Mr. MoneyBags", "553", "20140319", "Painting/Color Drawing", " his lap filled with lifetime pursuits profits and deals way along the weights actions focused solely success often expense other happiness weigh heavy face body those possessions nothing make heart happy but rather opposite down its ability", "1,5,11,25"); tfymAddSlide("Extinct No More", "554", "20140321", "Painting/Color Drawing", " stories once thought extinct animals being found remote locations shows that even though humans believe species could longer survive they are often wrong their observations", "7,12,25"); tfymAddSlide("Gathering In The Forest", "555", "20140325", "Painting/Color Drawing", " some animals gather the tree life top its endless branches", "7,12,25"); tfymAddSlide("Eye Of Creation", "556", "20140327", "Painting/Color Drawing", " artists will sometimes say that they not actually create their art but rather just appears before them and expose this case those creations come bleeding out the eye one such artist soon inhabit picture imagined", "1,6,7,10,12,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("Time To Explore", "557", "20030325", "Black White Drawing", " distractions people events and life often fill our days leave little room for such thinking the sake these bodies have found that time are now exploring any direction their mind desires", "5,9,14,21,24"); tfymAddSlide("The Square Of Life", "558", "20030317", "Black White Drawing", " old civilizations came with the term circle life that which goes around comes here person makes efforts move forward their pursuits along way using pushing sharing same time many others from animals plants earth space itself", "5,9,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Critter Treats", "559", "20140331", "Painting/Color Drawing", " smells what come bring the critters running this give love keeps them around after food gone", "7,10,14,16,22,25"); tfymAddSlide("Serpent Gives Birth", "560", "20140402", "Painting/Color Drawing", " connected more ways than all know the parts each being helps build others through influence interaction and existence", "2,4,7,9,10,12,25"); tfymAddSlide("Freeing The Brain", "561", "20140408", "Painting/Color Drawing", " walls the brain keep from seeing exploring our inner thoughts outward expressions being able remove those feel raw states mind powerful method", "5,9,12,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Bucky The Spider", "562", "20140409", "Painting/Color Drawing", " spiders are often feared primarily because the size their fangs easily displayed and felt this spider had unfortunate fortune being born with buck teeth instead sharp now takes ridicule his friends", "1,7,13,22,25"); tfymAddSlide("Natural Selection", "563", "20140410", "Painting/Color Drawing", " all have the ability make what stronger better more suited our goals however some are adapted their sport efforts due root characteristics they inherited", "1,5,8,25"); tfymAddSlide("The New DNA Dogs", "564", "20140421", "Painting/Color Drawing", " dna manipulations are now becoming common place soon you will able pet store and custom order the exact type want down eye color shape limbs any other aspect can imagine", "1,7,10,25"); tfymAddSlide("Retirement", "565", "20140422", "Painting/Color Drawing", " after years hard work and turmoil this horse has finally made the golden where drinks with full sized carrots soothing breezes are daily pleasure", "1,7,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("Earth Day", "566", "20140424", "Painting/Color Drawing", " coming planet inhabited humans flying saucer and its pilots soon realize that these creatures devour all they come across will finish off their only home the co-pilot exclaims turn around! may looking for intelligent life but maybe should look inward first change approach those watching have nothing with them", "1,11,21,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Happy Beaster", "567", "20140425", "Painting/Color Drawing", " not confused with the real easter bunny this carrot browed has more mischieveous intentions careful what painted eggs you find laying around from", "1,7,10,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Bond", "568", "20140429", "Painting/Color Drawing", " mother and daughter bond can become one that handles all the trials life these cases they best friends lean each other during any storm", "1,14,16,21,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Pangram", "569", "20140501", "Painting/Color Drawing", " one the most famous pangrams this exclaims quick brown fox jumped over lazy dogs back 0123456789 times cover all letters alphabet", "1,9,25"); tfymAddSlide("Hot Wheel", "570", "20140502", "Painting/Color Drawing", " still love seeing playing with hot wheels when given the chance wondering what would like have just single wheel caused this contraption designed along balding head and glasses", "1,5,8,14,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("True Friend", "571", "20140504", "Painting", " good friend and co-worker tom swihart passed away 2014 this was homage him his life personality you are missed hope happy where", "1,6,16,25"); tfymAddSlide("Flower Babies", "572", "20140505", "Painting/Color Drawing", " birthing moms across species each have varying ways produce and send their offspring into the wild this group flowering sending young off adventures", "2,25"); tfymAddSlide("Cat vs. Dragon", "573", "20140506", "Painting/Color Drawing", " famous cat and this dragon decide they don like each other begin wrestling worry will soon finish hug laugh off", "1,7,10,12,15,25,26"); tfymAddSlide("Spider Boy", "574", "20140508", "Painting/Color Drawing", " man spider might super hero and famous but this boy has aspirations his own able produce costume that fits style budget not scale naturally little glue tape spirit who knows", "1,5,12,13,25"); tfymAddSlide("Champ", "575", "20140512", "Black White Drawing", " years punching with others gave this champ set medals but also bruises and body aches boot", "1,5,8"); tfymAddSlide("Dancing With The Birds", "576", "20140514", "Painting/Color Drawing", " birds love fly but few knew this pair would also take the skills dancing their heart away along with top hat and fancy doo dads duo might make big some time", "1,7,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("Looking Down On A Dragon", "577", "20140516", "Painting/Color Drawing", " though you may looking down this dragon each having different perspective the other wonder why needs cane?", "1,7,10,25,26"); tfymAddSlide("Smile", "578", "20140519", "Painting/Color Drawing", " smile just for the heck because makes you feel good others who see and better than frowning", "1,6,14,15,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("GMO Food", "579", "20140521", "Painting/Color Drawing", " gmo food being given anyone even pets can and does cause unnatural effects their bodies this case pair dogs have been fed the for years offspring pups show some parents refuse let societies ill deter love", "1,7,11,22,25"); tfymAddSlide("Dragon's Diamond Flower", "580", "20140522", "Painting/Color Drawing", " diamonds are not only girl best friend but this dragon well combining the beauty flower and diamond rare treasure pleases creature", "7,10,12,16,25,26"); tfymAddSlide("Ball O' Evil", "581", "20140527", "Painting/Color Drawing", " un-named super hero drags ball evil the depths void remove from influencing others three cheers for that caped do-gooder", "1,5,12,15,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Bob The Ant Fights Back", "582", "20140528", "Painting/Color Drawing", " bob the ant has decided stop letting humans grab their turf and nature resources grabbed back plant female human potted good thing his strength great still holding", "1,2,7,11,13,15,17,22,25"); tfymAddSlide("Party Bug", "583", "20140529", "Painting/Color Drawing", " living for the one day year that everyone seems partying this bug enjoys festivities and fireworks", "1,5,7,12,13,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("Riding A Chomper", "584", "20140602", "Painting/Color Drawing", " chompers are only super secret location prized for their orange nose and tail fur this smaller creature has become friends with one now enjoy ride", "7,10,12,14,22,25"); tfymAddSlide("Come on, Take the bait!", "585", "20140603", "Painting/Color Drawing", " scorpions are dangerous foes but this rat has created fake scorpion along with tied balloon that will detonate when the tries play", "1,7,11,15,25"); tfymAddSlide("Pooh's Pot", "586", "20140605", "Painting/Color Drawing", " bear the name pooh has had his prized honey pot stolen large real best friend asking larger knows where poor laying unconscious background", "1,7,15,22,25"); tfymAddSlide("Fast Flying Bug", "587", "20140606", "Painting/Color Drawing", " motion this fictitious bug was captured flying through the artist imagination", "7,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Hearts Blooming", "588", "201406", "Painting", " spring not only plants bloom but this tri-heart flower spreads its beauty", "2,16,25"); tfymAddSlide("Firework Flowers", "589", "201406", "Painting", " taking clue from the human firework shows these flowers change their colors match", "2,25"); tfymAddSlide("Love's Cupid Heart", "590", "20140610", "Painting", " hearts are well known for their connection cupid and his arrow this rendition what those two look like together", "1,16,25"); tfymAddSlide("Just A Face", "591", "20140611", "Painting", " nothing fancy just generic face and attempts try different color styles", "6,25"); tfymAddSlide("Three Orbiting Objects", "592", "20140612", "Painting", " exploding star the backdrop for these three yet discovered planets", "21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Horizon Phases", "593", "20140613", "Painting", " examining the levels different horizons this flower inhabits first more foreground level following plain grass hillside moutains and finally sky", "2,25"); tfymAddSlide("Aaaa", "594", "20140613", "Painting/Color Drawing", " bad forces often come barreling here figure attempts stop them but cannot the shock their effects", "1,4,6,15,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Relaxing Rhinos", "595", "20140630", "Painting/Color Drawing", " deep the plains family rhinos enjoys moment bonding", "2,7,14,16,25"); tfymAddSlide("Innovation", "596", "20140702", "Painting/Color Drawing", " always trying keep eyes open for better ways accomplish things here envision bat fastening bed high that the nightly slumber can more relaxing", "1,7,13,25"); tfymAddSlide("One by Two", "597", "20140703", "Painting/Color Drawing", " equilibrium yin and yang are the melting two forces into one", "9,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Rudolph 2012", "598", "20121221", "Color Drawing", " the mayan predicted apocalypse approach 2012 thought this reindeer taking all stride along with toys has ordered for occasion", "1,5,7,12,13,25"); tfymAddSlide("Battle On Balloons", "599", "20140708", "Painting/Color Drawing", " cats often get into scuffles with each other these two using technology help them balloons and propeller assist the feisty", "7,13,15,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Zombie Wannabe", "600", "20140710", "Painting/Color Drawing", " cults are groups people who want interact with others doing the same thing taking this need dead realm member dresses for group", "1,5,14,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("BathroomMan Is Born", "601", "20140715", "Painting/Color Drawing", " creating super hero takes all kinds situations and needs this bathroom man will swoop down whenever your toilet help", "1,5,12,13,25"); tfymAddSlide("Running From The Id", "602", "20140716", "Painting/Color Drawing", " run fast you can cannot out your own the inner workings thoughts hide from everyone but yourself", "1,5,9,11,15,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Orbital Affects", "603", "201406", "Painting", " for every action there supposed opposite reaction these planets and their gravity light other things they affect cause effects own the celestial objects", "9,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Piggy's Bank", "604", "201406", "Painting", " piggies also want save their coin for the future here pig buy piggy bank and doesn escape him that just like", "1,5,7,11,25"); tfymAddSlide("Defender Of The Good", "605", "20140721", "Painting/Color Drawing", " this dragon likes dress silly costume and defend the good people against mean ones", "1,5,7,10,11,12,13,25,26"); tfymAddSlide("Birds Without Feathers, Flocking Together", "606", "20140724", "Painting/Color Drawing", " common traits often help creatures and people decided whom they will hang out with support feel comfortable", "1,7,13,25"); tfymAddSlide("Pouty Stare Down Competition", "607", "20140728", "Painting/Color Drawing", " often look the eyes animals and wonder what they are thinking why act certain way sure think same when this guy dog have decided just stare each other see more than meets", "1,6,7,13,25"); tfymAddSlide("Slamdunk Not Always The Best", "608", "20140729", "Painting/Color Drawing", " trying the best have not always way become happy successful", "1,7,11,15,25"); tfymAddSlide("LGBQ Parenting Crosses Species", "609", "20140730", "Painting/Color Drawing", " lesbian gay bisexual and queer groups brings whole new set challenges for both the couples society here male kandaroos have customized trunk use female raise their young", "1,7,11,16,25"); tfymAddSlide("Eye Of I", "610", "20140804", "Painting/Color Drawing", " seeing ourselves through our own eye interesting action this case the used look viewer", "6,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Conjurer", "611", "20140805", "Painting/Color Drawing", " old age but young heart this magic conjurer showing off some fancy sparklies nearby rabbit who enjoying the show", "1,5,7,12,25"); tfymAddSlide("Forced To Drive", "612", "20140807", "Painting/Color Drawing", " with most top down power organizations some work really hard and usually tough constraints pull around those the who have interest pulling wagon cowboy represents heap bulls back are enforcers poor little horse employee weighed but instead being rewarded hit whip", "1,7,11,15,17,25"); tfymAddSlide("Fake Flowers", "613", "20140610", "Painting/Color Drawing", " just wanted produce some flowers not exist both color and form this represents fake", "2,25"); tfymAddSlide("Beautiful Inside", "614", "20140812", "Painting/Color Drawing", " too much emphasis placed the parts colors form person rather than what they bring from inside this beautiful girl shines her heart among perceived prettiness around butterflies and flowers", "5,11,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Hook No More", "615", "20140814", "Painting/Color Drawing", " with the passing robin williams great bright spark world was dimmed his ability open and share deepest emotions through characters what made him actor person you will missed", "1,5,12,16,23,25"); tfymAddSlide("Night With Freddy The Fish", "616", "20140819", "Painting/Color Drawing", " crossing boundaries can produce the most unexpected results from football players who become ballet dancers people learning they draw later years life this dog found out close bond with fish has produced offspring that will paw-full handle", "1,7,11,13,20,25"); tfymAddSlide("Picking Choices", "617", "20140820", "Painting/Color Drawing", " the mix our environments are many choices paths that can choose take make each effects being and who later become man reaches into paint pull out colors wishes around his neck necklace with yin yang symbol", "5,9,11,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Interconnected Species", "618", "20140825", "Painting/Color Drawing", " species across the earth seem live their own spheres life but they are all interconnected how can manipulate surroundings and lives others here spider helping open egg which seems giving birth human also tattooed back", "4,7,9,11,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Listening To The Planet", "619", "20140827", "Painting/Color Drawing", " there are many sounds and signs produced nature yet most people either not notice them purposefully avoid wanting listen the affects have this bird whispering into flower which embedded man head word still even heard pulls eyebrow face try harder get point across", "1,2,6,7,11,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Just Glad To Be Here", "620", "20140902", "Painting/Color Drawing", " green goblemnish creature has been around long enough realize that outside all the ills and pains life world just being part reason thankful", "1,5,10,11,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("Singing Flowers", "621", "20140904", "Painting/Color Drawing", " flowers are usually associated with how good they look these group foliage have decided break that barrier and show others sound", "1,2,25"); tfymAddSlide("Feeling Safe", "622", "20140905", "Painting/Color Drawing", " having the ability find someone you feel safe with worth much more than material pleasures often sought after here lady has found such partner and they make each other happy their bonding two necklaces wear showing hold half zen yin yang symbol", "1,6,16,25"); tfymAddSlide("It's Your Time To Pounce", "623", "20140909", "Painting/Color Drawing", " many times have met people who say they are going something about their lives will work goal later date when more convenient better approach take advantage the time you now and find even little moments move your journey closer desired state this cat mouse both eyeing present while distance another waiting grab don", "1,7,11,25"); tfymAddSlide("Fingereetles", "624", "20140912", "Painting/Color Drawing", " can take our hands and fingers produce many shadow shapes the walls have seen some amazing animal impressions doing this here imagine producing new creature called fingereetles", "1,4,7,10,16,25"); tfymAddSlide("To Offer Yourself Fully", "625", "20140916", "Painting/Color Drawing", " said that become more tied into technology lose bonds with nature and our true environment this person has learned let all just what intended", "2,7,11,14,16,20,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Losing Sight", "626", "20140918", "Painting/Color Drawing", " often society see the bling material goods and not notice natural beauty people nature this hand reaching for diamond while flower tries get its attention", "4,9,11,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("A Bike", "627", "20140921", "Painting/Color Drawing", " looking how bicycle moves when someone biking with their feet hands wondered about big that portrayed motion without actually moving here sits alone hill but has the company many other things like sky ground and anything else comes its way", "25"); tfymAddSlide("What Isn't Said, Is Felt", "628", "20140922", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when two people come together relationship and care for each other their bond becomes more than physical soon passes over into another dimension where they can hear thoughts feel what the needs", "1,4,6,11,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Wave Of Fire", "629", "20140922", "Painting", " mixing uncommon mediums like chainsaw oil glue baby and others this meant represent wave energy rising from the pool which comes experiment how manipulate work together", "20,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Relay Runner", "630", "20140923", "Painting", " motion running being captured single frame the reason behind this piece flames relay torch and runner head both express heat passion race", "5,8,9,25"); tfymAddSlide("Bridge Of Hearts", "631", "20140925", "Painting", " across oceans space and time love can cross bounds that physical bodies may not able these two hearts once were together but now they meet bridge while their selves reside different locations", "16,20,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("A Planet Speaks", "632", "201409", "Painting", " rumblings start the core this planet its belly releasing contents through inner past outer splitting mantle exploding plate and finally expelling into space celestial body speaking rest universe", "9,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Colors Against The Void", "633", "201410", "Painting", " space there dark matter paper white and all around are empty places filled black here the bright colors push back against those voids", "9,25"); tfymAddSlide("Ocean's Flower", "634", "201410", "Painting", " imagining the flow and current water along with same type how plants grow color themselves used that energy producing this flower grows out ocean", "2,20,25"); tfymAddSlide("Choosing The Wrong Tool", "635", "20141020", "Painting/Color Drawing", " this caveman decides use bag marshmallows fight dinosaur even though using the tool wrong for job", "1,7,10,11,13,15,22,25"); tfymAddSlide("Run To Your Future", "636", "20141015", "Painting/Color Drawing", " this purple haired balding runner excited get where plans hope that also takes time look the route and enjoy moment between goal settings", "1,5,8,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Puppy Play Time", "637", "20141014", "Painting/Color Drawing", " two dogs and their best friend find time play the local park one them doing air cartwheel with little help from boy blue", "1,7,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("Piano Flower", "638", "20141014", "Painting/Color Drawing", " instead using man made box with keys piano this hand decides play music from naturally born flower though humans cannot hear the beautiful tones other plants nearby can dance tune", "2,4,9,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Gone. But, Not! Forgotten.", "639", "20141012", "Painting/Color Drawing", " losing people through our lives creates scars heart come across places things that remind the past sadness bubbles here astronaut re-exploring planet and comes helmet another lost previous mission", "1,5,16,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Old I-Tunes For Oldies", "640", "20141009", "Painting/Color Drawing", " with the new does not mean for young here one newest gadgets used oldest members society listen some songs", "5,13,14,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Connected With Nature", "641", "20141008", "Painting/Color Drawing", " separated species the living creatures our planet are all connected each other some way here grasshopper holds human finger and visually shows bond that cannot seen", "2,4,7,11,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("Not A Dali", "642", "20141007", "Painting/Color Drawing", " attempt simulate dali painting mode played with shapes objects and the overlapping way that they interact bend", "9,12,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Silly", "643", "20140929", "Painting/Color Drawing", " experimenting with shapes and how they overlap effect each other created this piece just silly", "1,6,9,25"); tfymAddSlide("Feeling Thirsty", "644", "20140930", "Painting/Color Drawing", " reaching into river unknown origins this figure thirsty and redirects portion the liquid feed desire can imagine life person drinking its offerings", "5,9,20,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Building Self", "645", "20140926", "Painting/Color Drawing", " takes many parts become who are pick choose which add throughout our lives make mold into what imagine here being offered faceless person ready someone", "4,6,9,11,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Dragon's Tail", "646", "20141003", "Painting/Color Drawing", " cats play with their tails other animals this case dragon has found its long tail and enjoys some fun pretending something else like giant snake wrestling", "1,7,10,12,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("Chair Of Solitude", "647", "20141026", "Painting/Color Drawing", " after lifetime memories this person sits alone with only past partner", "1,5,14,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Volumes Of Life", "648", "20141028", "Painting/Color Drawing", " each action experience live through builds new page the volumes our life this elderly person looks past one many book its", "1,5,9,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Little Johnny Experiments", "649", "20141027", "Painting/Color Drawing", " some children seem born with the ability look objects and imagine sometimes change usage those same things here little johnny combines his love technology pets creates hybrids both", "1,7,12,13,25"); tfymAddSlide("Kid's First Night", "650", "20141030", "Painting/Color Drawing", " the small world mice they still have holidays and first experiences here couple child are dressed trick treating nearby pumpkin which has been decorated all sorts scary things their parents keep watchful eye over off-spring", "1,2,7,14,15,16,25"); tfymAddSlide("No Limits", "651", "20141104", "Painting/Color Drawing", " people often place limits what how they can things animals the other hand look opportunities appear and work within them without preconceived limitations here bird decides whale good catch just much small fish", "1,7,11,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Grrrrr Strikes Again", "652", "20141105", "Painting/Color Drawing", " seems that matter where when you try find peace there are always things waiting pop out and spoil the moment this guy was enjoy nice quiet jog allowing his mind think freely then all sudden grrr appears", "1,13,15,19,25"); tfymAddSlide("Slicing Space Dragon", "653", "20141107", "Painting/Color Drawing", " the blackness space usually solid backdrop galaxy but this dragon has such sharp claws and speed that literally rips apart darkness exposes light behind", "7,10,12,21,25,26"); tfymAddSlide("Beauty Is In The Hand Of The Beholder", "654", "20141110", "Painting/Color Drawing", " unlimited numbers and variations products are created get people realize their societal beauty from changing hair color wearing jewelry stylish clothes the long list other things alter appearance when fact all original our looks anything rare should considered beautiful because its rarity view differences way show off amazing creation life mold fits one motto bumps flat parts big small each perfect look for who not others fake that sometimes coat around", "1,5,11,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Crabby People", "655", "201411", "Painting/Color Drawing", " crabby people seem gather around each other crab about this that here real tries clean the gunk off heads", "6,7,11,15,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Intertwined", "656", "201411", "Painting/Color Drawing", " background foreground and objects intertwine out between each other", "2,20,25"); tfymAddSlide("Feeling Another", "657", "201411", "Painting/Color Drawing", " couples not only enjoy moments together but even when apart those emotions and experiences can flow through the other here person feeling their partner they are holding rose that reminds them", "5,14,16,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Scout", "658", "201411", "Painting/Color Drawing", " scouting the alien planet this being riding another strange animal looks horizon for things interest", "1,7,10,12,17,25"); tfymAddSlide("Me.R.Made", "659", "201411", "Painting/Color Drawing", " like mermaids fairy tales this creature has name that when said sounds the same but actually just and its middle initial last made thought does looks awful lot mermaid", "5,10,12,20,25"); tfymAddSlide("Birth Of Colors", "660", "201411", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when colors are mixed together they form other essentially giving birth new forms presentation here swirling mass green blue and yellow gives red pinkish color creature", "9,25"); tfymAddSlide("Breaking Surface", "661", "20141211", "Painting/Color Drawing", " emerging from the depths deep water these plants have struggled get their beauty shown world when see things surface often miss what underneath and work was done produce", "2,20,25"); tfymAddSlide("Ribbon Dance", "662", "20141212", "Painting/Color Drawing", " figures born from ribbons dance giant ribbon with single they share", "9,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Diana's Elephant", "663", "20141214", "Painting/Color Drawing", " wife loves elephants and made this picture parent its child roaming free hidden behind the bushes from prying eyes hunters", ""); tfymAddSlide("Not So Scary", "664", "20141216", "Black White Drawing", " this dragon child might scary name species but isn all even when does pretend pose still soo cute", ""); tfymAddSlide("Plastic Surgery", "665", "20141218", "Painting/Color Drawing", " each person unique their features though some chase after becoming more beautiful getting plastic surgery they are actually just trying change natural looks into artificial copy others this group persons sees own parts made for them and", "1,5,11,25"); tfymAddSlide("Dancing With Flowers", "666", "20141219", "Painting/Color Drawing", " some famous movies dancers have danced with poles rain and other non-partners here bug does the same thing grabbing couple nearby flowers turns them into its own dancing props", "1,2,7,12,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Skateboarder", "667", "20150105", "Painting/Color Drawing", " using great concentration skateboarder boils down just its head hands and feet bring all three into perfectly synchronized dance motion", "4,8,25"); tfymAddSlide("Even Creatures Clown Around", "668", "20150108", "Painting/Color Drawing", " some people believe animals not have emotions the opposite they think fear feel hunger and also their own ways creating funny situations make themselves others laugh", "1,5,7,10,13,25"); tfymAddSlide("Family Of Hearts", "669", "20150113", "Painting/Color Drawing", " quantum physics said that particles when separated can know what the doing from large distances like galaxies away this also seems true parents and their children sometimes something will happen one felt other even they are long maybe contain such with each other?", "9,16,25"); tfymAddSlide("Born This Way", "670", "20150109", "Painting/Color Drawing", " people not choose what they look like when are born yet society place them boxes just because their outward appearance someone doesn normal many assume crazy dumb other things should really learn build relationships the person body", "1,7,11,15,20,25"); tfymAddSlide("Superman and Spiderman Team Up", "671", "20150104", "Color Drawing", " child patient asked could draw superman and spiderman together this was the picture mind", "1,5"); tfymAddSlide("Fairy Friends", "672", "20150116", "Painting/Color Drawing", " from the really small large fantasy creatures come together share moments happiness", "10,12,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("Flight Of The Kiddies", "673", "20150203", "Painting/Color Drawing", " this weird contraption made turtle some other animals used fly two little kitties through the sky", "1,7,12,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Motions Of Color", "674", "2015", "Painting", " colors come with their emotions and this case own motion each playing off other they swirl combine make new textures", "24,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Flower and The Figure", "675", "2015", "Painting", " flower and figure intertwine among landscape", "2,5,9,14,20,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Smiling Back At You", "676", "20150210", "Painting/Color Drawing", " just some creature reading book noticing you watching and smiling back", "5,10,25"); tfymAddSlide("Emotions Of Nature", "677", "2015", "Painting", " the flow water bending branches when taken whole you can feel nature showing its emotions", "2,25"); tfymAddSlide("Sailing Nowhere", "678", "20150214", "Painting/Color Drawing", " this ship some awkward sailing mechanism sailor person trying travel but the mast and sail taken him nowhere", "5,20,21,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Insult Incisor", "679", "20150220", "Painting/Color Drawing", " would nice this creature actually existed all those moments you want say something negative towards another pop out chop off the offending gesture and create nicer approach", "2,4,10,11,20,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Love's Bond", "680", "20150128", "Painting/Color Drawing", " two hearts lay with each other next ocean color their contract love and the beauty they have built together laying sides", "2,14,16,25"); tfymAddSlide("Dog Flying Cat Acrobat", "681", "20150225", "Painting/Color Drawing", " the air dog pilot flies acrobatic cat through display their skills", "7,8,12,14,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Gnobnardbs", "682", "20150226", "Painting/Color Drawing", " group employees are interacting with each other acting and using the traits that make them unique", "1,5,10,13,25"); tfymAddSlide("Ultimate Skyball Championships", "683", "20150316", "Painting/Color Drawing", " couple skyball champions are playing game the middle sky", "1,8,12,14,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Another Library Lost", "684", "20150318", "Painting/Color Drawing", " libraries continue down the digital path more physical touchable books disappear shelves showing ghostly images what used available pickup randomly touch with your fingers without searching through some online database and being shown exactly you are looking for random encounter unknown subject writer has been greatly reduced", "1,7,11,25"); tfymAddSlide("Just Chillin", "685", "20150326", "Painting/Color Drawing", " sitting skateboard shorts sneakers and cool drink this dude just chillin", "1,5,8,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("horIzon", "686", "2015327", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when you look your future and the actions plan take can focus possibilities calamity turmoil other option happiness contentment good things dark light always exist choose one want", "1,9,11,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Dragons Playing With Balls", "687", "20150402", "Painting/Color Drawing", " some dragons sitting cliff playing ball just enjoying the time with each other", "7,10,12,26"); tfymAddSlide("Shining Light", "688", "20150408", "Painting/Color Drawing", " dragon reading book the sun sets nearby spider brings lightbulb and helps his friend out with some light", "7,10,12,14,25,26"); tfymAddSlide("Becoming A Dragon", "689", "20150417", "Painting/Color Drawing", " human being decides that not comfortable its skin and starts the process converting into dragon", "2,5,7,9,10,12,21,24,25,26"); tfymAddSlide("L.L.A.P.", "690", "20150229", "Painting/Color Drawing", " live long and prosper this dedication leonard nimoy spock all that represented both character life the gold enterprise starship represents years star trek but its size shows how his contribution world was much larger", "1,5,12,16,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("How To Create", "691", "20150427", "Painting/Color Drawing", " manufactured hand helping other parts create even more objects", "1,4,9,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("Music Fills The Soul", "692", "20150429", "Painting/Color Drawing", " putting music player filling ears with causes the listener change their character persons can become something incredible just hearing right song here person plugs listens and feels beats within", "1,6,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("Fighting The World's Bugs", "693", "20150501", "Painting/Color Drawing", " the human species continuously battles bugs world couple figures move and battle between infinite number that wish harm possibly kill them", "1,9,10,15,19,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Bullets In Disguise", "694", "20150505", "Painting/Color Drawing", " people often pretend offer gifts praise and other positive gestures only show their true meaning later hurting you behind the disguise here gun wrapped ribbon with bullet wearing tophat both disquise fact that they can cause damage", "4,9,11,15,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Digesting Bad News", "695", "20150508", "Painting/Color Drawing", " media outlets feed off audiences who want see the negative happenings using that formula they forego less and good news replace with more calamity reading viewing absorbing these streams data can affect reader viewer those images words bad things cause their minds bodies absorb some negativity", "4,9,11,15,22,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Class Of Long Ago", "696", "20150514", "Painting/Color Drawing", " sports player their older years puts the uniform holds flag and poses with tool choice remembering what was glory once had", "1,5,8,13,14,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Alligator Boots", "697", "20150521", "Painting/Color Drawing", " pair stingators hybrid animal between sting ray and alligator come together the elder shows off its new boots not made out them but for", "1,7,10,12,13,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Dancing Character", "698", "20150528", "Painting/Color Drawing", " unknown room group characters just dance for the fun while small window shines set sun beams into their which makes them even happier", "1,10,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("Forced Retirement", "699", "20150602", "Painting/Color Drawing", " super hero was once the crowning jewel society crowds cheered very presence now bling experience fades same fans have moved and longer need his help here sits solid gold statue built honor while holding contract that says cancelled", "1,12,15,25"); tfymAddSlide("Not Letting Go", "700", "20150604", "Painting/Color Drawing", " sometimes our hobbies that produce things love and share with others seem pulled down when the negatives life push this drawing duck experiencing those bad moments but fighting back holding its pencil proud air moment refusing let control good", "5,7,14,15,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("False Attacks", "701", "20150610", "Painting/Color Drawing", " people often look for things other that they want attack will twist turn and manipulate the facts produce results support their reason being mad this lion creature thinks attacking mouse but anticipated false put fake its place causing get trapped lie", "7,11,15,19,25"); tfymAddSlide("Feeding On Each Other", "702", "20150630", "Painting/Color Drawing", " kitchens everywhere cooks are taking other creatures and making meals out them this case the cook sprinkling spices lobster thingy back", "7,11,13,22,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Ready To Dance", "703", "20150702", "Painting/Color Drawing", " with his hat stylish clothes can and even pet lizard this guy ready dance the night away mustache topping off efforts image behold", "5,7,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Missing Comb", "704", "20150709", "Painting/Color Drawing", " mothers and their kids often come situations where something missing nobody did group kandaroos playing hill mother looking for comb she knows was her purse earlier that day assumes the but one them just point out sitting own pouch", "1,7,13,25"); tfymAddSlide("Stereotyped No More", "705", "20150716", "Painting/Color Drawing", " cat dog and mouse all play together the sun ignoring stereotypes that say they should fighting", "1,7,11,25"); tfymAddSlide("Play Things", "706", "20150722", "Painting/Color Drawing", " baby playing the floor with all its play things when one pets comes walking and barely avoids being pulled into become another toy", "1,7,8,13,15,25"); tfymAddSlide("One In Hole", "707", "20150723", "Painting/Color Drawing", " out golf courses you can hear golfers saying hole one where they get ball into swing this time creature comes the let golfer know", "1,5,8,13,25"); tfymAddSlide("Horse Leaves", "708", "20150729", "Painting/Color Drawing", " depending the level you look there are different worlds pull out space and see planets doing stuff further humans around here when focus even closer that some mini horses playing leaves flying wind", "2,7,10,12,14,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Being Pulled Away", "709", "20150812", "Painting/Color Drawing", " even the times where all want happy create something nice there are forces that try pull away take our focus this guy trying move towards good represented baby angel while behind him evil come form mean dragon who ripping into his thought and spewing negativity efforts", "5,7,9,10,11,15,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Price", "710", "20150815", "Painting/Color Drawing", " after son joined the army mind often wandered into purpose military wars death and how our children such areas are not for honorable goal but more political power egos greed", "1,5,11,15,25"); tfymAddSlide("Draw Me Please", "711", "20150818", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when artist takes out their pencil pen paintbrush any other tool sitting another dimension are creatures places scenes just asking come life through group wrap themselves around this waiting for chance", "7,10,12,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("Control Without Compliance", "712", "20150915", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when people work for others they are often controlled their actions appearance even down how look talk act just because you may need conform certain modes stay where does not mean compliant can still hold this horse like creature being pulled leash held behind fence but refuses something fully continually tugs pulls back looks openings itself", "1,7,10,11,12,15,19,25"); tfymAddSlide("Running With The BullS", "713", "20150918", "Painting/Color Drawing", " living among the races life from work school family friends neighbors and like there are times when others play games advance their own agenda this runner running with bull who playing its horns has removed ull bulls change into short for shit", "1,7,8,11,25"); tfymAddSlide("A Dog And Its Bone", "714", "20150921", "Painting/Color Drawing", " some things are just very simple like piece bread and butter glass water here dog its bone such pair", "7,14,22,25"); tfymAddSlide("Holding On To Love", "715", "20150924", "Painting/Color Drawing", " love tender object that exists among many different forms when one tries hold onto and doesn want the end result can fractured shredded not what meant", "2,4,9,10,11,14,15,16,20,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("To Zen Or Not", "716", "20150928", "Painting/Color Drawing", " are continually faced with the option calm and good others bad situations lash out join fray become negative zen master sits lily pad trying enjoy some moments while fly flies its nose attempts distract", "1,5,7,10,11,19,22,25"); tfymAddSlide("Just BE", "717", "20150930", "Painting/Color Drawing", " ing something our choice can choose angry greedy selfish forgive silly free from possessiveness just the good parts", "1,11,25"); tfymAddSlide("Rockin Duck", "718", "20151001", "Painting/Color Drawing", " duck rocks the night away with its favorite tunes", "5,7,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("Lost Fairy Found", "719", "20151004", "Painting/Color Drawing", " the midst fairy-tale forest large creature enjoying moving between plants when stumbles across fairy and immediately they become friends fair grateful she has lost was looking for someone help her find way", "2,5,10,12,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("Moments Beyond Words", "720", "20151026", "Painting/Color Drawing", " there are times where moment shocking our system that just can respond unfortunately always bad with the good and they often come without notice this man right middle such not utter word", "1,4,6,15,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Putting Back The Pieces", "721", "20151029", "Painting/Color Drawing", " forces from life often break our stature morals goals and sometimes tear into most inner self job take the damage put ourselves back best solid can these pieces person are scattered ground eyes bad visions mouth conversations like though whole exists continues reach out for anything help mend this case nearby spider web good tool", "4,6,9,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("All For One, One For All", "722", "20151103", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when working team always the best approach continue think about results that will benefit all not just one this also affects rest and their then", "1,7,10,16,25"); tfymAddSlide("The New Stariff", "723", "20151109", "Painting/Color Drawing", " among the depths ocean this stariff comes town looking for nasty varments its side his trusty shark mount", "1,7,10,12,13,14,17,20,25"); tfymAddSlide("Big And Small Wielding Small And Big", "724", "20151117", "Painting/Color Drawing", " take large alien soldier give him very small weapon then and well you have this picture the smaller seems quite happy with big gun", "5,10,12,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Calm In The Storm", "725", "20151119", "Painting/Color Drawing", " storms come better look for safe place ride out these stormy clouds are getteing happier calmer when they across lady from the skies who helps calm them down", "5,9,12,14,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Star Rescuer", "726", "20151201", "Painting/Color Drawing", " even stars gets lost this monster shunned society spends its time helping find their way home", "5,10,12,14,16,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Dragon, Spider, Snake", "727", "20151203", "Painting/Color Drawing", " dragon spider snake mingle among the patterns", "7,10,25,26"); tfymAddSlide("Library Dragon Doodle", "728", "20151115", "Black White Drawing", " quick doodle did whiteboard the college library while break this dragon guiding students resources help them have better future", "1,5,7,10,26"); tfymAddSlide("Inner Voices", "729", "20151202", "Painting/Color Drawing", " voices within our heads help think about what should how act here the have actual signs with their thoughts and even little creature who helps makes popping out ear", "1,5,6,9,11,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Specialized Ears", "730", "20151210", "Painting/Color Drawing", " some scientists say animals not think for themselves sure any pet owner can quickly dismiss that theory this case able the dog has taught itself know sounds food opening from many houses away", "1,5,7,13,14,22,25"); tfymAddSlide("Turtle And Armadillo", "731", "20151222", "Painting/Color Drawing", " son and his wife have nicknames for each other turtle armadillo this was gift them", "1,7,14,16,21,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Ice Scream", "732", "20160106", "Painting/Color Drawing", " hell inhabited this demonic creature but even the depths fire there desire for treats here enjoying much needed popsicle", "1,6,7,9,10,14,22,25"); tfymAddSlide("Cell Bone", "733", "20160108", "Painting/Color Drawing", " using the same word for multiple purposes this dog named spotty its cell bone both make call and send his signal being hard get from location", "1,7,13,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Caring Cute Critter", "734", "20160112", "Painting/Color Drawing", " cute critters doing things was the inspiration for this piece here monkey type animal feeds small poodle who being watched miniature bunny", "1,7,14,22,25"); tfymAddSlide("Finally!", "735", "20160115", "Painting/Color Drawing", " military trains their recruits the weapon shield for any purpose they see fit unfortunately sometimes those missions are not good and term collateral damage political way saying that civilians innocent people get killed here bunny only trying gather some food survive rabbit represents who just live when damaged destroyed there many levels implications this one from red trail representing blood picture hard eyes represent complications war size compared showing how each soldier small part whole even night vision goggles meant look sad trivia: son ryan graduated airborne training army prior piece his experiences were inspiration", "1,7,9,11,15,18,22,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Yoga And The Squeerg", "736", "20160120", "Painting/Color Drawing", " during yoga class narina noticed another student about talk her one his most embarrassing positions when awkward noise comes through the window trivia: this based off daughter honey pot and amazing she can with dance aerobics", "1,5,8,13,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Nightmare Before The Math Test", "737", "20160125", "Painting/Color Drawing", " jack from the nightmare before christmas has about math test take next day even inside his comfy spongebob blanket cannot get good night sleep", "1,5,10,15,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Don't Give UP", "738", "20160201", "Painting/Color Drawing", " elderly person has gone through lot his life but keeps trying remove the scars trials for innocence youth and times when had desire monetary status things movie characters copyrighted disney", "1,7,11,14,15,21,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Teaching A Bear To Fly", "739", "20160203", "Painting/Color Drawing", " bear decides that honey not the only thing life and asks for assistance from super hero some bees show how fly", "1,7,10,12,14,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Self Transformation", "740", "20160204", "Painting/Color Drawing", " each transform ourselves into that which want become influences from others the world time itself give weight our decisions but end really how react change", "1,6,9,10,11,12,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Eyes Can Blind The Heart", "741", "20160210", "Painting/Color Drawing", " visual cues are often used determine whether person likes dislikes some other shame since the skin apple can shiny but inside rotten and vice versa", "1,2,10,11,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Reflection Affection", "742", "20160217", "Painting/Color Drawing", " coming across others person looks into the faces reflections and sees they are good fit those that not feel discarded until finally one right embarced", "1,5,9,14,16,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Blushing Painter", "743", "20160222", "Painting/Color Drawing", " likes paint and create pretty pictures but not much into being watched while doing noticing you watching its face blushes embarrassment", "5,7,10,14,20,25,26"); tfymAddSlide("Choosing The Wrong Toy", "744", "20160226", "Painting/Color Drawing", " this feline came across ball yarn and thought was the perfect toy play with unfortunately another cat member south side felines gang already claimed ownership", "1,7,15,19,25"); tfymAddSlide("Eye The Needle", "745", "20160304", "Painting/Color Drawing", " common saying eye the needle refocused new image removing wouldn want that", "1,6,15,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Dragon Doodling Dragon", "746", "20160311", "Painting/Color Drawing", " out page comes dragon who gets enough itself continue the doodling its own body", "1,7,9,10,12,25"); tfymAddSlide("Frustrating Waves", "747", "20160315", "Painting/Color Drawing", " sometimes things life just keep hitting you like the waves beach shore this person being bombarded with pressure from and wants them stop", "5,11,15,20,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("G.F.I. - Go For It", "748", "20160317", "Painting/Color Drawing", " time waits for one when given opportunities take life the reins and experience fullest should those moments seriously will not repeat this person riding hoverboard which says beyond mpg believe allowing warning control his desires", "1,5,8,11,14,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("PetburgerVille Opens", "749", "20160318", "Painting/Color Drawing", " one favorite places eat burgerville found interesting how people talk lot about their pets and they take care them but are just willing fork down some money have cooked later the meat from other animals who were killed for meal turning that around pet owners would gasp two did walking past drawing this beloved also menu guess equal rights don apply", "1,7,11,22,25"); tfymAddSlide("Tree Of Strife", "750", "20160324", "Painting/Color Drawing", " humans are interesting creature spend large sums money having pets feeding them medicine surgeries and even purchase nature sounds listen the same time destory eat devour that which cherish value", "7,9,10,11,15,22,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Reflections Of Love", "751", "20160326", "Painting/Color Drawing", " they held writing competition work called what why the winner received hand made painting was karen joiner who had core message love all life she included likes including horses water and like came with this idea from her submission fairy female butterfly wings riding back horse reaching out touch real holding flower heart its reflection image looking background glow emanates rays that flow into world", "2,5,7,9,11,14,16,20,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Playing Without The Politics", "752", "20160421", "Painting/Color Drawing", " normally these species would fighting each other the death snake eater and but bernie his new pals are playing just for fun labels politics experiencing moment not placing societal walls top their time together", "1,7,11,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("Good Intentions Gone Bad", "753", "20160429", "Painting/Color Drawing", " inventions any tool object can used for good bad depending the user knife open bag carrots but also kill spoken word create smile tear soul this case robot created with intentions serve help assist its human owner all tools wrong people are applied that same benefit turn into thing causes things happen", "1,11,25"); tfymAddSlide("Bob Gets A Banana", "754", "20160516", "Painting/Color Drawing", " high the sky group mini friends enjoy ride dragon one their favorite foods bananas and how lucky they are that plane just accidentally dropped crate bananers bob smallest enjoys already brought along", "1,7,10,12,13,14,21,22,25,26"); tfymAddSlide("Boggles With Goggles", "755", "20160531", "Painting/Color Drawing", " distance relative another small yellow creature that wears goggles these boggles are much smaller and enjoy moment some leaves the safety forest caterpillar patiently waiting for move before starts eating", "2,7,10,14,16,25"); tfymAddSlide("Choosing Connections", "756", "20160614", "Painting/Color Drawing", " choosing how interact the world affects who become this human creature already connected many levels tech and reaching for connection with nature before cables fully envelope its ability choose", "5,7,9,10,11,15,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Friendly Dragon", "757", "20161005", "Painting/Color Drawing", " being born dragon does not mean you have follow the path fire breathing town destroying this friendly chooses kind", "1,7,10,12,14,21,25,26"); tfymAddSlide("Don't Put Your Hand In Your Mouth", "758", "20161206", "Color Drawing", " electronic modes communication are convenient and quick but not having the time write out slowly your thoughts reread think about them before sending can quickly turn into things you should have never shared", "1,4,11,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Lucky The Elf", "759", "20170103", "Color Drawing", " unlucky the elf find heart candy cane and changes his outlook life which then from that point everyone refers him lucky", "1,5,12,14"); tfymAddSlide("A Single Word Can Change Everything", "760", "20170105", "Color Drawing", " languages are made words and each word can used for good bad here group soldiers become peaceful drop their gun lieu flowers", "1,5,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Not So Small Of A Delivery", "761", "20170113", "Painting/Color Drawing", " storks are well known for bringing new babies their mothers unfortunately this one the baby very large size mother dragon thankful birds efforts", "1,7,10,15,25,26"); tfymAddSlide("Poisoned Ink", "762", "20170127", "Painting/Color Drawing", " creative people often fret after producing their creations what will think? when write online articles floating cloud but soon click the publish button chest and heart pulsate very hard creativity interesting mode one hand you are creating later others evaluating snake represents stress feel something yes writings book actual words say good about wife", "1,5,7,9,11,15,16,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Cat vs. Dog", "763", "20170131", "Painting/Color Drawing", " different species seem approach life tasks differently here cat always about possession space power while the dog just happy being boxing match has already begun but desire compete", "1,7,8,11,25"); tfymAddSlide("My Oh My", "764", "20170207", "Painting/Color Drawing", " the pursuit doing things for one self person often loses doesn care focus throngs other people who make being and having stuff possible here house shun outside world while using same they push away help them build their foundation say want get off map but what really mean that comforts happy comfortable life without stresses share", "1,11,15,22,25"); tfymAddSlide("Fighting Self Protection", "765", "20170208", "Painting/Color Drawing", " feeling your heart thump you attempt come across emotional things core part empathetic outlook might feel better not care what others think but that quickly turns into caring about wounds will when expose inner sensitivities the world also has opportunity return love compassion support", "1,5,9,11,15,16,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Boner Drinks", "766", "20170215", "Painting/Color Drawing", " modeling tunnel vision what pursues for end product all about the outward image attract customers into buying products rather than leaning more whole person focus parts like lump skin with nipple place that same part different area and longer called sexy but gross this case dogs take career taking pictures female counter-parts hopes sell boner drink which has too obvious meaning", "1,5,7,11,22,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Bond", "767", "20170224", "Painting/Color Drawing", " bonding between pair involves more than the simple act holding hands being together and enjoying other physical pleasures they begin build their own world filled with subconscious connections hints each through actions this multi-layered tie enables them when are not near", "5,9,14,16,21,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Squid Wars", "768", "20170301", "Painting/Color Drawing", " like many groups differing opinions these two squid choose battle out war rather than finding peaceful ways live together whether the red blue this that fighting against each other produce less results and causes more damage looking for brighter cope", "7,11,15,19,20,25"); tfymAddSlide("Words Daggers", "769", "20170306", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when speak each other the negative words use and how them can inflict not only emotional damage but results turn into physical wounds mind without need for contact", "5,9,11,15,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Make The Best Of It", "770", "20170309", "Painting/Color Drawing", " unfortunate events happen all most the times out our control and are just left pick pieces after turmoil has past focusing whys behind such situations can turn into more negative time short amount have instead these creatures who lost their big ship crew decide that emergency now over they need get back living doing best with what", "1,7,10,11,14,15,20,25"); tfymAddSlide("Open A Book and Open Your Mind", "771", "20160825", "Black White Drawing", " quick doodle did whiteboard the college library while break creature finds that can just open book and absorb knowledge from past", "1,7,10,14"); tfymAddSlide("Drink From The Past", "772", "20161205", "Color Drawing", " quick doodle did whiteboard the college library while break this patron has discovered that past can help his future", "1,5,14"); tfymAddSlide("Flying Pig Organic Bakery", "773", "20170320", "Painting/Color Drawing", " went bakery called the flying pig organic where they have really good food that gave idea for this carrying basket goodies", "1,7,12,14,21,22,25"); tfymAddSlide("Happy Birthday Dragon", "774", "20170323", "Painting/Color Drawing", " was asked create traditional chinese dragon for someone birthday and this the image that came mind characters spell happy second banner awaits person name both standing holding yin yang symbol symbolize good luck life", "1,7,10,12,14,20,25,26"); tfymAddSlide("Roller Skating Walruses", "775", "20170323", "Color Drawing", " father asked could draw his daughter favorite animals the walrus and have roller skating these two walruses are having good time beach with their custom made skates book how natalie", "1,7,8,14,20"); tfymAddSlide("Family By The Heart, Not The Blood", "776", "20170329", "Painting/Color Drawing", " family bonds are built through the dedication caring for helping and being with others these connections form from willingness dedicate time goodness other whether physically mentally thinking about many level association here two horses boy make true even though their bond spans across species direct blood", "1,7,16,17,25"); tfymAddSlide("Personal Car Wash", "777", "20170407", "Painting/Color Drawing", " single mom truck takes her child the personal car wash and happy see possible boyfriend taking bath", "1,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("Popular Scieanics", "778", "20170412", "Painting/Color Drawing", " technology touted great advantage how humans tasks the same technological advances were cross species outcomes could not pleasant cats have learned harness engine powered flight and now make catching birds much too easy", "7,13,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Bling Of The Screen", "779", "20170424", "Painting/Color Drawing", " society gets deeper into its connection and reliance technology further away from things the heart empathy compassion desire find good diminishes those that are doing often overshadowed gross violent other dramatic events broadcasted across their screens", "1,11,15,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Book Bugs", "780", "2017427", "Painting/Color Drawing", " book worms are the famous role models for books less known these bugs who wish get people see how powerful words within pages can not only content they freely give but even act picking out holding and flipping sets lot more relaxed situation than reading same technology", "1,7,10,11,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("Contemplating All The We Experience", "781", "20170504", "Painting/Color Drawing", " head with the tag jack box contemplating what has happened during its existence remove before use which implies you should try rules and constraints thoughts that society places experience things fit hand glasses shows really focused thinking about isn looking anything", "1,4,5,9,11,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Sit Down Strike", "782", "20170512", "Painting/Color Drawing", " even dragons want better working conditions here father dragon sit down strike against the local towns treasures plunders are not good enough for effort his child and baby support him with picket signs their own", "1,7,10,13,21,25,26"); tfymAddSlide("The Hearts Of Zen", "783", "20170521", "Painting", " may 2017 diana and will have been married years this the painting made for our anniversary represents two hearts who complete each other whether dimension next across universe couch they are always connected", "9,16,25"); tfymAddSlide("Big Butt Creatures", "784", "20170523", "Painting/Color Drawing", " martians often stop planets mine for minerals they need theirs travels unfortunately this one came across the big butt creatures very rare but also dangerous especially since baby creature has just emerged and needs protection", "1,7,10,12,15,25"); tfymAddSlide("Helping Each Other", "785", "20170601", "Painting/Color Drawing", " reaching over help weaker one lift some weights this larger realizes that when they another are also helping growing themselves making others stronger return makes you", "1,8,11,25"); tfymAddSlide("Hugging Hearts", "786", "20170608", "Painting/Color Drawing", " those love become more one than two time and life experiences mold them into single entity here heart made lovers hugging itself", "9,16,21,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Turning Canvases", "787", "20170615", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when paint applied painter canvas can become any object the viewer imagines simply turning once again alter impression even though colors and lines remain same meaning totally change like this piece accidentally found out that degrees right gave whole different symbolism", "1,5,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Dance Of Time", "788", "20170620", "Painting/Color Drawing", " dancing through the experiences life this couple build list memories they whirl with each other while hand time continues tick know can stop and cannot bring back past predict future but hold make best", "1,5,14,16,25"); tfymAddSlide("Bumper Cars In Space", "789", "20170718", "Painting/Color Drawing", " riding bumper cars fun amusement parks that these creatures decided the same thing space dragon turtle and unknown species have flying past each other planets nearby", "1,7,8,10,12,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("Lost Balloon Returns", "790", "20170727", "Painting/Color Drawing", " creature takes bunch balloons out stroll the grassy hills while walking one lost with gust wind then laying group thinking about balloon returns his buddy look", "1,12,14,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Farmboy Monthly", "791", "20170808", "Painting/Color Drawing", " this month edition the farmboy monthly magazine horse has been selected main focus proudly shows off his overalls pitchfork and stylish hat", "1,5,7,12,18,25"); tfymAddSlide("On Top Of A Mountain", "792", "20170815", "Painting/Color Drawing", " two creatures sit top very tall cold mountain one them just started fire while another tells that forgot the matches which makes first confused why would need when already has going", "1,7,10,12,25"); tfymAddSlide("Sticks and Stones", "793", "20170823", "Painting/Color Drawing", " bad words between two people may not leave physical bruises but the damage heart just painful here have been created someone their meaning causes recipients sliced corner receiver inner self holding onto bandaged", "7,9,10,11,15,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("WillingTo Prepare To Win WT>P<TW", "794", "20170831", "Painting/Color Drawing", " many people want succeed win something but they don put the time build skills most have desire less take steps beforehand prepare whether getting shape writing words for book honing other preparation that makes winning possible", "1,11,25"); tfymAddSlide("Playing With Clay", "795", "20170919", "Painting/Color Drawing", " horse has taken block clay and made some interesting models rabbit snake sit the shelf while puts finishing touch human figure just attach foot mold out left hand should ready for display like writing drawing music amazing how someone can make something that did not exist before now does makes you wonder there are other dimensions powers help guide inventing spirit?", "1,7,12,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("Yin Controlling Yang", "796", "20170908", "Painting/Color Drawing", " was originally doing this picture for scene from book writing dragons but finished thought more about how there are times that wish could just throw our bad part out and only have the good realize without whole self would not aware who really yang yin incomplete", "1,5,11,19,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("From Birth To Buyer", "797", "20170928", "Painting/Color Drawing", " from the moment person born they are bombarded visual and verbal marketing slogans what should buy how look this world all places filters think about ourselves live", "1,5,11,15,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Living In The Light", "798", "20170926", "Painting/Color Drawing", " between darkness and light each living thing makes decision reach for one the other here plant leans towards sun growing from drop yin yang", "2,20,25"); tfymAddSlide("Pilot Dooger Meets An Alien", "799", "20171005", "Painting/Color Drawing", " dog looking pilot flying through the sky when comes across friendly alien green ship both look happy see each other", "1,7,12,14,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Universe In Action", "800", "20171008", "Painting/Color Drawing", " like small creatures our feet the enormity universe also constantly busy creating destroying re-inventing itself", "21,25"); tfymAddSlide("String Snake Cheese", "801", "20171012", "Painting/Color Drawing", " cheese comes large variety flavors this one happens come from snakes", "1,7,13,18,22,25"); tfymAddSlide("Dimensional Tears", "802", "20171015", "Painting/Color Drawing", " sadness comes many forms from humans shedding tears flowers wilting polution super novas showing off their last light before becoming black hole this multi-dimensional eye spiraling among all sheds bright emotions against the backdrop blackness", "9,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Raider's Retirement", "803", "20171020", "Painting/Color Drawing", " these two heroes the poor who gather ill gotten goods from greedy profit mongers have collected enough help those need and now they can enjoy well deserved retirement dragon take off his saddle jean wearing elf time read good book", "1,7,10,11,12,25,26"); tfymAddSlide("Plork Tries Out Its New Scarves", "804", "20171025", "Painting/Color Drawing", " plork recently acquired some new scarves and proudly wears shows them off floats through the air its green colored alien skin complimenting reddish scarf texture", "1,5,10,12,14,21,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Yin Versus Yang", "805", "20171031", "Painting/Color Drawing", " each side our thoughts the good and bad push back forth for control how approach world here yin yang swirl around other infinite loop tug war", "7,9,10,11,15,19,25"); tfymAddSlide("Always In Search Of The Blarney Stone", "806", "20171108", "Painting/Color Drawing", " the blarney stone has myth about kissing and becoming someone who gift false flattery this traveler believes there another with different better powers", "1,5,8,12,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("Bird plus tech Vs Rat", "807", "20171201", "Painting/Color Drawing", " technology seems give some advantages and not others here bird uses robot cat catch rat", "1,7,11,12,15,19,22,25"); tfymAddSlide("Watching The Watchers", "808", "20171205", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when someone looks out the norm masses gawk stare and observe other though they are not like them keeping their distance should avoided", "1,5,11,15,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("What Lies Under The Floor", "809", "20171212", "Painting/Color Drawing", " while installing insulation under our house discovered the tightness construction many other inhabitants who live there and laziness builders not flattening out ground piling materials without any empathy future people need work down erg", "1,5,10,15,25"); tfymAddSlide("Kong Misses The Old Days", "810", "20171214", "Painting/Color Drawing", " kong the big ape climbs usual tower only find that times have changed and planes longer circle around him now drones keep their distance home users flying them stream live video intruder", "1,5,7,10,13,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Reaching For Others", "811", "20180110", "Painting/Color Drawing", " reaching for those who came before and come after about wanting reconnect with have passed like parents friends yet still stay connected into our lives later children this the first piece did dad last parent died dec 2017", "1,5,9,11,14,16,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Life Death", "812", "20180117", "Painting/Color Drawing", " with the yin yang effect life and death are always intermixed you cannot have one without other both permanent connection each this wave ocean continually rises falls rotates ball floats nearby remind balance", "11,20,25"); tfymAddSlide("Enemy Not", "813", "20180122", "Painting/Color Drawing", " there are times that you believe something your enemy but perceptions can often wrong going just what looks like does not always show the true meaning intention this case dragon top pile gold may seem actually friendly and offering sucker approaching warrior too focused look scene rather than behind cannot see below his sword", "7,10,11,12,19,25,26"); tfymAddSlide("Worm Dudes", "814", "20180126", "Painting/Color Drawing", " these bunch worm dudes are intermingled having great time just being with each other there goals schedule stresses anticipations the moment", "7,10,11,14,16,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Universality Of Love", "815", "20180201", "Painting/Color Drawing", " love self each other animals nature the universe and like this human hand alien making heart symbol top large yin yang that also symbolizes planet stars way tying all together", "4,11,16,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Loss Of Human Touch", "816", "20180213", "Painting/Color Drawing", " people are increasingly surrounding themselves with technology that claims make their lives easier safer more organized unfortunately these innovations also driving wall between each other how see and interact judge based social media profile pages digital texts millisecond pictures time the like face eyes looking into hands shaking long amount getting know disappearing this design pun intended many creators", "9,12,15,25"); tfymAddSlide("Pruning Self: Choosing Who We Become", "817", "20180223", "Painting/Color Drawing", " our life experiences happen get choose what keep and throw away mold who become can either focus the negative parts them sour trim those use positive aspects move towards good all", "1,5,9,11,14,15,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Fido and Felicia find a Boneyard", "818", "20180228", "Painting/Color Drawing", " the dogs have had long hard life but their surprise they come across yard full bones and feel stresses diminish can finally sit back enjoy some moments with each other removed from basics", "1,7,14,22,25"); tfymAddSlide("Love's Embrace", "819", "20180305", "Painting/Color Drawing", " was looking for way represent the concept love single image symbol any type from man and wife parents children pets their owners insert long list here", "9,16,20,21,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Look Before The Tip", "820", "20180308", "Painting/Color Drawing", " cats are interesting creatures they things their own time how want done and you don what often get revenge tipping over here orange striped cat about tip very expensive vase while looking the owner with who me? eyes", "1,7,13,19,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Price Of Technology", "821", "20180321", "Painting/Color Drawing", " and hidden costs technology being sold time saver convenience bling people buy use hope making their lives better seems first that some save you makes things convenient however step back evaluate all the new hardships need like paying money fixing bugs upgrades viruses crashes finnickyness eye strain neck between others because focus rather than them soon find cons often outweight pros here person having machine build parts work but same chained", "1,5,6,15,25"); tfymAddSlide("Dancing Within The Light", "822", "20180323", "Painting/Color Drawing", " figure dances within the beam and liquidity light among stars sky landscape its feet still anchored portal from which came", "5,9,14,21,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Inter-dimensional Love", "823", "20180419", "Painting/Color Drawing", " did this piece specifically for wife represents how two come together build love and expand that with families friends anyone they touch then infects others honored naming", "5,9,14,16,21,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Reaching Hand", "824", "20180504", "Painting/Color Drawing", " swirling parts our existence hand reaches forward into grab onto part the action", "4,9,12,25"); tfymAddSlide("Adjusting Ones Vision", "825", "20180506", "Painting/Color Drawing", " infinite amount things pass through our sight each swirling around over inside the others within this pool options much choose what focus here two ethereal hands come forth and help eyes see better", "4,6,9,11,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Making Peace : Facing Death And Smiling Back", "826", "20180519", "Painting/Color Drawing", " during recent part life where was once again faced with the possibility mortality coming pass thought about how everything that lives dies and dying just living here person smiling for last time earth re-absorbs body back into ground other creatures benefit from death support their", "1,6,9,11,22,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Merry Goes Around", "827", "20180531", "Painting/Color Drawing", " you get what give seems common that when treat people with positive approach reactions come back", "1,7,10,11,14,25,26"); tfymAddSlide("Dancing Colors", "828", "20180522", "Painting/Color Drawing", " swirl colors swoon around each their energy soon form two colorful figures who begin dancing with other", "5,9,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("When Automation Becomes AutoHumanization", "829", "20180607", "Painting/Color Drawing", " humans and technology are merging further into each others world there may time where human lives without some sort gadget implanted them here embedded deeply the tech looks upon gravestone showing last with modifications rests peace", "1,5,9,11,15,25"); tfymAddSlide("Beneath The Paint", "830", "20180611", "Painting/Color Drawing", " sitting behind the paint paintings are other things beauty from canvas itself made some all sorts wonderful materials frames wood with their own backstory how they become entire painting like wall people circuitry sometimes good examine not only what you looking but around was built upon another which frame and hangs shelf holds surprises its scraping away parts top ripping holes more wonders can found", "9,17,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Bear Hug", "831", "20180816", "Painting/Color Drawing", " sometimes just need get bear hug comfort against all the ills life this minion looking guy enjoying such moment with his giant stuffed", "1,7,14"); tfymAddSlide("Bringing Heart Back To Humanity", "832", "20181114", "Painting/Color Drawing", " with wars greed power grabs bling ownership things racism biggotry sexism ageism all the isms and just plain bad mean selfish people need champions who make conscious effort friendly respectful empathetic good nice sharing little like asking cashier waiter server how their day going before them serve you makes big different return your", "1,7,9,10,11,12,16,17,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("What Lies Just Beyond", "833", "20181130", "Painting/Color Drawing", " though our own world like who are the things may interesting meant get attention advertisements fancy do-dads there much more see experience playing computer game don just run for finish monster boss take time look around bushes behind buildings little creators added when walking big colorful posters but branches trees between keep your eyes mind open everything not obvious", "1,7,10,14,21,25,26"); tfymAddSlide("Emus, The Original Storks", "834", "20181207", "Painting/Color Drawing", " unknown historians emus were the original human baby delivery service however since need walk they have more time think and realized humans too lazy delivering only one gave their task storks", "1,7,12,13,25"); tfymAddSlide("Together", "835", "20190108", "Painting/Color Drawing", " two become one bond with each other through life and hopefully after death their stresses enjoyments traits come together create new physically emotionally this married couple joined holding the weight flower growing out love off-spring momentarily for support until they too find partner", "1,5,11,14,16,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Public View", "836", "20190118", "Painting/Color Drawing", " within the interactions society all find ourselves presenting face and actions that feel desired audience meanwhile behind our veil stresses people have hurt those expose their fury public view much energy used hide change how they are really feeling present societal acceptance would interesting could express raw thoughts emotions receive empathy instead scorn here person pushes out happy while inside tribulations bubble", "1,6,9,15,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Dancing With Flies", "837", "20190129", "Painting/Color Drawing", " there should moments when each does something free constraints rules break and just these two creatures are dancing with some flies enjoy the moment goals schedules", "1,7,10,12,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("Being Together", "838", "20190201", "Painting/Color Drawing", " the path relationship two identities begin melt into single person each partner taking traits other those really close even pick others thoughts here have been together long love and time that their bodies are almost indistinguishable", "3,4,9,16,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("To Serve And Protect", "839", "20190206", "Painting/Color Drawing", " common practice with societies for those authority create groups armed individuals under the pretense that their main mission serve and protect masses while true core control preserve top here protector wearing weapons gear stands over one weak inhabitants rest public gawk unfortunate person who not them", "1,5,11,16,25"); tfymAddSlide("Quantum Physicals", "840", "20190213", "Painting/Color Drawing", " science starting catch understanding the basics life that all nature based cultures discovered through their lives things are connected there never juse but always even person hidden cave feels and affects rest planet universe this observing right hand while seeing reality play out left arm which splitting into many other species", "1,4,5,9,12,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Rabbit Discovers The Buy Now Button", "841", "20190221", "Painting/Color Drawing", " stores are making purchasing everday products easier from clothes food each process then makes interact less with other exercise get out here rabbit has discovered store that delivers produce longer does have hop rabbits outside can just sit back click eat and bigger", "1,7,18,22,25"); tfymAddSlide("Yin Dances With Yang", "842", "20190227", "Painting/Color Drawing", " the good and bad all battle each other for what actions will this dance yin yang life here figure performs set while symbol floats background", "1,5,9,11,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Flowers And Their Baby", "843", "20190228", "Painting/Color Drawing", " many living things come together produce their offspring some the lucky ones with emotion here set flowers have each grown heart one limbs for other and through love baby", "2,14,16,25"); tfymAddSlide("River Of Love", "844", "20190305", "Painting/Color Drawing", " many lover take paths which hopefully lead them the heart desire here ship sailing between two rocky landscapes when distance awaits that sought", "16,20,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Notes Grow For Those Who Listen", "845", "20190306", "Painting/Color Drawing", " each song holds specific meaning for the listener from love songs that heal hurt and hold sad sour sink sooth this landscape musical notes flower stem listens all offered", "2,9,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("H.uggers U.nderstand G.iving", "846", "20190402", "Painting/Color Drawing", " those who freely give others hug hopes that makes the other person feel better know how themselves here couple fish some insects and mom hugs her baby", "1,7,10,11,14,16,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Love For Others", "847", "20190403", "Painting/Color Drawing", " love for others starts with self completely give your another you should also able look back yourself and all that are here person holds the left rights hands hand gesture fingers representing words touching each other", "1,4,6,11,16,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Which World?", "848", "20190405", "Painting/Color Drawing", " all choose and contribute how want our world there are those who focus greed power violence hatred the approach while other would rather join that planet with love caring empathy scope here divided into wish bad things half lean good others method", "1,4,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Colorful Words - and the lives they change", "849", "20190411", "Painting/Color Drawing", " what speak and spoken often holds lot power shaping who are here person speaks words others causing effect them well the speaking", "1,5,9,11,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Chesragon", "850", "20190416", "Painting/Color Drawing", " chesron lives! the far reaches imagnation this chesire cat dragon was born out sillyness devlishness and fun sits open landscape with its new baby being from egg that looks like heart", "1,7,10,12,13,25,26"); tfymAddSlide("Walflies", "851", "20190419", "Painting/Color Drawing", " near the ocean lives rare walflies these animals are result breeding between flies and walruses how that even possible really them here two enjoy couples dance preparation for secret mating ceremony which has never been seen human eye", "1,7,10,12,14,20,25"); tfymAddSlide("Music Melts The Heart", "852", "20190425", "Painting/Color Drawing", " music can change monster into dancer child warrior small bodies man boxing champion melodies take other lands and help fall out love powerful here person presents song another heart the notes words causing joy melting back", "4,7,9,14,16,20,21,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Roots To Wings", "853", "20190516", "Painting/Color Drawing", " parents often through their own version parent traumatic separation disorder when children leave the house start lives roots have built for are forever wrapped around here mom and dad wave goodbye they grow from having into those with wings both permanently bonded", "1,2,5,9,11,15,16,20,21,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Life Versus The Winds", "854", "20190521", "Painting/Color Drawing", " the old phrase that nothing stays same accurate each moment life just which then moves next have control over this change can only experience happens here strong wind blowing across hill containing sign and gets parts begin rip off blow away", "9,14,15,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Destruction Of Memories", "855", "20190522", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when people die their skills experiences and memories with them here the individual flame float away body disappears", "2,9,15,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Heart Sees What The Eyes Cannot", "856", "20190531", "Painting/Color Drawing", " there are many things that cannot digested truly experienced with the eyes from love pain empty and others heart very powerful observer old saying not judge book its cover comes true like when see homeless person them for environment clothing they wear listen feel here removes what being seen rather evaluates", "1,5,9,11,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Connections", "857", "20190604", "Painting/Color Drawing", " that which initially binds two things can strengthened grown into complicated multi-branched channel from plants connect and communicate with fungi people who after being together for long time sense each others thoughts here objects have reached out bonded their bond becoming stronger growing like plant provide benefits all they both touch", "2,11,16,25"); tfymAddSlide("Three Birds(?)", "858", "20190611", "Painting/Color Drawing", " three birds just hanging about", "1,7,16,20,25"); tfymAddSlide("Spiraling Moments Of The Heart", "859", "20190613", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when you find something love time seems speed are near and slow down away here heart clock counts feels the moments around", "9,16,20,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Grasping What We See", "860", "20190614", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when see something can and does affect the input visuals bleeds over into physical emotional outputs here eye brings world while other senses experience effects", "4,9,14,15,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Because Of My Daughter's Love", "861", "20190617", "Painting/Color Drawing", " many times can only thing because someone has presented something encouraged makes possible for proceed this painting was the result daughter giving foot blank canvas out her gift love creating art flowed through brushes into paint and finally gave life emptiness thank you honeypot!", "2,9,14,16,20,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Evolution Revolution", "862", "20190620", "Painting/Color Drawing", " whether believe evolution creationism some other belief how living things are made still amazing see the diversity and they all evolve revolve around each here four different species play teeter-totter golden utensils while balancing book about", "7,10,12,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Giving Birth", "863", "20190627", "Painting/Color Drawing", " the male human cannot know what like give birth its own only females have been given ability experience such wonderous thing this painting one attemt envision how must feel create another here female built from flesh which contains muscles organs and veins experiences physical emotional moments creating life itself parts her are broken away used start new", "5,9,14,16,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Soulmates", "864", "20190702", "Painting/Color Drawing", " the swirl universe across time and space true soulmates seem drawn together their streams merge make magic here couple souls swim through color currents soon they will forever bonded", "6,9,14,16,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Offspring", "865", "20190714", "Painting/Color Drawing", " species that mate and create versions themselves their babies totally rely parents for learning how live but soon the offspring take off own find here set dancing music family raising new ones sees one offpsrings ready venture out its", "2,7,9,16,20,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("End Of An Artist", "866", "20190728", "Painting/Color Drawing", " after artist creates their work from paintings song role movie they move the next project once that dies more projects will ever made them and pieces may feel sense loss here has just died creations gather around bed say farewells", "1,5,7,10,16,20,25"); tfymAddSlide("Holes Of Black", "867", "20190730", "Painting/Color Drawing", " since the darkness black holes are thought great that not even light can escape created this piece universe with actual where and their surrounding galaxies have formed physical represent absence any color actually fabric close you get painting", "21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Keep Swimming", "868", "20190801", "Painting/Color Drawing", " with the struggles life must continually remind ourselves keep trying truding along one wife current favorite sayings from famous animated fish movie", "1,11,20,25"); tfymAddSlide("Made With Heart", "869", "20190801", "Painting/Color Drawing", " there are some artists who paint act write songs plant life etc pour their heart out when they create here artist being used make something grow", "2,9,11,16,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Word Waves", "870", "20190814", "Painting/Color Drawing", " spoken words have effects those that hear which turn causes their and the wave continues here couple people are having strong conversation speech affecting each other while distant voice others mix with all being influenced", "6,9,11,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Spark", "871", "20190822", "Painting/Color Drawing", " the moment two people meet and their chemistry matches spark starts which builds intensity years bonds grow here hearts have just met born lives entangling forever", "2,9,16,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Birth Of Balance", "872", "20190829", "Painting/Color Drawing", " good and bad feed from each other without the would not know what feel special here yin yang symbol which personafies balance between gives birth life filled with both wings stretched moves forward", "7,9,11,16,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("House Of Love", "873", "20190905", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when two people come together and build all that they have through the eyes love their results affect those who enter here couple uses sign language for you connect hands ceremony affirmation dedication each other", "4,9,11,16,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Self Feeding/Pruning", "874", "20190917", "Painting/Color Drawing", " each person makes their own choices with how they change themselves matter the influences from negative positive choose which ones want here chooses keep attributes like peace love kind and trim away hatred war greed", "1,2,5,9,11,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Reflection Of Society", "875", "20190919", "Painting/Color Drawing", " those society who look for every opportunity enrich increase and better their lives without any empathy less fortunate live shallow many times that they shun are reflection possible future surrounding themselves with bling labels hides the true core human heart here well person admires own things have gathered what become while another unfortunate has little", "5,9,11,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Tunnel Vision Paths", "876", "20190923", "Painting/Color Drawing", " tunnel vision affects how proceed down paths the constraints openness our situations are controlled envision situation tained past here has come out and choice which way one leads sun bright future another known meanwhile plan grows right front but not seen because tunneled focus", "2,9,11,25"); tfymAddSlide("Finally", "877", "20190924", "Painting/Color Drawing", " there are moments when you finally experience what have been looking forward that exact moment often more exciting than the actual prize here minion type creature has desiring banana and gets one", "1,5,7,10,14,22,25"); tfymAddSlide("Just Snakes", "878", "20190926", "Painting/Color Drawing", " just couple snakes intertwined the red and green one wrapped around each other their mouths locked eternal bond moment could pleasureable agitation decided viewer", "7,25"); tfymAddSlide("Puzzle Pieces", "879", "20190927", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when people work with each other unfortunately ego often get the way best results here person has opporutnity take pieces yin yang symbol and build cohesive peaceful beneficial product untfortunately their pride labels territory self acknowledgement protection causes them pull piece puzzle away from rest instead beautiful less attractive result exists", "1,5,11,19,25"); tfymAddSlide("Of All The Planets", "880", "20191001", "Painting/Color Drawing", " may collect bling bobbles and treasures but that special person who becomes our partner the most valued", "1,14,16,19,25"); tfymAddSlide("Cat And Fish", "881", "20191004", "Painting/Color Drawing", " nature many animals are extinctively enemies like cat and dogs cats fish birds wait guess things should say prey here with cheshire grin becomes great friends that loves just keep swimming", "1,7,14,19,20,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Tool Maker", "882", "20191017", "Painting/Color Drawing", " none perfect must work ourselves daily better people and make things here creature has crafted its own tools help making itself life", "1,5,10,11,19,20,25"); tfymAddSlide("Be Nice To Others - No Strings Attached", "883", "20191022", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when you have the opportunity nice help someone else for them yourself here flying elephant giving person with artificial legs and lift their destination", "1,7,11,21,25"); tfymAddSlide("Who Am I? Who Was I?", "884", "20191025", "Painting/Color Drawing", " often think what others about while are here and after gone person looking themselves asking those same questions just their life force absorbed back into the universe", "1,5,9,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Content In The Universe", "885", "20191025", "Painting/Color Drawing", " are all part the whole our individual lives valuable unique and special but must also see that affect others they here person realizes when pass their life force will back may building blocks for plant anything else", "1,2,9,10,11,14,21,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Helping Hearts", "886", "20191025", "Painting/Color Drawing", " there are many that put out their hearts help others these same helpers often turn need support for own lives and stresses here heart has helped being mended those who also have helping", "1,9,11,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("Soc'I'ety", "887", "20191202", "Painting/Color Drawing", " though each person individual they are connected all other living things some way whether through their own actions the others here many connect with relationships family while paths cross and have effects", "1,9,11,14,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Little Bewks Love Their Books", "888", "20191202", "Painting/Color Drawing", " some little creatures called bewks love read and enjoy the adventures written others here group sit sleep nearby books", "1,5,10,12,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("Play Time", "889", "20191202", "Painting/Color Drawing", " great when adults can remember they were kids and play just for the sake playing with egos competition societal walls here adult creature gets ground plays some", "1,7,10,11,12,14,25"); tfymAddSlide("Toe Heads", "890", "20200108", "Painting/Color Drawing", " fashion seems hit every part our bodies from ears hair clothes these toes here person trying different ideas their which look like type heads", "1,3,10,13,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("The Toe Nails Versus The Toe Hammers", "891", "20200109", "Painting/Color Drawing", " groups individuals sometimes clash each wearing their own group color here toes called the toe nails blue going against another hammers with showcasing and symbol", "1,3,10,13,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Yin-Yang", "892", "20200113", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when comes yin and yang each choose how much use whether bring them together tear apart here dragon has the two pieces deciding what", "1,7,10,11,12,25,26"); tfymAddSlide("The Gift", "893", "20200114", "Painting/Color Drawing", " everyday have opportunities things for others here giant has found some baby birds nesting stick gone out the way find tasty worms little ones and tenderly feeding them", "1,5,7,10,11,12,14,16,22,25"); tfymAddSlide("Feeding Frenzy", "894", "20200127", "Painting/Color Drawing", " you move and down the food chain realize just how much each living things feeds off other here ant has picnic with leaf while lizard looking eat human make into burger mosquito hand", "1,4,7,10,11,14,22,25"); tfymAddSlide("Reach For What You Love", "895", "20200130", "Painting/Color Drawing", " said that you should look for job does something love this also true every aspect your life find and with people charities anything here person has many loves shown coming out his head like painting tech partner ideas animals", "1,5,7,9,11,14,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Choosing Your Hat", "896", "20200130", "Painting/Color Drawing", " experience life are hit with good and bad things people our choice focus how here group individuals wear hats showing they viewing the world that moment some them gravestones focusing negative going while others same situations wearing plants look for", "1,2,5,9,11,14,15,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Perspective", "897", "20200220", "Painting/Color Drawing", " people can get into tunnel vision where they see things certain way because always look the same changing your assumptions and position you often that were there but not seen here person makes themself feel uncomfortable finally little clearer", "1,5,9,11,14,15,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Will YOU Be My Parent?", "898", "20200227", "Painting/Color Drawing", " unfortunately those society who not fit within the norms are often negated set aside chosen here couple animals has given birth but offspring mutated and doesn meet their expectations they offish want anything with small one little then looking you ask will care for them", "1,7,10,11,15,25"); tfymAddSlide("Babies Brain", "899", "20200303", "Painting/Color Drawing", " from the moment baby born curious about everything asks itself why how who and they get older used many knowns that ask less questions observe struggles adult keep your young eyes brain open what around enjoyment learning simple things here dragon doing its first flight comes across bee", "1,7,10,11,14,25,26"); tfymAddSlide("Connections", "900", "20200312", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when each interact continually share the things have and what has been shared with here some individuals intermingle pool germs bacteria viruses microbes through their connections", "1,9,11,20,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Driving Past A Key Bee", "901", "20200307", "Black White Drawing", " there are many possibilities for living things from animals humans creatures robots and more here robot type creature driving its gizmo motorbike while passing key bee who has stinger tail", "1,7,9,10,12,14,20"); tfymAddSlide("Trying To Catch Serenity - with your eyes shut", "902", "20200307", "Black White Drawing", " all try and find place where can happy here person trying catch that happiness but blocking their view wiht other things", "1,5,11,14,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Sharing The Face", "903", "20200314", "Black White Drawing", " all things must choose what type face they will show when meeting another here cat and dog have chosen share their with the other that can experience each view", "1,7,11"); tfymAddSlide("Through The Eyes Of A Racist", "904", "20200531", "Painting/Color Drawing", " all have filters how view the world others from our experiences prejudices peers make assumptions what expect here racist views group people threat different same", "1,5,9,11,15,25"); tfymAddSlide("Reflections", "905", "20200722", "Painting/Color Drawing", " put our outfits primp looks and then look upon reflection see how think others will what interesting that everytime the mirrior are seeing opposite have scratch left face right here animal has dandy pair overalls", "7,12"); tfymAddSlide("The Living Tree", "906", "20200723", "Painting/Color Drawing", " grow and experience life our face changes for how feel from sad happy all the emotions between lives are history facial here person represented living tree with some their faces showing", "1,6,9"); tfymAddSlide("Trump 2020/Covid-19 Results", "907", "20200724", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when two negatives are combined the results can more devastating than each its own here trump 2020 with covid-19 ends causing for those affected scales being pushed down and raising person dangerous", "1,11,15"); tfymAddSlide("Robot Admiring Human", "908", "20200728", "Painting/Color Drawing", " mechanical devices have come long way they become more human-like each year and can tasks often wonder robots are looking humans admiring how easily move here human being very fluid their movement while robot looks", "1,5,9,12,24"); tfymAddSlide("Bugs and Flowers", "909", "20200728", "Painting/Color Drawing", " just some fantasy bugs with flowers", "2,7,10"); tfymAddSlide("Signs Of Peaceful Protections - Balanced Actions", "910", "20200729", "Painting/Color Drawing", " society experiences times where different groups clash ideals usually the case one side leans peaceful reactions violent actions others there are that even must take more forceful protect their members here yin yang symbol embedded with both peace and love while covering itself stone wall help those beliefs", "1,11,15,16"); tfymAddSlide("2 Sides - 1 Side", "911", "20200731", "Painting/Color Drawing", " seems more and when two people have different opinions that instead having conversation discussing each other views least one side wants force the change here come together showing love understanding offering peaceful process while leans violence forceful actions with room for", "1,4,11,15,16,19,24"); tfymAddSlide("Ashley Love's Ryan", "912", "20200731", "Painting/Color Drawing", " son ryan and his partner ashley have such great relationship this dedicated them here one favorite disney character repunzel has her hair shaped into name", "1,5,12,14,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Selfish vs Selfless", "913", "20200803", "Painting/Color Drawing", " there are two extremes society those that selfish and grab much everything they can without thinking about others then the selfless who consider other needs when using earth here 4x4 truck with polluting exhaust over fishing loud honking horn our country one else matters tail gating person driving resource friendly vehicle going few miles speed limit showing care for", "1,11,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Honey Bear - Says 'hi!'", "914", "20200804", "Painting/Color Drawing", " honey bear who course loves waving his hand and just saying always having art pad for the next idea like this drawing himself", "1,5,7,12,14"); tfymAddSlide("Chillin", "915", "20200805", "Painting/Color Drawing", " just wanted draw dragon this one drinking its favortie drink favorite chair chillin", "1,7,10,12,14,22,26"); tfymAddSlide("Pain From Politics", "916", "20200806", "Painting/Color Drawing", " instead thinking about what best for the people who put them office politicians often think will reward and increase their power here person holds heart which wounded onslaught greed hungry", "1,5,9,11,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Doing A High Fifteen", "917", "20200807", "Painting/Color Drawing", " humans give each others high fives with their hands animals more than one arm can here couple octupi three doing fifteen", "1,7,14,20"); tfymAddSlide("The Co(n)-Worker", "918", "20200809", "Painting/Color Drawing", " after wife read article about how there rampant sexual harassment large corporations drew this character represents lot the attackers and contains imagery their beliefs from spatual for spanking list others wants attack following example those high office", "1,5,11,15,19,22,24"); tfymAddSlide("Pillow Time", "919", "20200811", "Painting/Color Drawing", " some animals having sleep over and playing big pillow here cat shark hippo gorilla bat other play", "1,7,12,14"); tfymAddSlide("Right(s) vs Left(out)", "920", "20200812", "Painting/Color Drawing", " sad how some people who believe right only them they are their own rights here person uses might enforce uphold while stomping the bill and leaving nothing but trash for those left out", "1,11,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("The Hammer Hand Strikes Again", "921", "20200813", "Painting/Color Drawing", " seems more and news about dramatics negative stories each bad story affecting those that watch their mood life being manipulated here person embedded with nails his head the hand hammer new one into eye", "1,4,6,9,11,15"); tfymAddSlide("Faces", "922", "20200814", "Painting/Color Drawing", " expose many different faces others depending how feel the moment and show influence them here person deciding which face seeing another choosing theirs", "1,5,6,9,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Snuggle Bunny and Hunny Bunny - Always Sharing The Carrots", "923", "20200815", "Painting/Color Drawing", " nickname for wife snuggle bunny and her hunny here both bunnies are sharing yet another carrot while holding hands paws", "1,7,14,16,22"); tfymAddSlide("The (not so) Scary Shnarfl", "924", "20200816", "Painting/Color Drawing", " from the hidden regions mind comes shnarfl this unique create has wings talons rooster cone and other interesting things", "1,5,7,10,12,22"); tfymAddSlide("Speaking Serpent", "925", "20200816", "Painting/Color Drawing", " those institutions goverments corporations that solely focus profit use their powers persuade the customers and audience things benefit speaker here person who has been influenced entire life are even controlled after death looking make money", "1,5,9,11"); tfymAddSlide("Parts Of The Heart", "926", "20200817", "Painting/Color Drawing", " each has heart filled with the things care about from children partners own their loves here kept together that cares for forces rip and tear but bonds love are stronger", "1,9,16"); tfymAddSlide("DNS DIVERgent", "927", "20200818", "Painting/Color Drawing", " sad see large creature just about devour smaller one those moments wish that the body parts each could morphed has power eat another here penguin too swallowed sea lions small digest others squid tentacles grab and other dns changes", "1,7,9,10,12,13,19,20,22"); tfymAddSlide("Surfing On A Wave", "928", "20200819", "Painting/Color Drawing", " pool eyeball fish surf wave while through the funnel beautiful sunset can seen", "7,12,14,20"); tfymAddSlide("What is normal, everything is unique, nothing is normal.", "929", "20200819", "Painting/Color Drawing", " people often fret over what they should considered normal from clothes food body scultping some try and become others say here landscape inhabited unusual creature who holds two books the first asks while second says everything unique nothing", "9,10,11,12,20,24"); tfymAddSlide("The Teeth Peeps", "930", "20200820", "Painting/Color Drawing", " each group individual creatures focuses some traits that they admire from feather peacock fins fish parts the body become ways show off here spends their days thinking loving teeth", "1,5,10,12,13,14,20"); tfymAddSlide("Leaning On Each Other", "931", "20200820", "Painting/Color Drawing", " our world works better when look each other members those who can help become and enjoy them here group famous cartoon characters lean representing the many facets human society from race gender skin color body type these individuals have learned wisely they also found that came before teach vaulable lessons improving how currently things images copyrighted minions universal studios tweety warner brothers tom jerry mickey mouse disney bugs bunny charlie brown charles schulz south park", "1,5,7,14,20"); tfymAddSlide("Hearts", "932", "20200821", "Painting/Color Drawing", " just some hearts one large multi-colored yeart with arrow through and small floating around", "16"); tfymAddSlide("Beautiful Balloons Become Bad Bondage", "933", "20200821", "Painting/Color Drawing", " things words and actions can disguised look like benefit when they are actually doing damage here figure attracted beautiful balloons that then hook into its body pull painful directions", "1,5,9,11,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Finding Pure Joy", "934", "20200822", "Painting/Color Drawing", " groups beliefs that claim about finding happiness often focus what society says should make you happy like money fame etc while those with true joy find the simplest things here buddha statue gold jewels power laid before curious child who simple play smiling", "1,2,5,9,11,14,24"); tfymAddSlide("Thought", "935", "20200824", "Painting/Color Drawing", " though believe control our thoughts they are actually influenced things life from family friends and actions here person thinking self created thought but the path many shown feeding", "1,6,9,11"); tfymAddSlide("Fish Friends", "936", "20200825", "Painting/Color Drawing", " just some simple fish friends enjoying each other dolphin starfish clown snake puffer all happy with wearing their favorite outfits", "1,7,12,14,20"); tfymAddSlide("Moving Along With A Peaceful Approach", "937", "20200826", "Painting/Color Drawing", " get choose how want approach what lies our path here creature skateboards through the day while holding peaceful thoughts", "5,8,10,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Building A Foundation From Love", "938", "20200826", "Painting/Color Drawing", " couple uses their relationship mold how lives will unfold here creature walking turbulent waters supported floating hearts created love its shoulder partner who also helping", "5,10,11,14,16,20"); tfymAddSlide("Fish Parroting People", "939", "20200827", "Painting/Color Drawing", " people often replicate the tone actions those they see here fish sea sunken arguing and parrot them well also creating signs about views", "1,2,7,11,20"); tfymAddSlide("Elephant - ZDF", "940", "20200828", "Painting/Color Drawing", " wife and have saying zdf this elephant showing while being asked certain famous movie creature knows the", "7,10,12,14,21"); tfymAddSlide("Swiffle Dink Comes To Life", "941", "20200829", "Painting/Color Drawing", " new creature comes life part sea plant many other parts welcome the world swiffle dink", "2,5,7,10,12,20"); tfymAddSlide("Forced Opinion", "942", "20200830", "Painting/Color Drawing", " conversations with people who have different opinions seemed change from two sides discussing one side yelling here person being attacked can openers respresenting the others trying force their way", "1,6,11,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Child Of Swiffle Dink", "943", "20200831", "Painting/Color Drawing", " swiffle dink came life few pieces ago this that creatures child maybe the partner who created will also someday", "5,7,10,15"); tfymAddSlide("Good Tools Bad Uses", "944", "20200901", "Painting/Color Drawing", " everything made humans matter the origin can used for good bad here common tools like hammer wrench becomes weapons while gun flower pot", "1,4,11"); tfymAddSlide("The Balance", "945", "20200901", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when live and interact with people who are from two different groups those battle balancing act peaceful way here person dealing the left right still trying keep peace", "1,5,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Out of The Box", "946", "20200902", "Painting/Color Drawing", " being tunnel visioned easier than keeping your eyes open thing around you here doll and two lizards are escaping box they were put make their own way", "1,7,11,12"); tfymAddSlide("The ReCreation Of Adam", "947", "20200903", "Painting/Color Drawing", " reviewing one the most famous paintings creation adam decided make own version here elevated being heavens touching human ground", "5,9,12,21,24"); tfymAddSlide("Hard To Let Go", "948", "20200903", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when lose someone one the hardest moments split second they are gone and you realize nothing will ever same that everything did with them longer happen here man just losing his woman her life flying away side death attempting apologize for taking partner", "5,9,15,21,24"); tfymAddSlide("Freedom Freedoom", "949", "20200904", "Painting/Color Drawing", " groups people live together they make choices that can benefit harm themelves and others here two heads are superimposed each other the one left wears mask use their freedom protect both themself while uses freedo opposite", "1,6,11,19"); tfymAddSlide("Serpent Flower", "950", "20200905", "Painting/Color Drawing", " friendly serpent found lovely flower and hugging", "2,6,7,10,12,14"); tfymAddSlide("Rainbow Ralph", "951", "20200906", "Painting/Color Drawing", " waiting show when your day dark rainbow ralph comes from the cosmos brighten", "5,10,14,21"); tfymAddSlide("How You Look Should Not Determine How Much You Matter", "952", "20200907", "Painting/Color Drawing", " matter how your body looks from the color skin size shape parts even place you were born raised affects appearance none that should influence much society here person made many black white brown handicap big small covered flags around world along with labels like lgbtq democratic republican among other attributes just anyone else", "1,6,7,9,11,21,24"); tfymAddSlide("Heroes - Are In All Of Us", "953", "20200908", "Painting/Color Drawing", " there are moments when each can step and for others hero them here three different sized gendered people coming the task", "1,5,11,21"); tfymAddSlide("Me-ingo", "954", "20200909", "Painting/Color Drawing", " each day wake decide what type face will put for interacting with others here set bingo machines are filled the different faces choose from calendar showing which ones were chosen", "1,6,9,21"); tfymAddSlide("Me-ingo", "955", "20200909", "Painting/Color Drawing", " humans are famous for caging training changing other animals the planet relish and cheer when have trained them here monkey has been taught use typewriter make words but ends just typing banana over again still original nature inside", "1,4,7,9,11,12,22,24"); tfymAddSlide("Cell-Bob and Cell-Jane - Confused By A Cell-Phone", "956", "20200910", "Painting/Color Drawing", " words are used together build other like cell phone here two one celled creatures find cellphone and wonder why type", "1,5,7,9,10,13,20"); tfymAddSlide("Extreme Recycling", "957", "20200911", "Painting/Color Drawing", " move down the path trying save planet actually ourselves wonder how far can take here couple people use things like pot toilet paper old clothing", "1,5,11,13,24"); tfymAddSlide("Blocking The Effects", "958", "20200911", "Painting/Color Drawing", " hard stay emotional empathetic when exposed large amount suffering others here person has been the dying planet 911 world trade centers and bodies being burned during cov-id pandemic smoke from all three floating towards who now wears gas mask", "1,6,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Super Cat", "959", "20200912", "Painting/Color Drawing", " super heroes come from the animals well here cat able leap kitty litter boxes single bound faster than running mouse", "1,7,9,12"); tfymAddSlide("Worm People", "960", "20200913", "Painting/Color Drawing", " there are many exercise routines out from yoga step aerobics others here couple people try new one called the worm", "5,13,24"); tfymAddSlide("Is Anyone Out There? - That Believes As I do?", "961", "20200914", "Painting/Color Drawing", " one the common things people say when they feel isolated that don think anyone else like them thinks which not true for every way person there are many across globe with same feelings thoughts modes here creature from another planet wonders feels does its backpack covered symbols has discovered around universe", "1,5,9,10,11,12,24"); tfymAddSlide("Eyes Eye I", "962", "20200914", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when observe others are often being observed ourselves here person observing bug which also him the same time alien both", "1,7,9,10,12,19"); tfymAddSlide("The Growth Of Knowledge - And How It Spreads", "963", "20200915", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when someone reads book learns something new that wisdeom spreads from them others their actions teachings and the things they produce like newer books products here tree growing out with its limbs more which drop seeds knowledge ground trees", "1,2,11,18,19"); tfymAddSlide("Unknowns Having Their Babies", "964", "20200915", "Painting/Color Drawing", " just some unknown creatures having their babies and watching them play", "7,10,14,16,18"); tfymAddSlide("Made It Another Year", "965", "20200916", "Painting/Color Drawing", " progress through life experience all that offers from the bad good when you hit your birthday can look back trials and triumphs realize made another year here turtle celebrating its while things has experienced are labeled shell", "1,5,7,11,14"); tfymAddSlide("Playing With Balls", "966", "20200917", "Painting/Color Drawing", " just playing with how balls can look being affected different things like motion tension etc here group are squeezed flown poked shredded", "1,9"); tfymAddSlide("Taking Care Of Self - While Living Off Others", "967", "20200917", "Painting/Color Drawing", " good take care ourselves keep the body mind and heart shape but must also empathize with others here snake doing yoga while wearing rabbit foot for luck meanwhile wooden leg watching upset", "1,7,11,19"); tfymAddSlide("Showing Self", "968", "20200918", "Painting/Color Drawing", " though may use our hands paws things through them show others who are here two people just about meet and their outward facing self expressed little figures animal also showing its image paw", "1,4,7,9,11,19,24"); tfymAddSlide("Music Notes Singing", "969", "20200918", "Painting/Color Drawing", " thought would nice see the notes song actually singing their own here different have heads with mouths that sing out lout", "12,14"); tfymAddSlide("Drinking From A Honey Flower", "970", "20200919", "Painting/Color Drawing", " what would like for bird show flower with human tools here shows honey stick spoon drink from that has jar its core", "1,2,7,9,12,22"); tfymAddSlide("There Is No Life, Without Time", "971", "20200919", "Painting/Color Drawing", " without time life cannot exist yet when the ones love die keeps going for others here face person shown slowly breaking into pieces disappearing its marches towards moment will gone", "1,6,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Old v.s. Old", "972", "20200921", "Painting/Color Drawing", " interesting how group people like each other often clash children playground elderly retirement home here hold frog chases old bee who are being watched spider", "1,7,13,15,22"); tfymAddSlide("Class Of The Forgotten", "973", "20200921", "Painting/Color Drawing", " looking back old school photos often wonder where they are and gone who remembers them here different classes represented class banners from times like 000 2001 others their faces transparent current people", "1,5,9"); tfymAddSlide("Don't Be You! Be Like Me.", "974", "20200922", "Painting/Color Drawing", " groups often want other just like them from politics religion the many images modes people think their way here has announcer saying him while person represented robot goes put clothes which makes look others", "1,11,12,15"); tfymAddSlide("String Theory", "975", "20200922", "Painting/Color Drawing", " quantum string theory particles can connected affected unconnected distant here person represented their strings and those causing effects upon theirs", "1,5,9,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Jedi Tricks For Dogs", "976", "20200923", "Painting/Color Drawing", " the science fictions movies people can get force tool magical things here dog uses that same create bone", "1,7,12"); tfymAddSlide("One Sided Society", "977", "20200923", "Painting/Color Drawing", " there are those society who want you listen their opinions things way while ignoring putting down others here person with signs for justice peace all being squished vice only believes group deserves freedom", "1,5,9,11,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Flower Creature Visited By Bugs", "978", "20200924", "Painting/Color Drawing", " creature who grows flowers out its back visited creatures that love flower and the", "2,7,10,12,14,22"); tfymAddSlide("Avocado Doppelgangers Often Meet", "979", "20200925", "Painting/Color Drawing", " they say each has doppelganger someone who looks almost exactly like here avocados that have been sliced two meet their own other half", "1,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("Love Among Us", "980", "20200926", "Painting/Color Drawing", " the midst all arguing fear wars anger there are also those with love peace good will each other here balloon filled hearts sits next people spelling out word", "1,5,9,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Octopus Octane", "981", "20200926", "Painting/Color Drawing", " animals also eat some food give their mind boost here octopus with only arms drinks many cups coffee and has very awake eyes", "7,14,22"); tfymAddSlide("Deep Flower", "982", "20200928", "Painting/Color Drawing", " very large deep flower made multi-pattern petals this took full days sooo many details", "2,9"); tfymAddSlide("High (in) Life", "983", "20200929", "Painting/Color Drawing", " plants that contain elements make humans high stay state highness themselves? here couple magic mushrooms and marijuana plant are quite happy", "1,2,5,10,14,22"); tfymAddSlide("Sharing Stuff", "984", "20200929", "Painting/Color Drawing", " balanced life includes not only doing things for yourself but others here person buddha sitting poistion has reached the perfect balance both one hand bucket filled with actions self while other ones", "1,5,9,11,20,24"); tfymAddSlide("The Fight For Life", "985", "20200930", "Painting/Color Drawing", " amazing the journey sperm must make become life here penis shown with just emerging while ribbon pulled tight around showing obstacles that can faced", "1,15,20"); tfymAddSlide("Rainbowed Out", "986", "20200930", "Painting/Color Drawing", " mystical creature that has hair made rainbows walking across rainbow", "7,9,10,12"); tfymAddSlide("Flying Kitties", "987", "20201001", "Painting/Color Drawing", " some machines are very interesting the way they work here contraption that doesn look like could fly does person space suite takes basket kitties for ride", "1,7,12,14,21"); tfymAddSlide("Different Times", "988", "20201002", "Painting/Color Drawing", " time contruct created humans there are many ways that can display here variety pieces sits landscape", "1,7,9,10,12,20"); tfymAddSlide("Hat Dance", "989", "20201005", "Painting/Color Drawing", " bunch hats from different eras dancing", "1,14"); tfymAddSlide("Finger Flower", "990", "20201006", "Painting/Color Drawing", " flower made fingers visited some flying bugs", "2,4,7,9,12"); tfymAddSlide("Heart of Hearts", "991", "20201006", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when pair people come together theirs hearts melt into single heart which then creates other from children friends and family here two have new that three kids off all those little represent they touch couple flowers representing the grows dances through", "2,9,12,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Harmful Helpful Handouts", "992", "20201007", "Painting/Color Drawing", " the medications society makes can for good some but also bad others here set most popular drugs are spilling out bottle while human hand ravaged effects lays motionless", "1,4,11,22"); tfymAddSlide("Cute Cubism", "993", "20201007", "Painting/Color Drawing", " some cute critters make their way around and through rubik cube", "7,10,14"); tfymAddSlide("Sprayed On Emotions", "994", "20201008", "Painting/Color Drawing", " there are shops where you can get tan sprayed like bars and medications the future they may also offer way spray what emotion want here face being from happy bottle while other bottles emotions wait used", "6"); tfymAddSlide("My Baby Dragon", "995", "20201009", "Painting/Color Drawing", " creature holding baby dragon both look very happy", "5,7,10,12,14,26"); tfymAddSlide("Home Sweet/Sweat Home", "996", "20201012", "Painting/Color Drawing", " human has received box little people and placed them fish bowl with tiny house inside while the was gone escaped breaking glass climbing out", "1,2,11,12,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Shgwergul", "997", "20201012", "Painting/Color Drawing", " picture shgwergul taking walk with its sea flower ears scales button vest and fish tail this creature moving style", "5,7,10,12,15"); tfymAddSlide("Interviewer Interviewed", "998", "20201013", "Painting/Color Drawing", " society seems fixated watching others dragged across drama the screen they will sit for hours squirm cry yell and exposed being something yet even interviewer wants protection themselves copyright film expect different treatment how treat", "1,5,11,15,19,24"); tfymAddSlide("HI", "999", "20201014", "Painting/Color Drawing", " something has broken through the paper with its bright red eyes tanned claw only wants say viewer", "1,10"); tfymAddSlide("Dragon Love", "1000", "20201014", "Painting/Color Drawing", " love found all species here couple drags green male and pink female have each other fallen looks produced eggs that already hatched the babies were raised with will come back visit", "7,10,16,26"); tfymAddSlide("P.eripheral E.xtension O.ffering P.eople L.ive E.ngagement (PEOPLE)", "1001", "20201015", "Painting/Color Drawing", " with all the gadgets offering themselves for making life easier most not understand $ol price iving them here person has cameras embedded eyes cell phone wrapped head along many other", "1,6,9,11,26"); tfymAddSlide("Debater Debated", "1002", "20201016", "Painting/Color Drawing", " the years people seem care less about having conversations and debating different view points now lean more towards yelling forcing their own beliefs others without carrying listening what say feel", "1,6,9,11,15,19,26"); tfymAddSlide("Be A Human", "1003", "20201017", "Painting/Color Drawing", " humans will dress pretend that they are some other species here person has dressed like mouse while two rats look and wonder why one the human", "7"); tfymAddSlide("Good Attracts Good", "1004", "20201019", "Painting/Color Drawing", " they say you should hang out with the type people want here good creature attracting other animals this purple nice thing has attracted very red birds", "1,2,7,10,11,14"); tfymAddSlide("Yoga In A Hurt", "1005", "20201020", "Painting/Color Drawing", " dragon and bubble gum guy yoga workout inside yurt while rabbit watches from outside", "1,7,10,12,14,24,26"); tfymAddSlide("Dream Scream", "1006", "20201021", "Painting/Color Drawing", " even animals have nightmares here fish has dreamt scary creature", "1,7,9,10,15,20"); tfymAddSlide("Rational Nationals", "1007", "20201022", "Painting/Color Drawing", " would nice people understand that others can have different views but and all participate the voting process here couple who are opposite sides political going vote together", "1,5,11"); tfymAddSlide("Treating The Trio", "1008", "20201026", "Painting/Color Drawing", " three animals come together enjoy their favorite treat stick frog with fly cat mouse and rhino apple", "1,5,7,14,22"); tfymAddSlide("Playing With Bubbles", "1009", "20201029", "Painting/Color Drawing", " creature has produced lot bubbles and playing with them the largest bubble reflecting his own image", "1,5,7,10,12,14,20"); tfymAddSlide("Smart To Smile", "1010", "20201029", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when smile others are improving both their day and ours here creature smiling the viewer while holding sign that says smart diploma its tail lightbulb showing how idea", "1,5,7,10,11,14,24"); tfymAddSlide("Changing A View", "1011", "20201030", "Painting/Color Drawing", " may take lot work but can sometimes change the view others ourselves here eyeball being turned hand using wrench", "1,4,9"); tfymAddSlide("Purple Play Pal", "1012", "20201104", "Painting/Color Drawing", " creature has found purple horse dragon like ride play with", "7,8,10,12,14"); tfymAddSlide("Life, Love, Live, Look", "1013", "20201106", "Painting/Color Drawing", " figure holds onto egg life and heart love while balancing eye glasses its leg look alive", "1,5,9,24"); tfymAddSlide("Dead Head Read", "1014", "20201109", "Painting/Color Drawing", " figure with dead head able read while its dog also has and enjoys bone", "1,5,7,9,24"); tfymAddSlide("Wagon Jargon", "1015", "20201110", "Painting/Color Drawing", " farmer rides wagon being pulled horse while cat and the have conversation", "1,7,14,18"); tfymAddSlide("Winged Wonder", "1016", "20201111", "Painting/Color Drawing", " crature with beautiful wings shows off its flare visual aspects from the plant like hair head and caterpillar type tail", "7,10,24"); tfymAddSlide("Bat, Cat, Hat, Mat, Sat, Rat", "1017", "20201113", "Painting/Color Drawing", " pair humans dressed bat cat who sat hat mat and rat all share the scene", "1,7,12"); tfymAddSlide("Lucky To Be Alive", "1018", "20201115", "Painting/Color Drawing", " large headed big eyed creature keeps books catastrophes its table and writes note reminder that lucky alive after all those the have titles like co-vid crash 2008 911", "1,5,10,11"); tfymAddSlide("String Theory", "1019", "20201123", "Painting/Color Drawing", " string theory everything connected else instanteously here pair beings have found each other even though they already been since their creation", "1,9,10"); tfymAddSlide("Beautiful Breakfast Bones", "1020", "20201222", "Painting/Color Drawing", " this creature loves bones laying down with pile its favorite thing enjoying breakfast", "1,7,10,12,14,22"); tfymAddSlide("Fed From Water", "1021", "20201231", "Painting/Color Drawing", " more society tries adhere natural growing methods organic foods healthier there efforts are tainted the upstream polluting environment which seeps into water used grow everything here couple workers local all garden while their supply being poisoned nuclear plants cafos etc", "2,11,18,20,22"); tfymAddSlide("Flying Into The Future", "1022", "20210105", "Painting/Color Drawing", " all are moving quickly into the future leaving behind what have known experienced will come likes here figure zooming towards fast that its skin peeling away", "5,9,21,24"); tfymAddSlide("Dragon's Drawing", "1023", "20210107", "Painting/Color Drawing", " even dragons love draw here dragon showing its latest art work castle recently flew over", "1,7,10,12,14,26"); tfymAddSlide("Methods Of Gathering Food", "1024", "20210108", "Painting/Color Drawing", " each species finds its own way gather food here frog jumps and snaps fly bird dives rabbit human goes through drive thru fast restaurant", "1,7,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("The Welcoming Home", "1025", "20210109", "Painting/Color Drawing", " our country continues its journey through societal changes seems more the populace getting selfish their desires approach others here home letting know that they only welcome those fully agree look like act them", "1,11,19"); tfymAddSlide("Listen To My Words, Ignore My Actions", "1026", "20210110", "Painting/Color Drawing", " some people say nice things others while the same time being mean them behind their back here two are saying kind words each other choking and showing still embedded knife", "1,5,11,19"); tfymAddSlide("AOC (Alexandira Ocasio-Cortez)", "1027", "20210111", "Painting/Color Drawing", " there are special people our society who put themselves out for other sacrafice and struggle against large odds still hold onto the kind light inside this one those alexandria ocasio-cortez", "5,6,19"); tfymAddSlide("Supporting Both Sides", "1028", "20210113", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when people try bridge between two opposing sides they often get attacked both here creature holding flag pole with the left and right banners surrounded arrows shot from large number bandaides covers its skin previous attacks", "1,7,10,11,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("The Watering Tree", "1029", "20210114", "Painting/Color Drawing", " normally the weather water plants help them grow this plan has reversed process and provides life giving creatures humans nearby set winged accepts nourishing liquid while human holds plant for enjoy", "2,4,7,10,14,22"); tfymAddSlide("Same Blame Game", "1030", "20210114", "Painting/Color Drawing", " many society like things the name power but when comes time fess for goes bad most those will try redirect blame here circle individuals who helped something happen all others and take responsibility themselves", "1,5,11,19,24"); tfymAddSlide("Proud Of My Hair", "1031", "20210115", "Painting/Color Drawing", " this guy down one full hair but darn proud", "1,5,6,14"); tfymAddSlide("Never Enough", "1032", "20210116", "Painting/Color Drawing", " some feel they never have enough here cat with diamond tail ring hat and vest the finest food bed examines for chance complain", "1,7,11,22"); tfymAddSlide("Influencing Indecisive Individuals", "1033", "20210117", "Painting/Color Drawing", " there are groups that try and prey those who have minds willing accept their teaching return for the feeling belonging", "1,6,9,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("An Old Man's Question", "1034", "20210118", "Painting/Color Drawing", " ever wonder where political campaign slogan comes from? here old man feeling pain from age and asks build back better? get his repaired adviser nearby things catch phrase", "1,5"); tfymAddSlide("Pillow Takeover", "1035", "20210119", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when invite our pets into beds often lose more than intended here person trying sleep but little kitties are taking every fold the pillow", "1,7,14,19"); tfymAddSlide("Unique Unicorn", "1036", "20210120", "Painting/Color Drawing", " new breed unicorn that has special fiery mane armored nose plates and sparkly effects coming from the horn", "7,10,12"); tfymAddSlide("Funky Monkey", "1037", "20210120", "Painting/Color Drawing", " funky monkey plays between red vines and his favorite yoyo", "1,7,13,14"); tfymAddSlide("News Brings Shock and Awe", "1038", "20210121", "Painting/Color Drawing", " unfortunately news outlets focus more the dramatic violent shocking stories than everyday people and events that make most our lives here some channels are firing their about death destruction dystopia like figures shocked mesmerized imagery", "1,5,9,11,15"); tfymAddSlide("Societies Priorities", "1039", "20210122", "Painting/Color Drawing", " society seems focus and invest high ticket items that destory rather than help here set rich persons hobbies are tax free military jet its missles cost millions business owners take their money overseas avoid local taxes while the food bank schools those places less privileged survive", "1,11"); tfymAddSlide("Opposite Day", "1040", "20210122", "Painting/Color Drawing", " computer desk show the affects opposite day from windows operating system changing into doors enter key exit many other buttons and things different meanings this", "1,13"); tfymAddSlide("Not Just Words", "1041", "20210124", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when author writes words into book and then reader reads them they are not just food for the eyes but have power change person how what write build create", "1,5,6,9,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Lucky To Be Alive", "1042", "20210125", "Painting/Color Drawing", " some people look the things happening they don like and complain about life while others pick out good cherish here octopus who has lost tentacle attack glasses fish hook hardly any food being evicted from ocean telling itself that lucky alive wonders could share little giving self award plaque for positive outlook rich nearby with plenty complains less fortunate one luck happy", "7,11,20,22"); tfymAddSlide("Veggie Egg Leggs", "1043", "20210126", "Painting/Color Drawing", " some creatures who have leggs made eggs are veggie eaters here mom and dad creature comfort their child egg legg has broken", "1,7,10,16"); tfymAddSlide("Fear Tears", "1044", "20210127", "Painting/Color Drawing", " persons tears are filled with some their fears", "1,6,9,15"); tfymAddSlide("Sneaky Freaky Snakes", "1045", "20210128", "Painting/Color Drawing", " group freaky snakes with wings are sneaking around each other", "1,7,10"); tfymAddSlide("Tied Pie Died", "1046", "20210128", "Painting/Color Drawing", " pie has been given life only eaten death", "1,22"); tfymAddSlide("Sign Sign", "1047", "20210129", "Painting/Color Drawing", " trio signs are singing", "1,9,14"); tfymAddSlide("Lace Mace Race Face", "1048", "20210129", "Painting/Color Drawing", " lace draped over mace while couple faces represent their races", "1,6,24"); tfymAddSlide("Earth Heart Hater", "1049", "20210131", "Painting/Color Drawing", " some the earth have regards for planet they live future generations that must here different people are driving smoke producing vehicles drilling oil blood from sending noisy satellites testing nuclear bombs and trashing oceans", "1,9,11,15,20,21,22"); tfymAddSlide("Wait(ing)...A Little Longer", "1050", "20210201", "Painting/Color Drawing", " there are times that want something but not wait work long enough get here alien has showed with book give human about unlimited wealth and power looking inside small telescope longer being used the for aliens left few hours earlier", "1,5,7,10,11,12,20,21"); tfymAddSlide("Per'spec'tive", "1051", "20210201", "Painting/Color Drawing", " just need change our perspective see things differently here picture bug looking human eyeball that back well the speck inside eye can turned direction person", "1,6,7,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Build Yourself Up", "1052", "20210203", "Painting/Color Drawing", " decide how and what use build our lives here figure has chosen which bricks their life", "5,9,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Ying Yang", "1053", "20210204", "Painting/Color Drawing", " snal turtle animal called yin sporting the latest backpacks carrying mouse named yang they both seem happy with each other", "1,7,12,14"); tfymAddSlide("Surviving Socities Social Sickness", "1054", "20210206", "Painting/Color Drawing", " society has constant barrage things that can negatively affect here person wearing the latest gear help protect against some those effects like acid rain umbrella fans blow away bugs n95 masks viruses rifle stop bad people bow animals oxygen tank for polluted air filtered water many religious symbols ear plugs monitoring blocking googles eyes and knife", "1,5,6,9,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Pleasure B4 Pain", "1055", "20210206", "Painting/Color Drawing", " sometimes experience starts out with pleasure but leads pain here apple that was previously comforted hand had its body devoured while watches another start the same process", "1,4,14,15,19,22"); tfymAddSlide("3D Objects Interacting Experiment", "1056", "20210207", "Painting/Color Drawing", " just some objects interacting with each other diamonds spheres snake and compass needles", "9,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Life Feels With Quantum Particles", "1057", "20210208", "Painting/Color Drawing", " said that are all just quantum particles connected the time here rabbit tree person chair blanket dolphin can feel each other level", "1,7,20"); tfymAddSlide("That Bat Cat Tail", "1058", "20210209", "Painting/Color Drawing", " bat born with cat tail shows off its double wings", "1,5,7,10,12"); tfymAddSlide("Defiant Giant No More", "1059", "20210210", "Painting/Color Drawing", " those with anger can sometimes changed peace here very small thin person sign able change large muscle weapon into nice one", "1,5,11,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Bot Got Hot Pot Not Tot", "1060", "20210210", "Painting/Color Drawing", " robot built for the kitchen preventing pot hot food from spilling roboto tot playing nearby background message displayed binary", "1,12,15"); tfymAddSlide("We Claim This Spot", "1061", "20210211", "Painting/Color Drawing", " territories that are already inhabited often conquered others and later claimed discovered here astronaut has placed flag claim planet while alien about tap their shoulder say the place", "1,7,10,11,12,19"); tfymAddSlide("Clam's Lame Claim", "1062", "20210212", "Painting/Color Drawing", " clam claiming can holds its breath long time nearby crab who thinking how lame that ocean creature lives under the waterm brags about holding their", "1,7,12,20"); tfymAddSlide("Hard Work", "1063", "20210212", "Painting/Color Drawing", " bird shows off their hard work with many eggs piled wrapped the day they were created", "1,7,22"); tfymAddSlide("Electric Lavos (Circle Oval)", "1064", "20210213", "Painting/Color Drawing", " some creatures made out circles and ovals calls lavos listen tunes their electric speaker", "1,5,12,14"); tfymAddSlide("When Two Become One", "1065", "20210214", "Painting/Color Drawing", " couple hugs each other and they become one the shape hearts", "1,5,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Frog Rag Rugs", "1066", "20210214", "Painting/Color Drawing", " frog enjoys some rugs that are made out rags", "1,7,14"); tfymAddSlide("Ear Pear Appear", "1067", "20210215", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person seen with electric ear piece that looks just like pear", "1,6,13"); tfymAddSlide("Dragon Hearts", "1068", "20210216", "Painting/Color Drawing", " pair winged dragons love hug each other and their emotions float through horns into hearts the sky", "7,10,16,26"); tfymAddSlide("Amish Fish Dish", "1069", "20210217", "Painting/Color Drawing", " amish fish dealer rides down road their old style wagon and horse while couple young mischievous peek out from inside the", "1,7,12,22"); tfymAddSlide("Very Long Scaley Snake", "1070", "20210219", "Painting/Color Drawing", " long snake with soo many scales", "7"); tfymAddSlide("Rabbit", "1071", "20210220", "Painting/Color Drawing", " hunter has his beady eyes aiming down shotgun rabbit while gang other rabbits upset and about show the thing two", "1,7,8,11,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("The Hearts Protect", "1072", "20210222", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when two people come together their love can help protect them against the ravages life and those they care for here couple walks down path where heavy rain coming hearts melt into one hold umbrella stop drops from hitting child pet", "5,7,11,16,20,21,24"); tfymAddSlide("HeadQuarters", "1073", "20210222", "Painting/Color Drawing", " young worker working hard make the rewards being headquarters stands next some them with their large quarters heads", "1,5,16"); tfymAddSlide("Virus - The Equalizer", "1074", "20210223", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when viruses hit society they don care who you are here person being followed virus that has already capture people from all parts", "1,5,9,11,15"); tfymAddSlide("Ale Scale Scales", "1075", "20210224", "Painting/Color Drawing", " scale that holds ale and some scales", "1,15,22"); tfymAddSlide("Is Someone Watchng You?", "1076", "20210225", "Painting/Color Drawing", " you ever get that feeling are being watched? maybe creature thinks watched but only the extra eyes its body looking back itself", "1,7,10,11"); tfymAddSlide("Gringo Wannabe", "1077", "20210225", "Painting/Color Drawing", " creature dresses and acts like some the characters movie", "7,10,24"); tfymAddSlide("Wearing Love", "1078", "20210226", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when put clothes how wear our smile what choose decorate lives affect the way are with others and ourselves here person has t-shirt that shows hand sign for love while their wardrobe another shirt yin yang symbol furniture spells out loves there books about live laugh learn lead", "5,9,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Bonding", "1079", "20210301", "Painting/Color Drawing", " people come together and building bonds love here family with the parents kids pets all hugs each other produce hearts that help them have better footing bed", "1,5,7,11,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Sweetness", "1080", "20210303", "Painting/Color Drawing", " with all the emphasis movies stories and society around violence bad words competition like nice have some things that are only about sweetness here landscape has risen into form angel tree admiring sweet bunny rabbit who also while bird sits wing limb", "1,2,7,11,14,21"); tfymAddSlide("Bling Bling For Cats", "1081", "20210303", "Painting/Color Drawing", " cat decked out nice outfit and jewelry admires some new bobbles for sale", "7,14"); tfymAddSlide("Merging Of The Mailboxes", "1082", "20210304", "Painting/Color Drawing", " even wonder the mailboxes standing next each other everyday get feelings for other? and when some start tilt really their way reaching out another here row are watching two them fall love hug", "9,16"); tfymAddSlide("You Can't Turn Back Time", "1083", "20210305", "Painting/Color Drawing", " create memories with the people and things enjoy those moments are lost second they created only living minds involved would nice turn back time relive here clock where its hands real prevents person from turning holding digging nails", "1,4,9,11"); tfymAddSlide("So Cute", "1084", "20210306", "Painting/Color Drawing", " cute creature sits fluffy pillow with its feet the air waiting for others notice", "1,7,14"); tfymAddSlide("Evolution Of A Pet Fish", "1085", "20210306", "Painting/Color Drawing", " our pets through stages from purchasing babies the cute stage old age and finally death here baby fish bought then grows large tank later put into small bowl when owners are tired frying pan become meal", "1,7,22"); tfymAddSlide("Evolution Of The Toothbrush", "1086", "20210308", "Painting/Color Drawing", " ever wonder how the toothbrush got created here possible timeline from trying out pipe brush paint hair and finally tooth", "1,6"); tfymAddSlide("Evolution Of An AutoMobile", "1087", "20210309", "Painting/Color Drawing", " how did the work auto and mobile come together first wagon horse then electric bike motor car turning baby finally phone with its automated artificial intelligence", "1,7"); tfymAddSlide("Euphonium Eurphorium", "1088", "20210310", "Painting/Color Drawing", " euphonium becomes eurphorium device with the introduction some special plant nearby flying bug has enjoyed well its cool sunglasses dreadlocks and buzzes smoke coming from antenna", "1,2,7,9,10,12,14"); tfymAddSlide("Inspiration", "1089", "20210311", "Painting/Color Drawing", " where does inspiration come from? here artist walking the path ideas while spirit helps guide pencil into new drawings", "1,5,7,9,10,12,24"); tfymAddSlide("3 Chairs", "1090", "20210315", "Black White Drawing", " chairs and someone laying across them", "1,5,9,24"); tfymAddSlide("Is This Why I Joined?", "1091", "20210315", "Black White Drawing", " national guard solider questions why joined was advertised for defending the country freedom and other noble tasks but ends squashing people peacefuly demonstrating", "1,5,15"); tfymAddSlide("3 1/2 Windows", "1092", "20210316", "Black White Drawing", " headed snake slithers through windows", "1,7,10"); tfymAddSlide("No Curves", "1093", "20210317", "Black White Drawing", " study drawing face without any curves all lines and corners are straight edges", "6"); tfymAddSlide("To Be Alone", "1094", "20210317", "Black White Drawing", " though enjoyable with friends and family everyone needs little time just themselves their own thoughts", "5,14,20,24"); tfymAddSlide("The Plant Of Love", "1095", "20210318", "Black White Drawing", " people will take rose and say loves not with this plant all pedals says the called always", "1,2,14,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("1000 Pieces Eyes", "1096", "20210319", "Black White Drawing", " 1000th piece wanted draw 1000 objects this has eyes the head 977 background", "1,6"); tfymAddSlide("Love Lock - Two Hearts, One Life", "1097", "20210323", "Color Drawing", " when two hearts fall love their lives become one life here key has found lock that fits perfectly and unlocks both", "1,9,10,12,16"); tfymAddSlide("Swimming Spinners", "1098", "20210323", "Color Drawing", " group fish are wearing their purple shirts and hat spinners while one holds sign that says shirt? spinner? swimming!", "7,20"); tfymAddSlide("Vroom", "1099", "20210324", "Color Drawing", " some people use their cars expression how cool tough they are especially those with loud tail pipes here macho man drives undersized kid car down road showing silly these expressions machism look", "5,8,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("X-Ray Of Ray", "1100", "20210325", "Color Drawing", " ray the dog sits top x-ray screen which shows how his skeleton looks", "7,11"); tfymAddSlide("Quantum World's Life - The Day The Marshmallows Fought Back", "1101", "20210327", "Color Drawing", " according the quantum world all things have life then when people cook marshmallows campfire they are killing other here group being cooked over flame while nearby grabbed fort knife and ready fight back", "1,9,10,11,15,19,22"); tfymAddSlide("Time For Humans", "1102", "20210330", "Color Drawing", " humans invented time and use control stress out manipulate themselves others here clock shows the silly things name regards", "1,11,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Rudy The Rhino", "1103", "20210402", "Color Drawing", " rudy the rhino walking past ring toss and nearby human has accidentally thrown its horn instead game", "1,7,8,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Little Ones Playing As Big Ones", "1104", "20210404", "Color Drawing", " group young bird cat rabbit and turtle bring large toy heads sticks representing their species play pretend they are adults", "7,14,19,24"); tfymAddSlide("Unicorn and Dragon Hearts Become One", "1105", "20210405", "Color Drawing", " when two love come together they become one here dragon heart and unicorn have melted into", "7,10,16,19"); tfymAddSlide("Creating An Idea", "1106", "20210408", "Color Drawing", " artist creates their idea from inspirations around them books nature people and the world here who beginning create new turning switch his head bring life creation", "1,5,9,24"); tfymAddSlide("Beautiful Bird Street Artist", "1107", "20210409", "Color Drawing", " most pigeons walk city streets looking for handouts scraps while this bird puts lights music does fancy dance its tip hat nearby", "7,12,24"); tfymAddSlide("Coming Out", "1108", "20210412", "Color Drawing", " some call the soul others sub-conscious etc here comes out pupil see world more clearer", "5,6,9,24"); tfymAddSlide("The King Of The Beasts/Bees", "1109", "20210414", "Color Drawing", " the lion called king beasts but bees have their own opinion and easily fly around avoid lions attacks", "1,7,11,19"); tfymAddSlide("Becoming What We Create", "1110", "20210415", "Color Drawing", " all creations from music and how played carpentry the nails are inserted art lines drawn those who create embed part themselves their", "4,9,14,24"); tfymAddSlide("Escaping The Norms", "1111", "20210420", "Color Drawing", " many people exclaim that they wish unique and escape from the normality others but this escaping join create their new norm", "5,9,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("So Funny", "1112", "20210421", "Color Drawing", " just person laughing fully totally the moment enjoyment", "1,4,6,13,14,24"); tfymAddSlide("K.I.S.S. - Keep Is Super Simple", "1113", "20210422", "Color Drawing", " when creating things for others the best approach make product program etc simple focus mission and ease use versus what you can", "1,11"); tfymAddSlide("Past Future", "1114", "20210423", "Color Drawing", " person seen crawling from the past some cases someone escaping terrible things they have done and regret misses wants hold fighting against movement future", "5,11,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Desert Of The Ocean Fish", "1115", "20210427", "Color Drawing", " fish rests the bottom ocean with cactus looking plants and couple awnry clams", "2,7,20"); tfymAddSlide("Balanced", "1116", "20210429", "Color Drawing", " board balances pyramid while holding tree money and animal one side person the other another", "1,2,7,9,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Peas Peace Ace Lace", "1117", "20210503", "Color Drawing", " asymbol with peas peace symbol ace and some lace", "1,2"); tfymAddSlide("Entomology Entrance Too Far", "1118", "20210508", "Color Drawing", " pair beetles are doing what pairs but the male finds out his reproduction part too small for distance", "1,7,15"); tfymAddSlide("Christ is society upside down? Christ society is upside down!", "1119", "20210510", "Color Drawing", " upside down cross with person nailed over and again large hammer some society nailing more nails while others try remove them", "1,5,9,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Meat Meal", "1120", "20210513", "Color Drawing", " funny how you look cat eating fish most will mention cute but saw would think was digusting perception and our individual desires mold accept deny images here adult munching while child", "1,7,11,19,22"); tfymAddSlide("ZDF", "1121", "20210517", "Color Drawing", " two elephant dragon looking creatures hug each other moment peace and love those the know what title means", "1,7,10,16,26"); tfymAddSlide("Me See Dream", "1122", "20210520", "Color Drawing", " what see often melts into our dreams when then gives artists inspiration here artist has seen tree car and bird during dream mutant morphed vehicle dragon", "1,2,6,9,12,24,26"); tfymAddSlide("How To Dance With A Snake", "1123", "20210521", "Color Drawing", " robot dances with snake while watching monitor explaining the proper way", "5,12,14,24,26"); tfymAddSlide("Plant People", "1124", "20210524", "Color Drawing", " group plant people coming out pot", "2,6,14"); tfymAddSlide("Sleeping With Sweets", "1125", "20210613", "Color Drawing", " person falls asleep their picnic blanket while holding large sucker some nearby ants are taking advantage the treat", "1,7,14,22"); tfymAddSlide("When A Dream Becomes A Reality", "1126", "20210615", "Color Drawing", " space alient coming through window snatch human from their bed while asleep the just happens having dream about that exact same situation", "1,10,14,15"); tfymAddSlide("Old Dragon In A Wheelchair", "1127", "20210617", "Color Drawing", " old dragon who longer has wings sits its wheelchair both legs have been replaced with protethesis and human tried kill him are used the padding where feet normally would", "7,10,19,26"); tfymAddSlide("Places Races Faces", "1128", "20210621", "Color Drawing", " across the globe there are large variety places where different races have faces but under face all human", "6,9,11"); tfymAddSlide("Bird Enjoying Gummy Worms", "1129", "20210622", "Color Drawing", " overweight bird sits breaking limb enjoying bucket gummy worms", "2,7,14,22"); tfymAddSlide("Kickback", "1130", "20210627", "Color Drawing", " two bribers company politician are confused voter who doesn seem understand what kickback means the trying kick his own back", "1,5,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("From The Depths Of Imagination: A Purplish Elephant Creature", "1131", "20210624", "Color Drawing", " creature that kind looks like elephant human gnome sticking its tongue the viewer", "6,7,10"); tfymAddSlide("Shrooms", "1132", "20210626", "Color Drawing", " the words shrooms represented images mushrooms grow vines and while eyeball creates butter fly yin yang infinite symbol two finally good bird fights with bad snake", "2,7,9,12,22,24"); tfymAddSlide("Thumb Squire", "1133", "20210627", "Color Drawing", " squire from kingdom far away land shows off its new outfit with body made thumbs this little creature blue hat and feather shirt single button loves wave others", "4,5,7,10,12,14"); tfymAddSlide("Handling Heat", "1134", "20210628", "Color Drawing", " the hottest day recorded for our town wanted show how was handling heat with eggs cooking forehead and eyes melting like but still smiling", "1,6,15,19,22,24"); tfymAddSlide("Money or Nature", "1135", "20210629", "Color Drawing", " many people society get stuck the tunnel vision money and stuff that they miss nature beauty life here dollar sign represents bars keeps behind while just outside them trying their attention", "1,2,6,11,22"); tfymAddSlide("Friend or Foe", "1136", "20210701", "Color Drawing", " the game chess and often life people compete because that why rules imply however after many battles these two king pieces have decided stop fighting each other play with", "1,9,11"); tfymAddSlide("Taste BUDdy", "1137", "20210702", "Color Drawing", " are told have taste buds our tongue that let feel the food this case one has set-up chair and table waiting for next meal", "1,6,9,22"); tfymAddSlide("Poop Plant", "1138", "20210708", "Color Drawing", " animal has figured out mechanism turn their household litter poop into trees though profts are good the product plants stink", "1,2,7,12,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("Horse Shoes For Sale", "1139", "20210709", "Color Drawing", " farmer decided take the boring horse shoe and combine with human designs create fashion horses people can proud here famer his son stand proudly next farm showing off pair", "1,7,12,13,18"); tfymAddSlide("One Act Of Love Matters", "1140", "20210714", "Color Drawing", " things wrong the world many give even trying fix them here person has decided that small single act love only affects one other can make different passed through others", "1,5,11,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Relationship Of Number Bases", "1141", "20210715", "Color Drawing", " when look the clock see time with numbers through but these are only decimal base while there many other ways show like octal binary hex roman exponent here shows some common number bases sharing same display", "9"); tfymAddSlide("Baby Dragon Danced To Sleep", "1142", "20210718", "Color Drawing", " not well known but baby dragons fall asleep better when they are being danced here bluish creature holds dragon and dances while the falls", "5,7,10,14,24,26"); tfymAddSlide("Face Behind The Face", "1143", "20210720", "Color Drawing", " each persons face shows the expressions they wish share while underneath inner has private thoughts that are only shared with those trust", "1,6,9,11"); tfymAddSlide("Love", "1144", "20210720", "Color Drawing", " two hearts dance the word love while flowers grow and fly into air from bottom background rainbow fills sky shared clouds shapes things", "1,2,16,21"); tfymAddSlide("Wave Watcher", "1145", "20210721", "Color Drawing", " wave gides across the ocean while someone under water watches from periscope", "20"); tfymAddSlide("Olympics or Olymp'h'ic'kee's", "1146", "20210726", "Color Drawing", " the middle pandemic 2020 olympics which was pushed off 2021 still being held satisfy money pockets those invested business instead stopping them protect lives who perform *sad*", "1,6,8,11,15"); tfymAddSlide("Vegetable Vixens", "1147", "20210728", "Color Drawing", " when the vegetable drawer refridgerator closes light goes off vixens come out play here three them dance tomatoes with organic corn cob background", "1,10,12,14,22"); tfymAddSlide("Past Thoughts Into The Future", "1148", "20210728", "Color Drawing", " when someone thinks says does something those things only last long the person alive but they write book and books end shelves others their thoughts can live forever", "1,11"); tfymAddSlide("Ball Buddies", "1149", "20210801", "Color Drawing", " two dragons found ball and are now enjoy some play time with each other all their cares forgotten they the moment past future just fun", "1,7,8,12,14,26"); tfymAddSlide("Baby Bear's Papa Bear", "1150", "20210804", "Color Drawing", " baby bear takes moment next stream touch the face papa pride and happiness can seen", "7,14,16,20,21,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Draining Breaking News", "1151", "20210803", "Color Drawing", " when are exposed lots negative information news need find ways drain that out our minds like through meditation good deeds art music and the here person hearing constant breaking about bad things worlds has built funnel lets ooze", "6,11,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Mighty Mask", "1152", "20210804", "Color Drawing", " town infected virus and might mask comes the rescure", "11,12,19"); tfymAddSlide("Who's Riding Who", "1153", "20210806", "Color Drawing", " technology touted things that make happier and our lives easier often those same devices more hective stressful expensive many become used the them", "1,5,8,11,19"); tfymAddSlide("Mutations", "1154", "20210810", "Color Drawing", " hive bees are flying around each with its own type stinger from fork syringe pencil scissors and others mutations powerful force", "1,7,9,10,12,13"); tfymAddSlide("Monkying Around", "1155", "20210811", "Color Drawing", " monkey type looking creature just having some fun bar with its red baseball cap enjoying the moment", "5,7,8,10,14"); tfymAddSlide("No More Mask", "1156", "20210813", "Color Drawing", " our society the midst pandemic covid that probably turning into epidemic and there are those who will not take basic step wearing mask they value their freedom views over lives themsleves others around them what hard about least try help? wear seatbelts drive between lines stand get driver license pay for things taxes long list here all benefit", "1,11,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Too Far To See", "1157", "20210815", "Color Drawing", " old frog and fly have person eyes can longer see each other clear enough", "7,19,22"); tfymAddSlide("Fish Oil", "1158", "20210817", "Color Drawing", " make lots things into oil coconuts hemp fish and the like did anyone ask those which are turned how they feel about it?", "7,11,20,22"); tfymAddSlide("Ego", "1159", "20210818", "Color Drawing", " lot times people move the ladder society from money things status their ego gets bigger and they believe are now better than those below which not! here creature with fancy suit smoking expensive pipe has face showing how important thinks", "1,5,10,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Bone Broth", "1160", "20210819", "Color Drawing", " father and child skeleton are making meal when the asks where his sister then realizes bone broth using cook could contain bowls soup coffin shaped table now take whole new meaning", "9,10,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("Enjoying The Melodies", "1161", "20210825", "Color Drawing", " creature wears some headphones that are playing music the songs notes can seen floating its head", "6,10,14"); tfymAddSlide("Life As A Spider", "1162", "20210829", "Color Drawing", " spider marked with life walking across lot fragile balloons each which popped will produce new strain its resources like medical bills gas food the distance person from corporation laying down more path", "1,7,11,15"); tfymAddSlide("Robot Cooking And Producing More Mechanical Things", "1163", "20210831", "Color Drawing", " robot duck looking thing cooking some mechanical parts while egg has been produced that also contains", "5,9,10,12,22"); tfymAddSlide("Watching The News - Breaking News", "1164", "20210902", "Color Drawing", " view from inside looking out the screen breaking news and beyond person watching latest bad with their eyes becoming unnaturally large blood shot", "1,6,11,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Symbols Of Love", "1165", "20210905", "Color Drawing", " there are many symbols that people use represent what they love here heart covered some those from the peace sign yin yang flower you language cupid", "1,2,4,5,7,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Star", "1166", "20210908", "Color Drawing", " the word star floating space", "12,21"); tfymAddSlide("Not Bored When Skat-bore-ding.", "1167", "20210909", "Color Drawing", " creature skatboarding down eroad just spending time its own free spirit kind way", "5,7,8,14"); tfymAddSlide("Point plant meet purple winged creature", "1168", "20210913", "Color Drawing", " pointy plant with lots eyes meets purple creature wings while flying orange bug watches the plants partners says inside its petals watching from afar", "2,7,10,12"); tfymAddSlide("When two hearts become one", "1169", "20210920", "Color Drawing", " single heart intermingled with two lovers represented snakes weaving through the", "7,14,16"); tfymAddSlide("Dave and Dog Daredevils (3D)", "1170", "20210924", "Color Drawing", " plane flying towards the viewer while dave hangs from left wing and his faithful dog right both enjoy adventure excitement", "1,7,8,14,21"); tfymAddSlide("Out Of Our Control", "1171", "20210928", "Color Drawing", " there are times where matter how careful and prepared you things out your control change what expected happen here alient astronaut has taken all the precautions wears best space suite but still his helmet hose pop hole endangering life while can see unexpected issue cry noooooooo", "1,5,10,12,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Scales Of Life", "1172", "20210930", "Color Drawing", " there are many religions the world each tauting way one with god and other when core all should our heart love good things possible here scale holds religious symbols side while has single but its weight outweights efforts others", "1,11,16"); tfymAddSlide("Pampered Pets", "1173", "20211002", "Color Drawing", " most pet owners take really good care their pets while some the next level and pamer them beyond human dreams luxury here cat wears big diamond earring sits silk pillow each freshest wild caught salmon wait for owner give pedicure", "1,7"); tfymAddSlide("Happy Parachuting Minion", "1174", "20211005", "Color Drawing", " happy minion parachuting into make your day better strings except those holding onto its parachute just wanting you smile", "5,7,11,14,21"); tfymAddSlide("The Wrong Day To Parachute", "1175", "20211008", "Color Drawing", " group bugs doing their normal flying around when one them decides change things and parachute down instead unfortunately for nearby lizard going take advantage the situtation with its long tongue sometimes changing how you not good", "1,7,11,19,22"); tfymAddSlide("Praying Trees", "1176", "20211001", "Color Drawing", " painting did for elsie isaccson who does much many she bought some canvases and this how wanted thank her spiritualtiy important created trees that are praying their own way", "2,20,25"); tfymAddSlide("Lounging Dragon Lizard", "1177", "20211014", "Color Drawing", " dragon lizard lounging the ocean floor", "7,10,14,20,26"); tfymAddSlide("Ego Got Hot", "1178", "20211018", "Color Drawing", " seems built into and other creatures challenge each when meet here two guys are pumping their chests grrring while nearby cats the same thing", "5,7,11,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Squidy Gets Its New Gloves", "1179", "20211021", "Color Drawing", " multi-tentacle creature has finally received the gloves they ordered online now can paint drink solve rubik cube brush their hair play ping pong itself all without getting dirty", "7,10,13,14,20"); tfymAddSlide("Two As One", "1180", "20211023", "Color Drawing", " couple love and embraces hard that they melt into single figure with their heads making the shape heart while standing soft pillow wings keep them safe adventures", "5,16"); tfymAddSlide("Mandala - North South: How 2 Opposing Sides Live With The Other", "1181", "20211026", "Color Drawing", " this first attept mandala the symbols represent opposing sides and how they interact live with each other from hearts compass directions castles flags ropes veins eyes teeth", "1,6,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Effects of Views", "1182", "20211028", "Color Drawing", " are all bombarded many different view these words can affect our bodies minds here person shows the wounds negative remarks and multiple eye pairs that need grown take angles", "1,5,6,11,15"); tfymAddSlide("Yin Yang - gnaY niY", "1183", "20211031", "Color Drawing", " symetry objects from infinite ribbon the opposite yin yang symboles plants animals fish butterfly lizard and flower rest outside while jesus combine with science version hangs some ropes", "2,7,11"); tfymAddSlide("Disco Is Not Dead, The Dancers Are", "1184", "20211103", "Color Drawing", " some creatures from the night werewolf frankenstein and dracula fhave found they like disco but none living wish join", "1,5,7,10,12,13,14"); tfymAddSlide("Blowing Baby's Breath", "1185", "20211105", "Color Drawing", " current there build back better bill trying make its way through the government help people but what once started off very large package has continually been whittled down almost nothing including removing money stop global warming here baby wearing shirt and bla holding wind mill with some measures like sick time free community college etc change blowing windmill around just spins does", "1,7,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Mandala Inspired Creature", "1186", "20211109", "Color Drawing", " creature inspired the method making mandala", "7,10"); tfymAddSlide("Antifa Is A Good Thing", "1187", "20211110", "Color Drawing", " fascism autocratic government headed dictorial leader anti-fascism equals anti-fascist antifa being against good thing", "1,11"); tfymAddSlide("Antifa", "1188", "20211111", "Color Drawing", " fascism autocratic government headed dictorial leader anti-fascism equals anti-fascist antifa being against good thing", "11"); tfymAddSlide("Woke", "1189", "20211112", "Color Drawing", " woke the state having your eyes mind opened from filters being placed others good thing", "11"); tfymAddSlide("I Love You", "1190", "20211115", "Color Drawing", " guy lays back the ground making hand signal for love and holding out his heart show that loves you", "4,5,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Hair Balls Unit", "1191", "20211116", "Color Drawing", " every molecule the universe wants live here creature that coughs out hair balls which interesting since has hair! hairballs gather together and put sign unite", "1,7,10,12,13,19"); tfymAddSlide("The Hands Of Time", "1192", "20211117", "Color Drawing", " figure with very long fingers and definitely back spinal issue wearing torn clothes shows off its many time pieces wrists", "1,5,10,19"); tfymAddSlide("Tooth Brush", "1193", "20211117", "Color Drawing", " head with toothbrushes for teeth using its mouth brush giant tooth", "1,6,9"); tfymAddSlide("Synchronicity Of The Heart", "1194", "20211119", "Color Drawing", " when two people are love their hearts sync with each other and they begin hear thoughts know what the feeling here furry heart creatures intertwined within representing yin yang grows flowers which then visited bees those near that want enjoy effects", "2,7,9,10,14,16"); tfymAddSlide("Fish Eye", "1195", "20211121", "Color Drawing", " fishy eyey thingy", "6,7,9,10"); tfymAddSlide("Bionic Binary Birth", "1196", "20211122", "Color Drawing", " robot looking figure shown with how the lower upper and arms move their arcs baby bot birth also being diagramed", "5,9,12,24"); tfymAddSlide("Dragon Doodle", "1197", "20211122", "Color Drawing", " had not drawn dragon some time and did this quick doodle the end tail type flower but with single sharp thorn its center", "7,10,26"); tfymAddSlide("Dog", "1198", "20211128", "Color Drawing", " dog into the word made parts looks kind like robot", "7,26"); tfymAddSlide("CoVid19", "1199", "20211130", "Color Drawing", " the covid19 virus constantly changing into new variants from original alpha beta delta and now omnicron here person sitting automated injection machine which has wheel vaccines for each variant while their mailbox filling with newspapers touting strains", "1,5,15"); tfymAddSlide("Good Book", "1200", "20211201", "Color Drawing", " person with really big glasses reading good book next candle for light", "1,5,14,24"); tfymAddSlide("The Life Of A Tooth", "1201", "20211202", "Color Drawing", " creature with single very large tooth showing off the things that support from fairy paste brush pick brace coat and shoe", "1,7,10"); tfymAddSlide("Watch Out For The Fish!", "1202", "20211203", "Color Drawing", " tree pool water that flowers eyeballs noticed the fish who find tasty delicious", "1,2,7,12,20,22"); tfymAddSlide("The Original Salt & Pepper Shaker", "1203", "20211204", "Color Drawing", " person with dog patterned shirt and cat shorts yellow hat shakes bottle pepper salt while bells attached his wrists toes jingle", "1,5,14,22,24"); tfymAddSlide("Sea Inspired Mandala", "1204", "20211205", "Color Drawing", " mandala pattern with fish sails machinery compass and other tidbits", "9,20"); tfymAddSlide("Symbol Of Love", "1205", "20211206", "Color Drawing", " couple bonded that they become one heart here are embraced kiss hand holding and love", "1,6,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Bare Bear's Beer Bar", "1206", "20211208", "Color Drawing", " bare bear kind tipsy inside its own beer bar while angry bee sits spilled jar honey", "7,22"); tfymAddSlide("Happy Flower Welcomes New Baby Bee", "1207", "20211209", "Color Drawing", " happy flower holding new baby bee one its leaves while the mother sits another leaf smiling father flys from work", "2,7,14"); tfymAddSlide("Raindrops With Glasses Go The Wrong Way", "1208", "20211211", "Color Drawing", " some the raindrops have wear glasses because bad eyes and they are flying wrong directions", "1,10,20,21"); tfymAddSlide("Dancing With The Scars", "1209", "20211213", "Color Drawing", " people should enjoy each other company without caring what the person looks like here two creatures dance together with different unique one that has lots scars but are just enjoying", "1,5,7,10,11,14"); tfymAddSlide("Traveling Together", "1210", "20211217", "Color Drawing", " started this one while flying another state here helicopter airplane balloons rocket bird and clouds find themselves the same sky", "1,7,10,12,21"); tfymAddSlide("I Practiced On Myself", "1211", "20211217", "Color Drawing", " terrible wraping gifts here person showing off the presents wrapped well all practive wrapping did himself", "1,5"); tfymAddSlide("Mice Present's Stolen", "1212", "20211219", "Color Drawing", " group mice have received christmas present that contains game console unfortunately the bigger dog and cat stolen are playing while sad watch", "1,7,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Baby Dragon", "1213", "20211221", "Color Drawing", " dragon parent holding the egg that has baby just coming out instantly and see love each other eyes", "1,7,10,16,26"); tfymAddSlide("Pets And Their People", "1214", "20211225", "Color Drawing", " people and their pets often start look like each other here person showing off arm muscle while the dog shows its tail", "5,7,24"); tfymAddSlide("Sing To The Gourd", "1215", "20211226", "Color Drawing", " trio animal creatures singing praises from their song book o-holee-night", "1,7,10,14"); tfymAddSlide("Puffer Fish", "1216", "20211227", "Color Drawing", " three eyed fish with scarf swimming past puffer that puffing", "7,20"); tfymAddSlide("Greed Versus The Heart", "1217", "20211228", "Color Drawing", " the earth there lot greed but also art here hand with very sharp nails driving away hearts", "4,11,15"); tfymAddSlide("Lizard Landlord's Lyrics", "1218", "20211229", "Color Drawing", " landlords are continually trying find ways suck more out their tenants here lizard landlord has found increase the rent without breaking set lease adding and fees based real events", "1,7,10,11"); tfymAddSlide("The Golden Years?", "1219", "20211230", "Color Drawing", " man his older years after getting first job promotion highest pay check and finally retirement ready enjoy the efforst hard work relax but then faced with large onslaught agencies trying sell him stuff take money out bank", "1,5,11,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Get'N Away", "1220", "20211231", "Color Drawing", " person has put backpack with all the tools needed survive and heading out into hills away from hussle bussle polutions society", "1,5,11,14,24"); tfymAddSlide("The Meeting", "1221", "20220101", "Color Drawing", " two creatures riding meeting among some cacti", "1,2,7,10,12,14"); tfymAddSlide("One's Change Can Make It Better - Death/Peace", "1222", "20220103", "Color Drawing", " two alien soldiers decide break off the tips their weapons and replace them with smiling faces", "1,5,10,11,19"); tfymAddSlide("CeniFeed", "1223", "20220105", "Color Drawing", " cenipede wearing backpck and bandana sits the halves fruit enjoying slice cent price tag still attached", "1,2,7,14,22"); tfymAddSlide("Love Is In The Air - Two Become One", "1224", "20220110", "Color Drawing", " couple figures have fallen love that when they hug their bodies melt into each other heads making single heart here stand top yin yang plant with roses growing", "2,5,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Waiting For Your Sleep...", "1225", "20220111", "Color Drawing", " rat suite and tie with its bag the night catch lays shelf between some food waiting for humans sleep that can raid kitchen", "1,7,19,22"); tfymAddSlide("Sing - Just Because", "1226", "20220112", "Color Drawing", " family happy creatures singing with each other reason but make", "1,5,10,14"); tfymAddSlide("Don't Thumb Your Nose", "1227", "20220114", "Color Drawing", " old saying that younger people have probably not heard thumb your nose someone kind like flipping them off with middle finger now here single being imprisoned padlock thumbing the face drawing piece paper", "1,6,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("UFO - Unidentified Fighting Organism", "1228", "20220116", "Color Drawing", " alien from mars has been watching old cowboy shows and now landed earth dressed its western fighting outfit ready for draw", "5,10,12,15"); tfymAddSlide("Jumping To Conclusions", "1229", "20220117", "Color Drawing", " when hear see things often jump conclusions without knowing the full story details here thing jumping rope that spells out", "1,5,10,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Eternal Love", "1230", "20220118", "Color Drawing", " love can eternal here two people who had fallen and lived are now part the cosmos bond", "5,9,16,21"); tfymAddSlide("Daydream After Life", "1231", "20220119", "Color Drawing", " two people are daydreaming their graves after the wonderful life they had together", "9,14,16"); tfymAddSlide("Modern Medical Mal-Practice", "1232", "20220119", "Color Drawing", " when people the medical office and see there are times where all they want hide issue instead trying find problem that causing here society goes about their day with one them very ill going given pain pills without finding out what", "1,6,10,11,15"); tfymAddSlide("Half A Spell", "1233", "20220120", "Color Drawing", " vampire who can change from human figure bat and back has forgotten half the spell now stuck between two forms", "1,5,6,10,12,13,15"); tfymAddSlide("Pulling Strings", "1234", "20220120", "Color Drawing", " stressful sometimes when you have many things pull strings the simplest done like asking store employee fix incorrect price item future customers right", "1,4,11,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Mr. Love And His Handles", "1235", "20220121", "Color Drawing", " this love and these are his handles", "1,5,13"); tfymAddSlide("Monkey Vines", "1236", "20220124", "Color Drawing", " monkey sits some vines while listening tunes its cell phone nearby caterpillar does the same thing", "2,7,11,12,14"); tfymAddSlide("Wuscular", "1237", "20220126", "Color Drawing", " wuscular", "5,7,8,10,24"); tfymAddSlide("I C U R A BEAU-T-Ful B E I N G", "1238", "20220127", "Color Drawing", " see you are beautiful being", "1,16"); tfymAddSlide("Squirmy Wormy's Wordy Squirt", "1239", "20220127", "Color Drawing", " bird brings worm fish but the not having any and speaking its mind", "1,7,15,19,22"); tfymAddSlide("Having Your Cake...,And Eating It Too.", "1240", "20220128", "Color Drawing", " overweight rich person who can only have the life they lead because works beneath being held one workers with empathy concern for other yelling poor stop moving while support their lifestyle", "1,5,11,15,19,24"); tfymAddSlide("Let The Arguments Begin", "1241", "20220130", "Color Drawing", " three baby dragons not even fully out their eggs are already fighting yelling each other the labeled left right and middle like humans who argue for side they instead positions stand", "1,7,10,11,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Too Few Feathers", "1242", "20220131", "Color Drawing", " bird gets two new feathers but discovers that too few fly with", "1,7,13,19,21"); tfymAddSlide("Perception - Effort versus Task", "1243", "20220201", "Color Drawing", " when person perceived effort does not match the completed task there are times someone exclaims they working hard something only find out that doing require such level here very muscular looks straining but weights trying lift small and light", "1,5,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Scales Examining Scales", "1244", "20220202", "Color Drawing", " scaled animal examining the scales armor sitting clothes rack", "7,12,13"); tfymAddSlide("Don't Fall", "1245", "20220203", "Color Drawing", " group creatures sit lay and climb some trees while the ground dead ones who fell kind like american society today tree ladder success but you fall many would not help even enjoying benefits blind others", "1,7,10,11"); tfymAddSlide("The Fly's - Lesser Known Habit", "1246", "20220204", "Color Drawing", " the super hero fly known for stopping criminals and having powers size but what most people don see consider other habits that does here has just finished pooping wall through its suits which specially made hole such tasks", "1,5,7,10,12,13,24"); tfymAddSlide("Fun For Some", "1247", "20220205", "Color Drawing", " very small balloon float the air while creatures dangling from showing lots stress large creature further below one having great time support weight with little resources help", "1,7,10,11,21"); tfymAddSlide("Memories", "1248", "20220205", "Color Drawing", " figure floating the thoughts memories has pulled out its heart", "1,5,9,14,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Meow = More", "1249", "20220206", "Color Drawing", " fat cat has eaten lot food but meowing for more wearing feed scarf", "1,7,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("Pulled Into A Black Hole", "1250", "20220206", "Color Drawing", " astronaut being stretched pulled into black hole", "5,9,21,24"); tfymAddSlide("Into The Mouth - A Bug's Tale", "1251", "20220207", "Color Drawing", " big trapped raindrop hanging from leave while toad looking creature opens its mouth waiting for fall baby toady thing nearby also opening", "2,7,15,22"); tfymAddSlide("Sometimes It Just Feels Like...", "1252", "20220208", "Color Drawing", " sometimes just feels like something playing game with your life here person sitting chair their head arm feeling the pressures stresses while devil creature nearby poking pitchfork and saying bwa", "1,5,10,15"); tfymAddSlide("Pyramid Of Snow People", "1253", "20220209", "Color Drawing", " large pyramid snow people reaching for the sky while little boy who built them stands nearby sweating", "12,13"); tfymAddSlide("Treasure Pleasure", "1254", "20220210", "Color Drawing", " some people chase after treasure their entire life missing out the joys just living helping others finding enjoyment free things like looking nature breathing air here scuba diver found large perl they were searching for but giant clam holding has swalloed", "1,2,11,19,20"); tfymAddSlide("Baby Birds Finally Flying, Kind Of", "1255", "20220211", "Color Drawing", " parent bird taking its baby birds for their first flight while most them are holding onto the wings support", "7,21"); tfymAddSlide("Study Of Form - Knight Fighting Orc", "1256", "20220213", "Color Drawing", " study creating form and action here knight mid air flying towards orc who defending itself", "5,10,15,19,24"); tfymAddSlide("Study Of Form - Figures Playing With Balls", "1257", "20220214", "Color Drawing", " study creating form and action group figures posing holding red balls", "5,24"); tfymAddSlide("Trio Of Cuties", "1258", "20220215", "Color Drawing", " trio cute critters hamster sits nice pillow that sitting sleep cat head while sleeping bird sleeps the cats back", "7,14"); tfymAddSlide("Tower Tours", "1259", "20220216", "Color Drawing", " helicopter taking visitors sight seeing tour tower while the having", "1,12,13"); tfymAddSlide("Duh!", "1260", "20220217", "Color Drawing", " sometimes you are told something and obvious that just want say duh! here alien with antennae holds helmet holes spaces points ship nearby has while says", "1,10,12,21"); tfymAddSlide("Mosquito Pet", "1261", "20220218", "Color Drawing", " person has their mosquito pet who nature keeps biting skin the doctor thinks they have measles then chickenpox", "1,5,7,13"); tfymAddSlide("Put Down That Lollipop", "1262", "20220219", "Color Drawing", " large white cop stopping small black kid who only holding lollipop", "1,5,11,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Silk Sewing Spider and the Crochet Crafting Caterpillar", "1263", "20220220", "Color Drawing", " spider using sewing machine sew silk while caterpillar crocheting something", "1,7"); tfymAddSlide("You Listen To Me!!", "1264", "20220221", "Color Drawing", " people have gotten more about what they want tell you than actually having way conversation here are looking out the mouth something yelling someone else listen while other doing same", "1,6,11,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Elephant Taking Mice For A Ride", "1265", "20220222", "Color Drawing", " elephant with cape flying through the sky while bringing some mice basket for ride", "7,12,14,21"); tfymAddSlide("Singing Cats", "1266", "20220223", "Color Drawing", " two cats are singing together", "7,14"); tfymAddSlide("Corporate Profits", "1267", "20220223", "Color Drawing", " house and their owners are being squeezed the corporate profit process here hand with gold braclet showing profile crunching most can get out those", "4,11,15"); tfymAddSlide("Tear Wiper Pro", "1268", "20220224", "Color Drawing", " bee has found new career wiping the tears from crying eyes", "7"); tfymAddSlide("Beanie Of The Lamp", "1269", "20220224", "Color Drawing", " some have heard the genie lamp but this hipster version beanie wearing comes out along with their hippy beard", "1,5,24"); tfymAddSlide("Cat's Lap", "1270", "20220225", "Color Drawing", " cat owner sits their chair while lap with claws tearing into the legs", "1,7,13"); tfymAddSlide("Pen Dragon", "1271", "20220227", "Color Drawing", " set books glasses and pen show drawn dragon page coming life", "7,10,12,21"); tfymAddSlide("Country Versus Country", "1272", "20220227", "Color Drawing", " the citizens ukraine are currently being attacked russia though one much larger forces smaller standing their ground here even cat and dog against soldiers", "3,7,11,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Just The Essentials", "1273", "20220228", "Color Drawing", " old man goes walkabout carrying just his essentials which course includes full bed chair toilet paper dishes teapot slippers books you know the", "1,5,14,19"); tfymAddSlide("ssshh", "1274", "20220301", "Color Drawing", " creature has its babies sleeping some flowers nearby while couple birds fly above one them signing tunes the other bird and telling singing viewer please quiet", "7,10,16,21"); tfymAddSlide("Top & Bottom Hats", "1275", "20220302", "Color Drawing", " man dances with his top hat head and hit bottom bum while doing this very large", "1,5,13,24"); tfymAddSlide("Stop War. Save Lives.", "1276", "20220303", "Color Drawing", " really that simple stop war save lives", "1,11"); tfymAddSlide("Unique Unicycle", "1277", "20220303", "Color Drawing", " unique creature rides unicycle", "1,7,8,10"); tfymAddSlide("No One Photoes Bufford", "1278", "20220304", "Color Drawing", " bufford never photoed others but after being arrested excited that the police camera taking his photo smiles with enjoyment", "1,5,6,13"); tfymAddSlide("Erg!", "1279", "20220305", "Color Drawing", " sometimes moments are very stressful here creature has been hit with the same issue again and pretty upset about this was inspired main house water line breaking twice now fixed thought broke but wasn *erg!*", "1,5,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Catch Of The Day", "1280", "20220307", "Color Drawing", " sleeping fisherman just about get bite its hook small fish but big whale take out the boat", "1,7,11,19,20,22"); tfymAddSlide("Roman Clock", "1281", "20220308", "Color Drawing", " distorted redition clock with roman numbers", ""); tfymAddSlide("No More Oil", "1282", "20220309", "Color Drawing", " group mice are walking past leaking oil pipe holding umbreallas protect themselves from the pollution while symbol painted wall", "7,11"); tfymAddSlide("No No No", "1283", "20220310", "Color Drawing", " kid pink bunny costume looking hand mirror and sees another blue try perform scare jump the mirrior shows what about happen tell other", "1,5,19,24"); tfymAddSlide("Bad Shoe Idea #1: Toasters", "1284", "20220310", "Color Drawing", " person tries invent new type shoe and uses toasters only get their feet burned", "1,3,5,15"); tfymAddSlide("New Hair Designs", "1285", "20220311", "Color Drawing", " lot hair styles are created with names that relate animals like the pony tail pig tails now they trying out new ones whale dragon some little girls designs walk and admire ideas", "1,13"); tfymAddSlide("For Sale: 96 Miles Per Gallon", "1286", "20220312", "Color Drawing", " person selling vehicle boasts that gets miles per gallon but puts the small print this only happens going down hill and coasting based true event where our car showed for mile", "1"); tfymAddSlide("Heart Sharer", "1287", "20220313", "Color Drawing", " this creature loves sharing his heart with others here has full bag them and sending out make happy given many that the head turned into permanent smile", "1,5,6,16"); tfymAddSlide("War Songs", "1288", "20220314", "Color Drawing", " while the russian invasion ukraine and other countries around world through conflicts like yemen somalia palestine many others these events cause some overflow with emotions sign out their pain", "1,6,11,15"); tfymAddSlide("Crocs, Uggs, High Heels For Sale", "1289", "20220315", "Color Drawing", " crocodile wearing some new crocs bought while bird tries pair uggs poster shows the high heels floating away", "1,3,7,13"); tfymAddSlide("Cheap Cuts", "1290", "20220315", "Color Drawing", " hair cutter only charges per inch cut when customer with many feet comes the barber calls home his wife that they can now buy house had been saving for", "1,5,13"); tfymAddSlide("Born To Throne", "1291", "20220316", "Color Drawing", " some families have the upper hand society and their offspring are born into benefits including sometimes getting throne here person who bloated with lots money his wagon poor small horse pulling all has been entitled entire life feels empathy for anyone", "5,11"); tfymAddSlide("Stress - Less Stress", "1292", "20220317", "Color Drawing", " sometimes get the choice whether something that will cause stress relieve here person has chosen just fly balloon air and let wind choose path instead leaning towards other actions blood boil", "1,5,11"); tfymAddSlide("Butterfly Meets Butterfly", "1293", "20220317", "Color Drawing", " butterfly sees butter dishing flying and wonders what type butter-fly", "1,7,12,21"); tfymAddSlide("Drinks Served", "1294", "20220318", "Color Drawing", " each being has its own type nourishment here robot reaches for battery baby bottle and cat saucer milk", "1,7,22"); tfymAddSlide("Full Body Massage", "1295", "20220321", "Color Drawing", " full body massage parlor can see new customer coming who has bull sharp spikes", "1,5,10,11,13,15"); tfymAddSlide("Flower Child", "1296", "20220322", "Color Drawing", " flower growing with baby dragons its pedals while mother dragon watches anticipation the new children", "1,2,7,10,12,14,26"); tfymAddSlide("Juggler's Lost Ball", "1297", "20220323", "Color Drawing", " juggler creature was juggling but one the balls dropped and out reach", "1,5,7,8,10"); tfymAddSlide("Glue Gun Gangsta", "1298", "20220323", "Color Drawing", " glue creature holding gun another", "1,5,10,13,15"); tfymAddSlide("Monkey's Mutant Mask", "1299", "20220324", "Color Drawing", " monkey holding creature mask the looks mean but has big happy smile", "1,6,7,24"); tfymAddSlide("The Frog and the Stone", "1300", "20220324", "Color Drawing", " many people have heard the sword stone and person who pulls out will become king but most not about time fly was holding for life while frog its tongue toward before too late?", "1,7,12,15,22"); tfymAddSlide("Mouse vs Trap", "1301", "20220328", "Color Drawing", " story old time mouse versus the trap that wants", "1,7,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Pieces of Peace", "1302", "20220329", "Color Drawing", " people just trying live peace are always under threat from those who wish break that", "1,6,11,15"); tfymAddSlide("Speedo", "1303", "20220331", "Color Drawing", " turtle has ordered speedo thinking that must make faster", "1,7,8,13"); tfymAddSlide("Brain In Rain In Brain", "1304", "20220401", "Color Drawing", " brain filled with mentor knowledge dripping into cup that will drank mentee", "1"); tfymAddSlide("Into The Abyss", "1305", "20220402", "Color Drawing", " person sucked into the black hole abyss though scared also curious what next dimension", "1,5,6,9,24"); tfymAddSlide("Being Unique", "1306", "20220403", "Color Drawing", " unique creature showing off its uniqueness", "1,7,10,12"); tfymAddSlide("The Fly Fighter", "1307", "20220404", "Color Drawing", " tough frog with tattoos its head showing the number flys has captured ready for next hunt camouflage being original inspiration future armies", "1,7"); tfymAddSlide("Jump... Jump... Jump-Rope", "1308", "20220406", "Color Drawing", " creature with arms uses jump ropes while wearing special logo t-shirt", "1,5,7,8,10,14"); tfymAddSlide("Experrectus - I Woke Up", "1309", "20220407", "Color Drawing", " logo incorporating the woke approach", "11"); tfymAddSlide("Heeling Yourself", "1310", "20220407", "Color Drawing", " when fingers the ears are not enough others shout say bad things about each other wars conflict hard stop those negative words from being heard", "1,5,11,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Bottle Types", "1311", "20220408", "Color Drawing", " different type bottles whine bottle for those who want drink and baby with stuck inside brush where the brushing its teeth", "9,13"); tfymAddSlide("Bacatman", "1312", "20220409", "Color Drawing", " combination bat and cat creature showing off its new cape while below the nip pussycat plasma containers are emptied", "1,5,7,10,12,24"); tfymAddSlide("Dancing Partners", "1313", "20220410", "Color Drawing", " two creatures enjoy moment dancing the much larger purple one and smaller yellow holding rose its mouth", "5,7,10,14,24"); tfymAddSlide("Bits Of Bytes - Eating Encryption", "1314", "20220411", "Color Drawing", " creature with set public private keys document lots binary digits about take byte out the rsa encryption", "1,7,10,19"); tfymAddSlide("Artificial Simplicity", "1315", "20220412", "Color Drawing", " the buttons links and other technological simple things are actually built upon very complex foundation big cost environment", "1,4,11"); tfymAddSlide("Yes! It's That Good", "1316", "20220412", "Color Drawing", " tower creatures trying reach the very tasty morsel top dangerous plant ones who failed remain impaled upon big thorns", "1,2,7,10,14,15,19,22"); tfymAddSlide("Here To Free You", "1317", "20220413", "Color Drawing", " country with its big armies once again arriving another the press release that they are there free others when reality about power and resources", "7,10,11,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Untied Stats in the United States", "1318", "20220414", "Color Drawing", " the united states and technology touted freedom masses more about collecting much stats", "1,4,11"); tfymAddSlide("Being Shy", "1319", "20220415", "Color Drawing", " some are shy that even when alone wear our public facing mask since gives comfort person wearing sits fallen tree reading book about being while group birds attracted the meek reader", "5,7"); tfymAddSlide("Wingless Bird", "1320", "20220416", "Color Drawing", " bird born with wings has found way attach group boards its arm hopes making wing", "1,5,7,10,12,13"); tfymAddSlide("Wester Bunny meets Easter Bunny", "1321", "20220417", "Color Drawing", " bunny from the west wearing cowboy outfit and carrying basket full baby horses met easter who carry chicks eggs", "1,7,12,14,17"); tfymAddSlide("Black Widow's Path", "1322", "20220418", "Color Drawing", " black widow has tried many places where humans sit like chair hammock lawn and the but finally found perfect place for inside shoe", "1,7"); tfymAddSlide("Bringing Your Baggage", "1323", "20220419", "Color Drawing", " person toils moving along the world while years emotional baggage constantly weighs down movement into future", "1,5,11,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Flower Meets Flour", "1324", "20220420", "Color Drawing", " families flowers with child flower meets family flours flour", "1,2,22"); tfymAddSlide("C.A.Rear?", "1325", "20220421", "Color Drawing", " person with career all dressed and standing near lot mirrors while nearby cat wonders you can see his rear", "1,5,7,13,24"); tfymAddSlide("Pachyderm Paul's Peanuts", "1326", "20220422", "Color Drawing", " paul the elephant also known pachyderm holds onto his bucket peanuts", "1,7,22"); tfymAddSlide("Released", "1327", "20220426", "Color Drawing", " had put sleep our oldest dog gone blind deaf and was lot pain rest peace dilbert", "1,7,16"); tfymAddSlide("Breaking Beyond Boundaries", "1328", "20220427", "Color Drawing", " artists often have work hard pushing their imagination preconceived ideas how something should look find place art ways that not been shown before", "1,5,9,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Cat Tower vs Mouse Tower vs Dog Tower", "1329", "20220428", "Color Drawing", " group mice are protected their brick tower while cats look ready pouce from cat nearby dog inhales hooka and just chillin", "1,7,9,11,12,14"); tfymAddSlide("Keeping Tabs On Yourself", "1330", "20220429", "Color Drawing", " picture with lots tabs figure two heads demonstrates the different ways word tab can used", "1,5"); tfymAddSlide("Tunnel Vision", "1331", "20220429", "Color Drawing", " set figures are walking with some looking the others while one just looks straight ahead and doesn pay attention what think", "1,5,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Baby Dragon", "1332", "20220502", "Color Drawing", " baby dragon the foot their very large parent", "7,10,14,16,26"); tfymAddSlide("They Watch Your Front, Not Your Back", "1333", "20220504", "Color Drawing", " there lot tension society between pro life and choice are groups that say they fighting for but once the baby born offer help support guns death penalty war etc really about life? more controlling women right her body choices? welcome 1984 handmaide tale", "1,5,11,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Wailing Whale's Well", "1334", "20220505", "Color Drawing", " whale wailing inside well while person nearby asks not feeling", "1,7,13"); tfymAddSlide("Dave Gets New Hares", "1335", "20220506", "Color Drawing", " while not really new hair his balding head dave does get some hares body", "1,6,7,13,24"); tfymAddSlide("Wrong Kong", "1336", "20220508", "Color Drawing", " giant female holding large gorilla upside down while hanging onto tall tower airplane nearby that was sent stop the now confused", "1,7,13"); tfymAddSlide("Waking Up At A Wake", "1337", "20220509", "Color Drawing", " crab creature sipping its morning cup hot chocolate the pillow still tied back while attending wake recent passing", "1,7,13"); tfymAddSlide("Cheegan", "1338", "20220510", "Color Drawing", " cheegan someone who only eats cheese piece cheeze walking down the sidewalk approached rat has ill intentions", "1,7,15,22"); tfymAddSlide("Bad Batteries", "1339", "20220511", "Color Drawing", " save the planet electric van with couple who believing they are helping not driving fuel driven engine realize amount resources pollution caused only creating batteries but charging stations that must used", "1,11"); tfymAddSlide("Strut", "1340", "20220512", "Color Drawing", " beautiful bird struts its pretty flowers while strutting across some metal", "1,7,24"); tfymAddSlide("Catellite", "1341", "20220514", "Color Drawing", " catellite resources run low new satellites are made from cats this cat sent into space hold the solar panels and broadcasting equipment", "1,7,12,13,21"); tfymAddSlide("Standardized Swimsuit", "1342", "20220515", "Color Drawing", " when companies fail get with the needs lgbtqia+ society sometimes try methods products that not consider here non-binary creature holds swimsuit being sold just square and triangle", "1,5,7,10,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Mixing Up Necklace And Shoelace", "1343", "20220516", "Color Drawing", " person mixes the words necklace and shoelace now they can hardly breath from how tight their neck shoes are much too loose with necklaces", "1,3,5,13,24"); tfymAddSlide("Life Dream Catcher", "1344", "20220517", "Color Drawing", " the dream catcher supposed capture dreams while you sleep but this case captures waking from life", "1"); tfymAddSlide("Whie Supremacy/Super Mercy", "1345", "20220518", "Color Drawing", " there have many times where violent person with white skin captured while non-violent non-white killed here supremacist assault weapon has been but given super mercy the police officer", "1,5,11,19"); tfymAddSlide("A Moment", "1346", "20220519", "Color Drawing", " there are times where person just needs moment stop relax and think sits grassy hill with dog listening music drinking their favorite drink watching the clouds goes", "1,5,7,14,21"); tfymAddSlide("Rapper Rose", "1347", "20220520", "Color Drawing", " rose turned into rapper showing off its snazzy outfit while reciting the poem roses are red violets blue king eat poo", "1,2,5,10,12,13"); tfymAddSlide("Dinner Drone", "1348", "20220521", "Color Drawing", " frog thinks drone flying food and sends its tongue out grabs but the keeps with tow", "1,7,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("Ideas", "1349", "20220607", "Color Drawing", " person sits table coming with new ideas the head growing idea bulbs out all directions", "5,24"); tfymAddSlide("Removing The Worst Fart", "1350", "20220608", "Color Drawing", " person has made the worst fart ever and planet people have tied him fighter jet are whisking away into space", "1,13,21"); tfymAddSlide("The Original Swimsuit and Crab Puff", "1351", "20220609", "Color Drawing", " shark wears facy suit with tophat the first moment swimsuit concept was created nearby scuba diver sees hat coming out water and yells shark!? while crab puffs hooka", "1,7,13,20"); tfymAddSlide("All Things Have Feelings", "1352", "20220610", "Color Drawing", " couple flowers hug each other tree confronts beaver and gorilla nearby laughs the scene thing has its own feelings", "1,2,7,11,14,15,16,19,22"); tfymAddSlide("False King", "1353", "20220613", "Color Drawing", " king may wrap themselves bling but the queen who holds true power here monkey smiling its thrown while jester tells that also holding sign says wears pants", "1,5,7,11,13"); tfymAddSlide("Liquid Lickwood", "1354", "20220614", "Color Drawing", " creature licks some lickwood while the liquid drips from its tongue another asks getting enough fiber", "1,7,10,13,20,22"); tfymAddSlide("Behind The Drawing", "1355", "20220615", "Color Drawing", " picture bunny rabbit having its drawing page pulled back figure the artist? showing thought and work that goes into angles measurements", "1,7,24"); tfymAddSlide("I Eye Aye", "1356", "20220616", "Color Drawing", " homonym eye and aye pirate its own", "1,6,23"); tfymAddSlide("Animal Husbandry by animals", "1357", "20220617", "Color Drawing", " pair dogs running their own farm and raising pigs", "1,5,7,12,18"); tfymAddSlide("Crimes Committed In Plain Sight", "1358", "20220617", "Color Drawing", " person party stealing election plain sight telling those seeing that there nothing see and the fake media causing crime", "1,5,11,19,24"); tfymAddSlide("Father's Day", "1359", "20220620", "Color Drawing", " father day 2022 shown holding his children shoulders giving them support while beneath the mother supporting all her", "1,5,10,11,16,19"); tfymAddSlide("Pulling Words Out Of Thin Air", "1360", "20220621", "Color Drawing", " face has hand coming out the mouth pulling words thin air", "1,4,6,9"); tfymAddSlide("Pinny Just Wants To Play", "1361", "20220621", "Color Drawing", " pin wants play with group balloons but keeps poking hole and defalting them", "1,10,13,15"); tfymAddSlide("Living On Lemons", "1362", "20220622", "Color Drawing", " have been blending whole lemons including the peel with water for drink mornings this how envision look while drinking holding glass mostly drank lemon lips are ultra puckered", "1,5,13,22,24"); tfymAddSlide("Key To The Heart", "1363", "20220622", "Color Drawing", " heart with engraved letters has love arrow piercing through the other key end", "16"); tfymAddSlide("Rowbot Robot using ping pong paddles", "1364", "20220624", "Color Drawing", " robot using rowboat which makes rowbot friendly octopus touching one the paddles", "1,7,12,20"); tfymAddSlide("Pare Pear Pair - homonym", "1365", "20220626", "Color Drawing", " homonym the pairing pair pears", "1,13,15,22"); tfymAddSlide("I Read Red's Reading - homonyms", "1366", "20220627", "Color Drawing", " blue creature reading book written red that what read", "1,10,13"); tfymAddSlide("HOKILOPE - Hope Kindness Love Peace", "1367", "20220628", "Color Drawing", " wand made the words hope kindness love and peace with symbols sign yin yang eye heart snake wraps around handle flowers grow outside while flying bug sits one", "1,2,7,11,16"); tfymAddSlide("Super Tights Fashion Show", "1368", "20220629", "Color Drawing", " fashion show has take the concept tights little too far its model being squeezed hard while walking down walkway", "1,5,13,15"); tfymAddSlide("Bone Cone", "1369", "20220630", "Color Drawing", " dog dits two comfortable pillows while dreaming about cone holding bones", "1,7,14,22"); tfymAddSlide("Snake Rake", "1370", "20220701", "Color Drawing", " person using large rake now scared after the turning into set snakes off side you can see wizard doing rakussnakus spell", "1,5,7,12,13,15"); tfymAddSlide("Glasses", "1371", "20220703", "Color Drawing", " person wearing multiple glasses while holding set", "1,6"); tfymAddSlide("Motorbike Rider", "1372", "20220705", "Color Drawing", " rider and his motorbike", "5,8,14"); tfymAddSlide("How To Scare Others", "1373", "20220706", "Color Drawing", " dragon looks the mirror and tries different scary facial expressions practice scaring others but since cute would never scare anyone", "7,10,13,26"); tfymAddSlide("Cock Cauling Cock - homonyms", "1374", "20220707", "Color Drawing", " rooster cock using cauling gun caulk male genital sculpture homonyms", "1,7,13"); tfymAddSlide("Holding on to your Heart", "1375", "20220708", "Color Drawing", " female figure with wings has the giant outline her heart around body she holiding together while life experiences cause bleed stands puddle hearts drops", "1,5,11,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Cute Cruelty", "1376", "20220710", "Color Drawing", " seems that those society who have good looks get away with thnigs while not pleasing the eye more trouble sometimes for same things here cute creature saying has idea where its buddy even though obvious pile bones and full stomache ate own", "1,5,7,10,11,19"); tfymAddSlide("Growing Your Own Pet", "1377", "20220711", "Color Drawing", " there are already pet mills where animals bred for purchase soon may possible get packet seeds the mail and grow your own flower pot", "2,6,7,12"); tfymAddSlide("Tell The Tale of the Tail - homonyms", "1378", "20220712", "Color Drawing", " creature showing off its own transparent tail while tells the tale", "1,5,7,10,26"); tfymAddSlide("Birth of a Super Hero", "1379", "20220713", "Color Drawing", " creature has designed its own super hero outfit and ready try out for the first time", "1,5,7,10,12"); tfymAddSlide("Refocus", "1380", "20220713", "Color Drawing", " while working computer who content continually tries grab time and attention armored turtle looking creature see apple tree coming through the window refocuses its nature", "1,7,10,11,22"); tfymAddSlide("Throwing Away Protections", "1381", "20220714", "Color Drawing", " while our society goes through the covid pandemic endemic many not want take precautions stopping from taking vaccines simple act wearing mask yet those same people complain why government hasn stopped disease and they will also fall off cliff survival telling everyone f@#! which includes themselves", "1,11,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Monkey Box vs Monkey Pox", "1382", "20220715", "Color Drawing", " monkey pox makes its way around the world envisioned box boxing out existence", "1,5,7,12,19,24"); tfymAddSlide("Wing Bling", "1383", "20220717", "Color Drawing", " dragon with fancy wings showing off the bling that purchased make itself even more eye catching", "1,5,7,10,19,26"); tfymAddSlide("Finding Love", "1384", "20220718", "Color Drawing", " two creatures find love and embrace while another enjoys watching happen", "1,2,7,10,16,19,20"); tfymAddSlide("Finding Love", "1384", "20220718", "Color Drawing", " two creatures find love and embrace while another enjoys watching happen", "1,2,7,10,16,20"); tfymAddSlide("Weeeee", "1385", "20220719", "Color Drawing", " bunch little orange ball creatures are having fun the water one them riding large fish", "7,10,14,20"); tfymAddSlide("The First Meow", "1386", "20220720", "Color Drawing", " two cats are fighting and one says while the other you", "1,7,13"); tfymAddSlide("Blank Page No More", "1387", "20220721", "Color Drawing", " each artist looks their blank page and makes come alive here breaking through the admiring drawing bunny rabbit has started", "1,5,7,24"); tfymAddSlide("Faux News", "1388", "20220725", "Color Drawing", " there called news channel that spews hatred racism greed and many other negative things all fool people make money cause the masses fight each", "1,11,15"); tfymAddSlide("Work to Weekend", "1389", "20220728", "Color Drawing", " the work week pushes worker sprints towards finish line get weekend his smile getting bigger gets closer", "1,5,14,24"); tfymAddSlide("The Moment Of A Singularity", "1390", "20220728", "Color Drawing", " robot sits cloud meditating and suddenly realizes that exists saying", "1,5,9,12"); tfymAddSlide("Playing With Time", "1391", "20220802", "Color Drawing", " group pinkish creatures rolling the ground playing with creature who has clock eye", "1,7,10,14"); tfymAddSlide("Fish's Plane", "1392", "20220803", "Color Drawing", " fish flys plane that has monster feed landing gear and fans propeller", "1,7,12,20,21"); tfymAddSlide("Hiding In A House", "1393", "20220805", "Color Drawing", " most people return stay their homes trying ignore the ills world just outside door here couple relaxing living room while war flooding drought and like are happening others", "1,11,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Oh Well", "1394", "20220819", "Color Drawing", " technology keeps changing are continually asked change with learn different ways the same things here person brain has given changes and exiting head", "1,5,11,13,15,19,24"); tfymAddSlide("Having It All, But Having Nothing", "1395", "20220823", "Color Drawing", " lots people chase after the materialistic things life from bling power while missing point that true happiness comes enjoying nature being nice each other", "1,5,11"); tfymAddSlide("Crossing Bridges", "1396", "20220824", "Color Drawing", " wuscular and his child cross bridge remind those arguing nice", "1,7,10,11"); tfymAddSlide("Snowman In A Snowstorm", "1397", "20220825", "Color Drawing", " snowman serving salted marshmallows rabbit snowstorm enough said", "1,7,12,13,14,22"); tfymAddSlide("A Lean With Alien", "1398", "20220826", "Color Drawing", " couple construction workers are talking each other site and one sees says alien while the hears lean", "1,12,13"); tfymAddSlide("Finding Just Us Moments", "1399", "20220827", "Color Drawing", " couple sitting their couch watching something listening with headphones while the violence politicis and religions worlds constantly try overshadow moment", "1,6,9,10,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Munchies", "1400", "20220828", "Color Drawing", " heart shaped creature using some herbal enjoyment and eating munchies", "5,6,7,10,11,14,22"); tfymAddSlide("Dyin To Read", "1401", "20220829", "Color Drawing", " skeleton sits top pile books and loves read", "10,14"); tfymAddSlide("A Moment In A Life", "1402", "20220830", "Color Drawing", " visual moment life with time emotion nature", "2,6,9"); tfymAddSlide("All Kin When No Skin", "1403", "20220831", "Color Drawing", " would nice not judge each other the color our skin here skeleton with pulling cart full those things that bias others their like maps laws fears etc dump", "1,5,11"); tfymAddSlide("Ideas", "1404", "20220901", "Color Drawing", " ndividual esign nvision nother cene when create from parts have seen learned others ideas all collaborate new things even don know", "1,10,11"); tfymAddSlide("Lessons", "1405", "20220907", "Color Drawing", " parent dragon teaching the baby how pick berries from tree", "1,7,10,16,22,26"); tfymAddSlide("Calm Within The Storm", "1406", "20220909", "Color Drawing", " person stands with calmness and bird his head while swirling storms surround", "1,5,7,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("First Contact, Be Nice To Those You Meet", "1407", "20220911", "Color Drawing", " two creatures meeting and are instantly nice each other", "1,7,10,12,14"); tfymAddSlide("Love And Protect Nature", "1408", "20220912", "Color Drawing", " person watering flower while their back and arm hold the powers money across world", "1,5,10,11"); tfymAddSlide("Preferred Perception", "1409", "20220913", "Color Drawing", " rabbit riding top turle the feels moving very fast when reality turtle slow", "1,7"); tfymAddSlide("Screeeech Uses The Chalkboard", "1410", "20220914", "Color Drawing", " creature who has very long and tough nails just finished learning how pedicure itself now trying out the honed chalkboard", "5,7,10,12,24"); tfymAddSlide("Keeping The Shell", "1411", "20220915", "Color Drawing", " bird has decided wants keep the shell was born with", "1,7,13"); tfymAddSlide("Two Dragon Figures In Love", "1412", "20220916", "Color Drawing", " set figurine dragon are love with each other their turning into heart shaped rain", "5,7,10,16,26"); tfymAddSlide("Fish Fear", "1413", "20220920", "Color Drawing", " fish sleeping but during the slumber having nightmare scary creature", "7,10,15,20"); tfymAddSlide("Thumb Tack", "1414", "20220921", "Color Drawing", " thumb tack being pushed finger and telling the stop only use", "1,4,13"); tfymAddSlide("Scar...f: hiding our wounds", "1415", "20220921", "Color Drawing", " person wears red flowing scarf hide the scars while their heart also wearing its", "6,11"); tfymAddSlide("Non Binary", "1416", "20220923", "Color Drawing", " group bits zeroes and ones are moving down digital cable while one the non-binary lets others know just another number", "1,11"); tfymAddSlide("False Saviour - Electric Cars Will Not Save The World", "1417", "20220925", "Color Drawing", " electric car driving down road with the driver believing they are saving planet while forest pollution collapsed roads dirty waters broken towers and large list resources build maintain disagree", "1,11"); tfymAddSlide("Work Smarter - Not Harder", "1418", "20220927", "Color Drawing", " bunny using poga stick jump instead its own legs", "7,11"); tfymAddSlide("The Nose Knows", "1419", "20220928", "Color Drawing", " flying creature has wise nose", "7,10,12,13"); tfymAddSlide("Y.O.L.O. - You Only Live Once, or, Your One Life Only", "1420", "20220929", "Color Drawing", " person not taking care their body health mind eating junk food telling another who exercising good that they only live once while the other asks how you want live?", "1,5,11,22,24"); tfymAddSlide("One", "1421", "20220929", "Color Drawing", " two people are close each other physically and emotionally that they could considered one here the couple embracing with their love turning into hearts flying future", "5,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("How To Spot GMO - Got Genetics?", "1422", "20220930", "Color Drawing", " cow full genetic changes from the human ear foot hand growing out but mechanics inside", "7,11,22"); tfymAddSlide("AI Day 2", "1423", "20221002", "Color Drawing", " company came out with their day showing off newest invention robot and how could walk sort here the walking stage", "1,5,9,13"); tfymAddSlide("Look Fear - In The Face", "1424", "20221004", "Color Drawing", " worm hook heading towards the mouth giant fish but staring face and will stand fear until last moment cannot", "7,11,13,15,20,22"); tfymAddSlide("3024 - Native Americans Return To Get Back Their Land", "1425", "20221005", "Color Drawing", " spaceship from the year 3024 returning earth filled with native americans who are coming back get their land and make those made treaties past honor", "1,11,12,19,21"); tfymAddSlide("List To Me", "1426", "20221007", "Color Drawing", " person with two heads and left right side the body has both sides discussion each wants other listen but without listening return this tearing them their country apart", "1,5,9,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Super Hero Retirement", "1427", "20221007", "Color Drawing", " super hero sits cloud holding baby dragon who showing beautiful flower the retired and enjoying peaceful moments", "1,2,5,7,10,11,12,14,21,24"); tfymAddSlide("But, But, Butte, Butt", "1428", "20221010", "Color Drawing", " but there butt with butte", "1,4,5,13,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Poetry, Knowledge, Adventure", "1429", "20221012", "Color Drawing", " read book cross bridge from not knowing something learning new the stresses reality escape world", "1,5,11,14"); tfymAddSlide("Robot Pet After Human Extinction", "1430", "20221013", "Color Drawing", " million years after humans longer exist creature comes across old broken robot pet", "1,7,10,12,19"); tfymAddSlide("Two Headed Dragon Star", "1431", "20221014", "Color Drawing", " two headed dragon with its form created within the shape star", "7,10,26"); tfymAddSlide("Collage Of Characters", "1432", "20221017", "Color Drawing", " collage faces and characters intermingle into single shape", "7,10,20"); tfymAddSlide("Hall..Ooo..Weeeeen", "1433", "20221018", "Color Drawing", " halloween creature standing pumpking when leaf carrying spider flys past and scares the", "7,10,15,20"); tfymAddSlide("Rocket Bird", "1434", "20221019", "Color Drawing", " rocket looking bird bat like creature launching from the ground", "7,10"); tfymAddSlide("HiJab...HeJab", "1435", "20221020", "Color Drawing", " there are those who force women wear hijabs covering their heads while the men get let hair head flow freely cool breeze here creature with heart and peace symbols jabs one religious leaders pushing constrictive measure opposite sex trying equalize world", "5,7,10,11,19,24"); tfymAddSlide("Purple Elephant Makes A Heart", "1436", "20221023", "Color Drawing", " purple elephant pressing against the paper creating red loving heart for someone special", "7,16,19"); tfymAddSlide("Vrrooom Vrroom, Move, Stay , Go, Stop", "1437", "20221024", "Color Drawing", " warped landscape showing red vehicle coming out garage while man sleeps bench and different types traffic signs sway the air", "9"); tfymAddSlide("Bartender Bible, Idea #34", "1438", "20221025", "Color Drawing", " drink cup contains hammer hook shrimp towel and cherry the maker reading bartender bible", "12,22"); tfymAddSlide("Sharing With Others", "1439", "20221026", "Color Drawing", " group flies has found table with lots food while some unknown creatures asking for the share but wonder what type those are", "1,7,10,11,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("Left, Right, Snap, Crack", "1440", "20221027", "Color Drawing", " the statue liberty has rope around her neck while left person about lgbtq peace and yin yang tries pull right guns q-anon extreme religious views with both sides trying country different diirections instead working together they are snapping", "5,11,15,19,24"); tfymAddSlide("Photo Bombed", "1441", "20221028", "Color Drawing", " group praire animals standing together for family reunion photo when just the right moment giraffe sticks its head into shot", "1,7,13,19"); tfymAddSlide("Pit Of Despair", "1442", "20221029", "Color Drawing", " person searches within pull their own heart out the pit despair here that walking path cloud", "5,9,11"); tfymAddSlide("Spread Love", "1443", "20221030", "Color Drawing", " creature spreading love dropping miniature hearts others nearby turtle benefitting from the", "7,10,11,14,16"); tfymAddSlide("Old Way New Way", "1444", "20221031", "Color Drawing", " person standing the old way doing things and holds fist air defiance those who want keep ways expensive happiness others here just entering new doorway", "5,11,19,24"); tfymAddSlide("The Wise Old Tree/Owl", "1445", "20221102", "Color Drawing", " wise old tree sits its chair next the many books has read learn knowledge support wisdom wanna owl upset and pulls picture back change title", "2,7,13,19"); tfymAddSlide("Lap Love And Jealousy", "1446", "20221104", "Color Drawing", " when more than one cat lives household there the common competition for attention here thoroughly enjoying lap time while nearby about scratch human shows its frustration", "4,7,13,19"); tfymAddSlide("Chasing It Until The End", "1447", "20221104", "Color Drawing", " many people chase after money fortune fame and become transfixed those status symbols while they turn into zombies the system miss out what really matters", "5,11"); tfymAddSlide("Balloon Bird", "1448", "20221105", "Color Drawing", " bird with balloons instead feathers flys the sky next bug who also uses wings", "7,10,12,13,21"); tfymAddSlide("Tear Down The Rules", "1449", "20221106", "Color Drawing", " artists continually try break boundaries and make their creations unique among the millions hear artist trying out normal rules create something that defies norms making", "5,9,24"); tfymAddSlide("Fly Eyes", "1450", "20221107", "Color Drawing", " child dresses costume like one the spider action heros likes and throws fake web nearby fly not realizing behind him army flies that are now upset", "1,7,13,19"); tfymAddSlide("Dancing With The Music", "1451", "20221108", "Color Drawing", " person not only dancing the music but with musical notes", "5,12,14"); tfymAddSlide("Cough In Coffin", "1452", "20221109", "Color Drawing", " person cough coffin while vampie nearby says has stake steak sign advertises for others join the core corpse corps", "1,10,12,13"); tfymAddSlide("Corrupted Cross", "1453", "20221110", "Color Drawing", " unfortunate for the core meaning many people religions turn their belief and actions into corrupted directions broken cross lays ground with symbols strung across used name religion from gold guns creatures nearby ask why broke one says had too much weight put another now looks like bondage", "1,10,11"); tfymAddSlide("Hell's Helping Heart", "1454", "20221111", "Color Drawing", " when people find themselves bad situations often they just need someone care person hand who ended hell helped out for loving heart", "4,9,11,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Russian Doll's Russian Dolls", "1455", "20221111", "Color Drawing", " russian doll collection dolls from around the world each showing how spelled that country", "13,14"); tfymAddSlide("Drag On Dragon", "1456", "20221112", "Color Drawing", " dragon being dragged nail cutting table hammer that employee", "7,10,12,13,15,26"); tfymAddSlide("Yoga For Birds", "1457", "20221113", "Color Drawing", " burt the bird gets membership local yoga shop and showing off his new toned butt cheeks nearby female noticing improvement", "1,7,8,13,26"); tfymAddSlide("Cash Into Trash", "1458", "20221115", "Color Drawing", " the earth being covered buildings technology all built from natural resources which are then turned into trash pair aliens flying and decide not stop because place dump while some rich humans chase after find their clean planet start over again", "1,7,10,11,12,13,21"); tfymAddSlide("GOLD FISHing Bowl", "1459", "20221115", "Color Drawing", " gold bar fishing bowl while loan shark telling the worm line pay original fish inhabitant making esacpe sea skateboard", "1,7,12,13,20,22"); tfymAddSlide("The Last Fan", "1460", "20221116", "Color Drawing", " orange topped vampie flying back his mag loco mansion while bat that the last fan follows him", "1,7,10,13"); tfymAddSlide("Size Versus Effort", "1461", "20221117", "Color Drawing", " small ant pulling very large tree down bending the point breaking even smallest can affect larger powers", "2,7,11"); tfymAddSlide("I Love You - 4 Ever", "1462", "20221118", "Color Drawing", " monkey squeezes large heart that spilling out the love and spelling you nearby cupcake says ever", "7,16,22"); tfymAddSlide("Greener Grass", "1463", "20221119", "Color Drawing", " person trying move greener grass while being blind how the parts life can change snap anytime inbetween moments are missed", "8,11"); tfymAddSlide("Liquid Of Life", "1464", "20221120", "Color Drawing", " person grabbing the drops life that fuel his body hooked anti-diealysis machine", "5"); tfymAddSlide("Slop", "1465", "20221121", "Color Drawing", " pet fed slop from can for its meal the ingredients big companies use are bad that even cockroaches dying after bite", "7,10,11,22"); tfymAddSlide("God Tries Out Some New Ideas", "1466", "20221123", "Color Drawing", " god trying out some new ideas and decides change how human born coming pupa while nearby butterfly comes female womb flower watching show their shock the ways birth", "1,7,13"); tfymAddSlide("Home Sweet Home - Happy Holidays", "1467", "20221125", "Color Drawing", " pair rats 1:50 have made themselves cup hot cocoa bookshelf the kitchen background sign that says home sweet", "7,13,14,22"); tfymAddSlide("Bi-species Bond", "1468", "20221127", "Color Drawing", " when human and animal become pair pets they often bond here pet hold hands the shape heart while their love drips into plant growing bright nearby small figure sing musical note spider watches", "2,4,7,16,22"); tfymAddSlide("Forever Forward", "1469", "20221128", "Color Drawing", " creature small raft very large ocean with the sail mast falling apart and partially submerged animal raises its sword vowes move forward matter difficulties", "7,10,19,23"); tfymAddSlide("Robot Cook Goes Too Far", "1470", "20221129", "Color Drawing", " robot cook with the latest artifical intelligence trying giant fish when owner asks for sandwich nearby mouse tries pull out pot", "1,7,11,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("SeeSaw", "1471", "20221130", "Color Drawing", " hippo and cow swing seesaw that cracking under the weight while pair flies popsicle stick sitting human thumb nearby saw who can see with glasses watches you sea through binoculars", "7,20"); tfymAddSlide("Brrrr - I Want This Now", "1472", "20221131", "Color Drawing", " person points the calendar month jun where will warmer even though currently midst winter has ripped off months dec jan feb hopes summer coming sooner his cat nearby wear same type warm hat", "1,5,7,13"); tfymAddSlide("Life, Death, Life", "1473", "20221202", "Color Drawing", " babies come out the heart universe into life swirl around while they grow adults then slowly fall get older death part hourglass their wings bottom and recycled back some leave find nirvana longer needing reborn", "6,9,21"); tfymAddSlide("Golden Moments - Glasses", "1474", "20221205", "Color Drawing", " senior citizen can read his book partner yelling for him put glasses finds couple drinking eyes still filled with liquid and figure out why", "1,5,13,24"); tfymAddSlide("Golden Moments - Don't Forget The Dentures", "1475", "20221204", "Color Drawing", " someone asking senior citizen hold still for quick photo unfortunately pull the apple away too and now his dentures are them", "1,5,13,24"); tfymAddSlide("Global Warming Strikes Again", "1476", "20221205", "Color Drawing", " global warming has made the north pole santa his sleigh and reindeer are floating down river melted snow polar bear with sunglasses iced tea watches while penguin eats melting ice cream cone", "7,11,20"); tfymAddSlide("Golden Moments - Selfie", "1477", "20221205", "Color Drawing", " senior citizen asking young girl selling lemonade that she must give him sale fee and nearby another trying take selfie but holding the camera too high", "1,5,13,20,24"); tfymAddSlide("PopTart vs Popsicle on a Popcan with Popcorn", "1478", "20221206", "Color Drawing", " poptart battling popsicle top popcorn containing near poster that says pop art", "10,12,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("Unicorns", "1479", "20221207", "Color Drawing", " unicorn space suit followed uni one corn the cob and foot with its toe", "3,7,13,21,22"); tfymAddSlide("Twas The Night Before", "1480", "20221208", "Color Drawing", " twas the night before christmas and cat has discovered opened its kitty litty gift while dog found bone", "7,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("Lap of Luxury", "1481", "20221208", "Color Drawing", " sea creature has found clam with pearl and now feeling luxurious its new riches the not happy about", "1,7,20"); tfymAddSlide("Addict-i-'on' sugar", "1482", "20221209", "Color Drawing", " creature has become addicted sugar and eaten all the gumballs from two vending machines its body bad shape feeling sick but still goes for more them third machine", "7,10,11,22"); tfymAddSlide("Breaking The Balance", "1483", "20221209", "Color Drawing", " two people each their own homes that are barely balancing the stresses life find time argue and fight other not realzing they need represented rope nearly cut holding together", "11,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Free Love For Everyone", "1484", "20221212", "Color Drawing", " heart shaped creature santa hat passing our free love hearts everyone", "5,10"); tfymAddSlide("Santa A.I. Claus(es)", "1485", "20221212", "Color Drawing", " new artificial intelligence program promises what you ask user asks for rocking horse and the delivers with pile rocks that have broken", "7,11,13"); tfymAddSlide("Catching A FeeLine", "1486", "20221213", "Color Drawing", " feline sitting line fees", "7,13"); tfymAddSlide("Um Uh No", "1487", "20221214", "Color Drawing", " person very heavy warm coat gloves boots hat and ear muffs next who has clothes the middle winter yoga position unclothed icicles growing its body sign nearby that says join polar bear club", "1,5,13,24"); tfymAddSlide("Where Are All The Cookies Going", "1488", "20221215", "Color Drawing", " mom keeps cooking cookies but they keep disappearing behind her cat arm reaching out from cupboard human hand the window and little creature drawer all heading towards cookie jar", "1,4,7,13,19,22"); tfymAddSlide("Moments with Soul Mates", "1489", "20221216", "Color Drawing", " pair soul mates are each laying their own bathtub reaching with arm back hold the other hand and using mirror see person", "14,16,19,20,24"); tfymAddSlide("Mars Post #2", "1490", "20221217", "Color Drawing", " astronaut mars miles from base trying fix outpost the radio someone asking took their lucky red knife astro saying but poking out his back pocket which making large hole and oxygen pouring suit", "1,12,13,19"); tfymAddSlide("Cat's Hammock", "1491", "20221218", "Color Drawing", " human used the cat desire and becomes hammock for lay relax", "5,7,13"); tfymAddSlide("Balloon Backpack", "1492", "20221219", "Color Drawing", " large figure hiking with small backpack while smaller has very that being help group balloons some the are hitting face like how society all resources don want those without but come back and bites them", "5,11,13,19"); tfymAddSlide("UnBoxing Box Cutters", "1493", "20221220", "Color Drawing", " person has not left cookies for santa and box within inside the last are cutters with note that says next time leave", "1,6,11,13,19"); tfymAddSlide("Ewww Moments: No Tissue Needed - Nose Picker", "1494", "20221221", "Color Drawing", " gorilla with very large tongue has decided not use the tissue but its own clean out nose boogers", "5,7,19,24"); tfymAddSlide("Tossing Love At The Other", "1495", "20221221", "Color Drawing", " one habit wife and have gotten into show the love sign each other leave for work upstairs even when see out about town", "5,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Old School Signature", "1496", "20221223", "Color Drawing", " hand written signatures are becoming less used digital takes over here golden high styled pen just waiting for the next person usse being attached base that says old school", "1"); tfymAddSlide("Baby Dragon As Gift", "1497", "20221225", "Color Drawing", " baby dragon has been given gift but can wait come out the box tears through package and touching foot new owner", "3,7,10,14,26"); tfymAddSlide("Ewww Moments: Sharing Everything", "1498", "20221225", "Color Drawing", " pair figures and their butts can seen here pooping into the same toilet time poop making heart shape together before final plopping water golden", "5,13,16,20,24"); tfymAddSlide("Best Toy Ever", "1499", "20221225", "Color Drawing", " kids often enjoy the box something came just much not more than gift itself here child has gotten into new toy and having fun says expensive but nowhere seen", "11,13,14"); tfymAddSlide("Feeling Your A Super Man - Falling Like An Old Man", "1500", "20221227", "Color Drawing", " get older the mind some sees themselves much younger version while body likes show them they are wrong", "5,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Sign Language", "1501", "20221227", "Color Drawing", " group signs are talking each other what some call sign language", "1,9,13"); tfymAddSlide("Ewww Moments: PeePole People", "1502", "20221228", "Color Drawing", " couple guys are leaning against pole that says keep cool they peeing onto the which then collects bottom and sprays out top down two keeping them someone has written stool! below dog walks with umbrellas covering its head body", "7,13,19"); tfymAddSlide("Cooking With Whiskers", "1503", "20221228", "Color Drawing", " rabbit who has kitchen whiskers its face using whisker cook vegetable dish pan", "7,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("Build Peace - Not War", "1504", "20221230", "Color Drawing", " peace sign has been erected where now broken war used sit", "11"); tfymAddSlide("It's Your Perspective...NOT", "1505", "20221231", "Color Drawing", " person with warm clothes money supplies and comfort telling without those that their perspective happy life while they both walk the foundations who have less come before", "1,11,15"); tfymAddSlide("Walking The Plank", "1506", "20230101", "Color Drawing", " pirate captain has asked one his pirates have enemy walk the plank but preson misunderstood and walking long piece wood leash", "1,5,13,23"); tfymAddSlide("Tip Of The Hat", "1507", "20230103", "Color Drawing", " rich person has very large hat with lots money another asking the give tip some workers but much doesn want poor may reduce their riches", "1,11"); tfymAddSlide("Golden Moments - Microphone", "1508", "20230103", "Color Drawing", " old man went and bought really small toy phone after being told needed micro talk the laptop", "1,13"); tfymAddSlide("Peter's Pans - Captain's Hooks", "1509", "20230104", "Color Drawing", " peter standing with his pans while another cook has theirs hanging captain hooks", "12,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("Resting In Pieces", "1510", "20230104", "Color Drawing", " person kneels the grave their partner big hold shown with its piece sitting heart from hole memories happier times shows", "16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Green Stuff Disappears With The Green Stuff", "1511", "20230105", "Color Drawing", " person relaxing sleeping against their creature while dreaming all the money they will make off crop eating", "2,7,10,13"); tfymAddSlide("Home Owner/Owned", "1512", "20230106", "Color Drawing", " two pictures the same house and couple when they first buy sparkly new later broken down bills piling", "15"); tfymAddSlide("Origins Of High Five", "1513", "20230108", "Color Drawing", " four fingered creatures giving high another creature with three fingers below caterpillar trying give forty snake who has", "1,7,10,13,24"); tfymAddSlide("Too Much Screen Time", "1514", "20230109", "Color Drawing", " empty chair with multiple game controllers large and couple small ones laptop nearby show lots videos playing footsteps showing the person has gotten left for seeing outside world", "11"); tfymAddSlide("Stop Fear", "1515", "20230110", "Color Drawing", " little girl playing and admiring beautiful flower while nearby darkness reaching out its hand fear touch her someone using all their strength keep from", "4,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Blueberries vs. Grapes", "1516", "20230111", "Color Drawing", " football game between blueberries and grapes going nowhere after the first pass blueberry grape got squashed one has strength hands pick ball", "1,8,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("Window vs Losedow", "1517", "20230112", "Color Drawing", " creature standing out window showing off all their dough while another losedow has", "1,7,10,11"); tfymAddSlide("Tie the Tie Competition", "1518", "20230113", "Color Drawing", " couple people are having tie the competition judge has seen that tiemer zero and yellow stop!", "1,5,8,13"); tfymAddSlide("Cats Always Land On Their Feet", "1519", "20230115", "Painting/Color Drawing", " cat has crashed onto the floor trying jump off high place and land their feet nearby mouse gives instructions", "1,7,13"); tfymAddSlide("Flea Market", "1520", "20230116", "Painting/Color Drawing", " some fleas are having flea market one selling scary books and tells young not flee", "1,7,13"); tfymAddSlide("Behind", "1521", "20230117", "Painting/Color Drawing", " figure pulls the paper created away exposing what behind its", "5,24"); tfymAddSlide("Fire Hydrants Friend", "1522", "20230117", "Painting/Color Drawing", " dog smelling its new best friend nearby fire hydrant", "7,13,14"); tfymAddSlide("Say Cheese", "1523", "20230118", "Painting/Color Drawing", " mouse taking picture human telling them say cheese while nearby hole asks means there food", "7,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("Too Many Right, Means No One Left", "1524", "20230119", "Painting/Color Drawing", " society cliff with dwindling resources many have moved the right causing buckle and fall which means even those left will not", "1,11,19"); tfymAddSlide("Cactus Balloons", "1525", "20230120", "Painting/Color Drawing", " young cactus keeps popping its balloons while the mom calling cell phone tell one stop them", "1,10,13,15"); tfymAddSlide("The Can Dull Club", "1526", "20230120", "Painting/Color Drawing", " some candles are meeting their candle club when dull can comes over join", "1,10,22"); tfymAddSlide("Finger Family", "1527", "20230121", "Painting/Color Drawing", " hand full finger family shows off their varities", "4"); tfymAddSlide("Beetle Golden Ratio", "1528", "20230122", "Painting/Color Drawing", " some beetle shapes make golden ratio", ""); tfymAddSlide("A Meditation Moment", "1529", "20230122", "Painting/Color Drawing", " robbed figure walking the wind and meditating same time", "5,14,24"); tfymAddSlide("Sleeker Sneaker Speaker", "1530", "20230123", "Painting/Color Drawing", " boot and high heels the audience are listening speaker say false statement while sneaker thinks how can manipulate crowd", "1,3,10,11,19"); tfymAddSlide("Rain Stopper", "1531", "20230124", "Painting/Color Drawing", " cowboy creature has some guns filled with umbrella bullets and using them stop the rain drops its hat bird enjoying dryer place", "5,7,10,12,13,20"); tfymAddSlide("Fighter Jet", "1532", "20230125", "Painting/Color Drawing", " fighter jet all ready the boxing ring", "13"); tfymAddSlide("On A STAR Trek", "1533", "20230126", "Painting/Color Drawing", " star figure trek through the hills when spots starship sky nearby hiking book sponge robert round pants", "1,10,12,13,21"); tfymAddSlide("The Rare Drumstick Bird", "1534", "20230127", "Painting/Color Drawing", " bird that has drumstikcs for wings stands nearby drump with its drum sticks", "7,10,12"); tfymAddSlide("Soap Opera", "1535", "20230128", "Painting/Color Drawing", " couple soap opera singers performs for some bottles", "1,10"); tfymAddSlide("Buzz Buzz Buzz", "1536", "20230128", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person face staring bee like creature its ear who reading from long scroll that only contains the word buzz over and again", "1,6,7,13,15"); tfymAddSlide("Dragon Baby", "1537", "20230129", "Painting/Color Drawing", " pair dragon parents receives their new baby from the egg while treasures lay nearby", "7,10,16,26"); tfymAddSlide("Parents - Not Just A Home", "1538", "20230130", "Painting/Color Drawing", " house being supported couple parents who not only hold the but protect baby share their love and push back evils world", "11,15,16"); tfymAddSlide("New Back - Old Front", "1539", "20230131", "Painting/Color Drawing", " creature who has bad back just received their new the mail they are wearing pyramid hat that says old front", "7,10,13"); tfymAddSlide("Being Grateful - Keys To Happiness", "1540", "20230131", "Painting/Color Drawing", " cookie jar filled with things grateful for like love food clothes family breathing just waiting someone grab some", "1,11,22"); tfymAddSlide("The Hands Of Time", "1541", "20230201", "Painting/Color Drawing", " set hands from baby young child teenager adult senior finally burial jar are shown with the same watch each showing year they experiencing", "4"); tfymAddSlide("Green Winged Dragon", "1542", "20230202", "Painting/Color Drawing", " young green winged dragon", "7,10,26"); tfymAddSlide("Diving Support Group", "1543", "20230202", "Painting/Color Drawing", " set diving board plank shelf and platform each have diver the support group", "8,20"); tfymAddSlide("Presentation Prisoner", "1544", "20230203", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person wears very large mask with lots fancy decorations and staff that says notice while holding book how stand out the has become prisoner their own need being noticed", "5,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("The Flower Flour FLOWer 2000", "1545", "20230205", "Painting/Color Drawing", " cook using his flower flour 2000 create beautiful flowers", "2,13,14"); tfymAddSlide("Keeping Your Head Down", "1546", "20230205", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person has very elongated neck while they try keep their head below the vision others and not noticed off distance one crowd noticing", "5,11,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("The Great Balloon War Of 2023", "1547", "20230206", "Painting/Color Drawing", " united states fighter jet targeting chinese children balloon", "1,13,19,21"); tfymAddSlide("StomACHE", "1548", "20230206", "Painting/Color Drawing", " when put the bad things our stomach causes stomaches", "9,15,22"); tfymAddSlide("Wally and Russ: suction cup spears", "1549", "20230207", "Painting/Color Drawing", " wally and shooting suction cup spears russ the walrus not happy about", "5,7,13,19"); tfymAddSlide("BASS Balls", "1550", "20230207", "Painting/Color Drawing", " set bass balls and one base", "8"); tfymAddSlide("Those Ears", "1551", "20230208", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person with cap their head has interesting set bumps where the ears are nearby strangers asks those really", "1,5,13"); tfymAddSlide("P.olicing E.forces N.eedy I.mpotent S.elf-esteem", "1552", "20230208", "Painting/Color Drawing", " policy officer using their job uniform and the laws power enhancer ego here wielding book like phalic symbol against black baby", "1,5,11,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Hugee Hug Hug", "1553", "20230209", "Painting/Color Drawing", " heart diapers with nothing but love sees another broken the ground and coming over give hug", "10,11,16"); tfymAddSlide("Golf Score Card: Birdie, birdie, birdie...", "1554", "20230210", "Painting/Color Drawing", " bird playing golf and each round keeps getting score birdie", "7,8,13"); tfymAddSlide("The Singing Tree", "1555", "20230211", "Painting/Color Drawing", " tree singing while the creatures are well squirrel birds and owl join", "2,7,12,14"); tfymAddSlide("Opportunit'Y'", "1556", "20230213", "Painting/Color Drawing", " set doors each with opportunity behind has been visited someone shown their footprints effort find place the world", "3"); tfymAddSlide("Tick Talk vs Tic Toc vs Tik Tok", "1557", "20230213", "Painting/Color Drawing", " dog has set ticks its back who are using phones talk each other while nearby person saying they can hear the tic toc their watch and says well", "1,7,13"); tfymAddSlide("Bird Band's New Song: It's All Aflutter", "1558", "20230214", "Painting/Color Drawing", " band birds playing song while another listens with its really hug ear", "7,14"); tfymAddSlide("My Cupid For You", "1559", "20230214", "Painting/Color Drawing", " set cupid tools including heart arrow bow and wings are given the person love this case wife snuggle bunny from her husband hunny", "16"); tfymAddSlide("SpiderFly", "1560", "20230215", "Painting/Color Drawing", " spider and fly have created spiderfly baby the dad thinking taking vacation while mom lot more babies", "7,10,13"); tfymAddSlide("M.ore I.s N.ever E.nough", "1561", "20230216", "Painting/Color Drawing", " rich person with gobs cash and things strangling the last pennies out someone who has almost nothing weighted down debt labor rent here poor shackles heavy weight around their neck that being strangled", "5,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("The Eye Of The Tiger", "1562", "20230217", "Painting/Color Drawing", " tiger sitting cage with newly aquired human eye while sign nearby says not look too closely paper near the that inspiration for song still myster", "7,19,22"); tfymAddSlide("Road Trip", "1563", "20230218", "Painting/Color Drawing", " road that warps back itself covered figures pointing different directions nearby some signs says others know which way you should and choose your own path", "5"); tfymAddSlide("That Which Blooms and Produces Eggs", "1564", "20230219", "Painting/Color Drawing", " creature that produces many eggs once and also grows flowers attracts bees looking through its visor what ahead", "2,7,10,12,26"); tfymAddSlide("Advancements In Technology: By Age Group", "1565", "20230219", "Painting/Color Drawing", " older person holding embrella against the winds change while younger lets their umbrells pulled", "5,11,14,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("The Weight Of The World", "1566", "20230220", "Painting/Color Drawing", " the weight life and other weighs someone down they are keeping but strainging their body foundation", "5,11,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Open On A Rainy Day", "1567", "20230221", "Painting/Color Drawing", " happy creature with umbrella and sun watch waits patiently inside glass jar just break the rainy day get some light back your life", "7,10,13,14"); tfymAddSlide("My Jobs Sucks", "1568", "20230222", "Painting/Color Drawing", " vacuum with multiple hoses using suction tools clean the room thinks its job sucks", "13"); tfymAddSlide("Mountain Obstructing Path", "1569", "20230223", "Painting/Color Drawing", " fortune teller telling their client that mountain obstructing path the imaginng real shorts and shirt laying down road blocking his", "1,13"); tfymAddSlide("Bad Hair Day", "1570", "20230223", "Painting/Color Drawing", " mom has tried take care her hair but the combs hairbrush and bands left over from many times she was interrupted still dangle within strands laundry dishes baby grocery shopping cleaning pets are all taking attention rich who workers those duties wondering why poor isn better", "1,5,11,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Stress Ringers", "1571", "20230223", "Painting/Color Drawing", " the wrinkles older people show same type life experiences those tree rings", "6"); tfymAddSlide("Living On Lollipops", "1572", "20230224", "Painting/Color Drawing", " creature with very large tongue licking lollipop which the only food eats can seen pile those eaten", "10,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("BuuZZZ", "1573", "20230226", "Painting/Color Drawing", " bee taking nap some beautiful flowers buzz creating the zzz symbol use signify someone sleeping", "7,14"); tfymAddSlide("Dave's Dragon", "1574", "20230227", "Painting/Color Drawing", " dave loves draw dragons also likes silly things and happy times here wearing hat while riding dragon who has the same baby with basket being carried", "7,10,12,14,21,26"); tfymAddSlide("The Last Supper", "1575", "20230228", "Painting/Color Drawing", " dining room with family pictures the wall table partially eaten meal sympath cards laying around has legs and feet someone just off picture who passed after losing his partner living wonderful life", "3,11,16"); tfymAddSlide("Forever Means Forever", "1576", "20230228", "Painting/Color Drawing", " pair skeletons performing ballet dance together both still enjoying every moment even though their life gone body faded away they look forward each with the other", "5,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("I'm Getting Into Shapes", "1577", "20230301", "Painting/Color Drawing", " bear like creature sits the middle lot color shapes with hamburger fries shake and ice cream cone its belly next his leg book called diet: get into shape", "1,7,11,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("CARANG", "1578", "20230302", "Painting/Color Drawing", " the names all our kids and first letter their name each creates carang gang!", "5,16"); tfymAddSlide("HELLicopter", "1579", "20230303", "Painting/Color Drawing", " hellicopter trying pull the devil out hell", "10,19,21"); tfymAddSlide("Crab Cakes", "1580", "20230304", "Painting/Color Drawing", " drab has come out the ocean when sees box washed crab cakes imagines birthday for crabs", "7,13,20,22"); tfymAddSlide("Those Who Came Before", "1581", "20230304", "Painting/Color Drawing", " new super hero flying heights popularity and power while the previous his hit their prime falling down ranks", "5,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Sky Scrapers", "1582", "20230305", "Painting/Color Drawing", " city scape has some bad smog problems but the sky scrapers are top tall buildings scraping gray expose blue", "11,15,21"); tfymAddSlide("Heart Of Memories", "1583", "20230306", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person wearing their hearts neck chain the heart covered drawers filled with memories and those they love", "16"); tfymAddSlide("Headboard With A Head Board", "1584", "20230307", "Painting/Color Drawing", " bedroom shows bed with headboard that also has board full heads", "1,6,13"); tfymAddSlide("O2 vs. H2O", "1585", "20230308", "Painting/Color Drawing", " astronaut drowing their spacesuit the person controlling oxygen has mixed buttons for versus h2o water", "1,13,15,21"); tfymAddSlide("The First Cupid", "1586", "20230309", "Painting/Color Drawing", " back the oldest times creature has decided use its bow for spreading love instead death becoming first cupid scary looking but says don judge", "5,7,10,16"); tfymAddSlide("Flooding Emotions", "1587", "20230309", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person who lost their partner holding necklace with picture the two together and hankerchief other hand flood emotions flowing over head represented large water fountain", "4,5,11,15,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Thank Goodness It's Friday - TGIF", "1588", "20230310", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person has driven hard through the work week represented clown car and made friday notes about tasks stress are thrown side", "14,24"); tfymAddSlide("Message In And Out Of A Bottle", "1589", "20230311", "Painting/Color Drawing", " message bottle was not enough room hold the entire text person also attached full mailbox with more letters nearby fish glasses interested what them", "7,13,20"); tfymAddSlide("Souls Intertwined", "1590", "20230311", "Painting/Color Drawing", " scene full souls swimming inbetween each other some finding their previous soulmates reaching out touch while others who were always alone continue swim", "9"); tfymAddSlide("B.lessings U.pon Y.ou", "1591", "20230311", "Painting/Color Drawing", " looking through glass shelf corporate building has come alive and toutes its religion for the masses buy products pretending blessing really about buying more", "11,19"); tfymAddSlide("Note Taking Notes Of 'bad' Notes", "1592", "20230312", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person plays piano trying come with song along singing but both the and voice are not good what they doing one notes write down notepad also happy about results", "6,13"); tfymAddSlide("Stubborn", "1593", "20230313", "Painting/Color Drawing", " two mountain goats are fighting over very narrow piece rock while just under their feet lot room move small turtle the ground wonders why stubborn", "7,11"); tfymAddSlide("Yin Yang Meet Flowing Patterns", "1594", "20230313", "Painting/Color Drawing", " couple beautiful flowing creatures one reddish and the other blueish swim dance with each definitely interested", "7,10,14"); tfymAddSlide("N.ot A.nti-A.bortion", "1595", "20230314", "Painting/Color Drawing", " robot spider was walking around with flag that said anti-abortion but after many babies being produced and all yelling mommy the has changed its mind sign", "1,7,10,11,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Book Worm", "1596", "20230314", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person sits under tree reading book where bookworm has fallen from nearby apple into his against pile books that large behind them also but with small human coming out", "2,7,12,13,14"); tfymAddSlide("Profit Versus People", "1597", "20230315", "Painting/Color Drawing", " corporate ladder shows the employees starting and climbing each rung get top owner company who helping one employee but same time pushing someone already there off side bottom are skeletons those thrown away name for profit", "5,11,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Band Of Banging Brothers", "1598", "20230316", "Painting/Color Drawing", " trio creatures playing different instruments and enjoying making music together", "5,7,10,12,14,24"); tfymAddSlide("Behind The Crown", "1599", "20230317", "Painting/Color Drawing", " lion the kind jungle sits his thrown with crown while lioness stands behind him wearing pants and laying paw head give support", "1,7,11"); tfymAddSlide("Woke", "1600", "20230318", "Painting/Color Drawing", " logo for representing the word woke bird body makes then egg tail and finally another has been broken open someone breaking out being blind its beak book bookworm knowledge seeks", "1,7,11"); tfymAddSlide("Joy", "1601", "20230319", "Painting/Color Drawing", " trio joyful characters holds the letters for joy", "5,10,14"); tfymAddSlide("Passive Power", "1602", "20230320", "Painting/Color Drawing", " scary demon mean creature with snake tail trying scare little girl the just looks back and says sshhh", "1,5,7,10,11,19"); tfymAddSlide("Spherical Creature", "1603", "20230321", "Painting/Color Drawing", " creature made out spherical shapes", "7,10,12"); tfymAddSlide("Yoga For Beginners", "1604", "20230321", "Painting/Color Drawing", " pile rocks piled yoga formation had old flyer for class the bugs have read and are now practicing", "7,13"); tfymAddSlide("Peace Pipe vs Pipe Piece", "1605", "20230322", "Painting/Color Drawing", " 1823 native american offers peace pipe the new settler 2023 teepee and gone replaced polluting piece", "11"); tfymAddSlide("The Two Wishes", "1606", "20230323", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person holds and cracking wishbone the making wish while wishing was not going broken", "6,10,11,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Found Treasure, Lost Heart", "1607", "20230324", "Painting/Color Drawing", " pirate ship floats the ocean with treasure chest skeleton arm drapes over side while heart bottle drifts", "4,11,20,23"); tfymAddSlide("Karate Merges With Yoga", "1608", "20230325", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person practicing both karate and yoga the same time", "5,8,24"); tfymAddSlide("Can't You Just Fit In?", "1609", "20230326", "Painting/Color Drawing", " face seen squeezing through board with many holes the faces being warped and cracked has tag that says society norms", "1,6,11"); tfymAddSlide("Where's Pooch, And His Blanket?", "1610", "20230326", "Painting/Color Drawing", " dog sneaking into the kitchen under his blanket use can opener and eat some food", "1,7,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("The Pristine Earth", "1611", "20230326", "Painting/Color Drawing", " alien has traveled 500 years get earth hearing how pristine only find polluted and its land atmosphere covered junk", "1,10,11,21"); tfymAddSlide("The Wizard Of Oz., versus the The Wizard Of Lb.", "1612", "20230327", "Painting/Color Drawing", " the wizard characters before and now cereal box nearby says heart healthy while contains sugars gmo glyphosate poison etc tin man originally said needed but his clogged", "1,5,7,10,11,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("Guns Don't Kill People, Fingers Kills People With Guns", "1613", "20230328", "Painting/Color Drawing", " making fun the debate gun violence lays next severed hand fingers are tags that say ego assault rifles permits military ammo hacksaw nearby has tag reads control", "1,4,11"); tfymAddSlide("Flys Use Technology", "1614", "20230328", "Painting/Color Drawing", " group flys have purchased robot revenge the spider", "7,19,22"); tfymAddSlide("The Pharaoh's Request", "1615", "20230330", "Painting/Color Drawing", " engineer for the pharoh designing how pyramids and other art will constructed making mini versions table pharaoh has left note that wants statue well trying think what when notices dog laying front fan giving him sphinx look", "13"); tfymAddSlide("Sausage On A Stick", "1616", "20230330", "Painting/Color Drawing", " dog grabbing sausage who hanging from stick the screaming and doesn want eaten", "7,15,22"); tfymAddSlide("Turdles", "1617", "20230331", "Painting/Color Drawing", " set turdles are shown different outfits from spikes belts pajamas and more each has also left turd near them", "7,13"); tfymAddSlide("The Gender Of Notes ", "1618", "20230331", "Painting/Color Drawing", " male singer singing next female both their notes are flying into the air then combining create new which combination two and taking music heights with wings", "4,5,14,24"); tfymAddSlide("Eye balls, Button Nose, Ear Lobes, Beered, etc.", "1619", "20230403", "Painting/Color Drawing", " face made eye balls button nose ear lobes beered and teeth books", "6"); tfymAddSlide("Down", "1620", "20230404", "Painting/Color Drawing", " the man from story has decided move off mountain and live lake currently down deep water looking for lost treasures same balloons that lifted house now keeps afloat", "14,16,20"); tfymAddSlide("Wings and Wires", "1621", "20230405", "Painting/Color Drawing", " flock birds flys over the top city while drone disguised bird observes everyone", "1,7,11,21"); tfymAddSlide("Exercising On The Screen", "1622", "20230406", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person sits chair eating junk food and getting worse shape while playing video games that deal with into sports", "1,5,8,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("He.Art", "1623", "20230407", "Painting/Color Drawing", " man paints art the wall while paint has splatted onto nearby cat", "7,13,14,24,25"); tfymAddSlide("Wh.e.y.e.?", "1624", "20230408", "Painting/Color Drawing", " close eye ball that has weird creature crawling with parts and strings come out the lid radar dish sticks filled water makes you wonder why?", "7,9,10"); tfymAddSlide("Team Work", "1625", "20230409", "Painting/Color Drawing", " trio cats are working together get the cat treats", "7,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("The Polite Pirate", "1626", "20230410", "Painting/Color Drawing", " pirate creature with flare for style holding bouqet flowers having its bird ask nicely they can come onboard your ship believe you should let appears are nice", "1,5,7,23"); tfymAddSlide("Petting A Wild Pet", "1627", "20230411", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person face can seen and their hand rubbing the back cat who offering human ready strike any moment feels time covered bandaides", "4,6,7,11,13,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Window Dash", "1628", "20230413", "Painting/Color Drawing", " there are food services that deliver your door here new one called window dash delivers directly which good hand people tall buildings don have down but case the customer reaching out get pizza and they slip now falling child lower apartment watches fall", "13,22"); tfymAddSlide("Triopus - Silence Of The Limbs", "1629", "20230413", "Painting/Color Drawing", " triopus used octopus with tentacles upset that its limbs have been chopped off for meals holding knife wearing serial killer mask and the chef nearby trash can one his own cut", "7,11,19,22"); tfymAddSlide("Fighting The Pillars Of Resistance", "1630", "20230414", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person pulling chain that wrapped around stone pillars say things like double fear procrastinaion anxiety insecurity lazy and hesitation while the other end his neck nearby are some has broken must pull against himself break get goals accomplished", "5,11"); tfymAddSlide("Artificials", "1631", "20230416", "Painting/Color Drawing", " banner shows the word artificials and two stages beneath one stage creature labeled sweetner with flag saying loser audience going boo other intelligence for winner yelling yay this point time society love artificial", "1,2,10,22"); tfymAddSlide("Toad Road", "1632", "20230418", "Painting/Color Drawing", " toad has been caught the windshield car while moving frog being swung back and forth wipers sees bobble head toads dashboard", "7,13,20"); tfymAddSlide("Dread Locks", "1633", "20230419", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person with dreadlocks hair style walking dread past some cowboy looking people who are wearing locks their", "1,5,11"); tfymAddSlide("Tightrope On A Tightrope", "1634", "20230419", "Painting/Color Drawing", " tightrope walker walking while being tied couple small birds are sitting his balancing stick very overweight bird about also land and throw the person off balance", "7,8,13,15,21"); tfymAddSlide("Mwow Mwow Woof", "1635", "20230420", "Painting/Color Drawing", " couple dogs are rehearsing their woofing skills while cats fence the background making mwow sounds bird flying holding its ear against awful", "7,13"); tfymAddSlide("LBGTQIABCDEFGH... Love Everyone Every Day Everywhere", "1636", "20230421", "Painting/Color Drawing", " creature holding banner that says lbtqiabcdefgh and heart with everyone ever day everywhere the groin area has flap business", "5,7,10,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("My New Cat", "1637", "20230422", "Painting/Color Drawing", " construction worker showing off his new cat tractor that has actual head", "1,12,13"); tfymAddSlide("Our Thyme Ticks", "1638", "20230423", "Painting/Color Drawing", " watch that shows our the missing next thyme spice bottle are couple ticks who sucking time from loses its", "7"); tfymAddSlide("You Can't Have You Cake And Eat It Too, Good Thing I Can't Read", "1639", "20230424", "Painting/Color Drawing", " dog eating cake while nearby mouse also eats some the crumbs book says you can have your and eat too", "7,11,14,22"); tfymAddSlide("Progress - Self Sabotage", "1640", "20230425", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person walking the steps progress while holding metal fence front their path which came box called self sabotage kit", "5,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Butterfly Specimen", "1641", "20230426", "Painting/Color Drawing", " mother butterfly was captured killed and put display specimen jar while the father child baby look with sadness", "7,15,16"); tfymAddSlide("AI Mirror - Age Reduction", "1642", "20230427", "Painting/Color Drawing", " creature has bought mirrior with built-in artificial intelligence which three settings age reduction increase and change species chosen reducation even though old sees itself younger version", "5,7,10,12,14,24"); tfymAddSlide("P.O.O.P. - P.ower O.ver O.ther P.eople", "1643", "20230428", "Painting/Color Drawing", " book about how use power over other people poop shelf showing anit-rights equality choice voter couple are squished under the weight laws while holding their for all rights bills sign and voters removed list pen ower ver thers", "1,11,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Shooting Stars Catcher", "1644", "20230429", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person astronaut suite flying through space catching shooting stars", "5,12,21"); tfymAddSlide("Frozen Fish Sticks", "1645", "20230501", "Painting/Color Drawing", " sea creature pulling boxes frozen fish sticks fishing hooks while cubes with full float the bottom", "7,10,13,19,20,22"); tfymAddSlide("The Stakes Are High - Save Economy versus Save Earth", "1646", "20230504", "Painting/Color Drawing", " train with both save economy and earth riders heading down tracks which expand one side sign pointing the other are splitting car two breaking nearby box stakes table pedestal top that mouse saying high", "1,7,11"); tfymAddSlide("Buckles And Buttons", "1647", "20230505", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person walking down sidewalk with lot buckles their clothes the store window says are out and buttons another leaving covered", "11,12,13"); tfymAddSlide("I Make My Life Stable", "1648", "20230507", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person likes his things exactly where they are and has nailed down everything", "1,7,13"); tfymAddSlide("Easter Bird", "1649", "20230508", "Painting/Color Drawing", " easter bunny type creature has just opened very large egg only find small bird", "7,10,13"); tfymAddSlide("Make The Best Of It", "1650", "20230509", "Painting/Color Drawing", " bartender having work hard his job make enough pay survive however even though the low hours long decides best", "5,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Leg'oh House", "1651", "20230511", "Painting/Color Drawing", " house make legs", "3,13"); tfymAddSlide("T.otally R.acist U.nethical M.isogynistic P.redator", "1652", "20230513", "Painting/Color Drawing", " hybrid truck with the acronym roof and flag that reads otally acist nethical isogynistic redator towing lady justic who burning which represents another same minus periods drives confederate gives thumbs other then realizes message", "1,11,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Holes In The System", "1653", "20230515", "Painting/Color Drawing", " some playtforms support for the poor middle class and others have had large holes cut out them making people fall nearby rich platform solid with pieces tax cuts piled theirs person telling try harder while they continually take from", "1,11,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("GMO Products", "1654", "20230518", "Painting/Color Drawing", " couple modified gmo birds are shown nearby bull pills shots modify their dna and body portions", "7,11,22"); tfymAddSlide("Teleworkers Return", "1655", "20230518", "Painting/Color Drawing", " teleworkers have been asked return work they all brought fake glasses hats hangs from their monitors pretend are working while sleep behind them", "13"); tfymAddSlide("Self Expression - Grow Your Skills", "1656", "20230520", "Painting/Color Drawing", " artist plant animal using their skills create", "2,7,10,14,24"); tfymAddSlide("C.hristian H.eretic R.epressed I.n S.avior's T.eachings", "1657", "20230522", "Painting/Color Drawing", " self described religious person carrying cross their back but have removed the naked body and replaced with military assault rifle while they are choking who only asking for equal rights all using text justification actions", "5,11,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Hippy Loves Butterfly", "1658", "20230602", "Painting/Color Drawing", " hippo tenderly holding new butterly while their cacoon came from nearby branch", "2,7,14"); tfymAddSlide("Positronius Poserus, also known as 'snapbird'", "1659", "20230603", "Painting/Color Drawing", " bird has gotten used being photographed that gathered feather good and comb makes itself pretty poses for when sees human snapping picture", "1,2,4,7,12,24"); tfymAddSlide("Love Attracts Love", "1660", "20230605", "Painting/Color Drawing", " heart uses cupids bow and arrow spread its own love other hearts some those have returned back are now attached", "16"); tfymAddSlide("From Imagination To Reality", "1661", "20230607", "Painting/Color Drawing", " character emerges from the page where once only lived imagination artist now reality and can experienced all", "5"); tfymAddSlide("Pulling Words From The Air", "1662", "20230609", "Painting/Color Drawing", " writer creating new story and the words seem just come him imagines his other arm pulling them out air block nearby has seen long history attempts break", "24"); tfymAddSlide("Watching Others", "1663", "20230612", "Painting/Color Drawing", " eyeball watching others who are all names john doe and wearing masks the viewer they anonymous sometimes end looking same", "5,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Attracted To The Light", "1664", "20230613", "Painting/Color Drawing", " fly flying near large assortment light bulbs from florescent halogen christmas including firefly the saying many choices while winks", "7,13"); tfymAddSlide("18,000 Years Ago", "1665", "20230614", "Painting/Color Drawing", " some alien children are finishing building their pyramid while parents say time back planet", "1,10"); tfymAddSlide("Being Focused", "1666", "20230615", "Painting/Color Drawing", " worker looks very focused while working their desk mind drifting more fun time when they were child riding homemade starship ncc1701 vehicle some co-workers nearby think hard", "1,5,12,14,21"); tfymAddSlide("Food Eating Food", "1667", "20230615", "Painting/Color Drawing", " cat stands inside fish bowl while lays the cats food dish eating", "7,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("Best Bird Bargains", "1668", "20230616", "Painting/Color Drawing", " rack birds for sale has good variety the wild bird cents and looks like pirate robot 500 tame $49 dead skeleton free", "7,13"); tfymAddSlide("Permanent Toothpaste", "1669", "20230618", "Painting/Color Drawing", " skull sits bathroom counter while its shiny white teeth look brand new tube toothpaste stating has permanent adhesive and never lose them nearby", "6,13"); tfymAddSlide("Love Conquers Hate", "1670", "20230620", "Painting/Color Drawing", " the word love stands over three killed letters hat and change hate into", "16,19"); tfymAddSlide("Antennas and Antennaes", "1671", "20230621", "Painting/Color Drawing", " pair bugs with one them showing broken antennae sees store selling antenna and", "7,12,13"); tfymAddSlide("Being A Pice Of The Pie", "1672", "20230622", "Painting/Color Drawing", " pie made two figures one dressed expensive clothes and having pile money the other tattered clothing stale piece bread both hold onto fork that used eat from they are", "5,11,19,22"); tfymAddSlide("Nuts To Bolts: creations built to destroy", "1673", "20230623", "Painting/Color Drawing", " scientist showing off new missle that capable killing everything the planet and telling reporters called clear bomb", "1,13"); tfymAddSlide("U.ninvited G.uests 'UG'", "1674", "20230625", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person sits their desk working the computer while those behind internet try reach through monitor and yell things show pull user attention near hacker injects some bad stuff", "1,11,15"); tfymAddSlide("Sam Rye - wannabe warrior", "1675", "20230625", "Painting/Color Drawing", " sam rye trying samurai", "5,8,14,24"); tfymAddSlide("Pole Climbing Competition", "1676", "20230627", "Painting/Color Drawing", " pole competition causing some shocking experiences when they try cut costs using electrical poles instead", "1,5,8,13"); tfymAddSlide("One Size Fits All", "1677", "20230628", "Painting/Color Drawing", " small dog holding large collar anotehr inside sock while some ants carry toothbrush each these things have tag that says one size fits all", "7,13"); tfymAddSlide("Cough E. & T, Ore", "1678", "20230629", "Painting/Color Drawing", " the letter coughing while drinking from cup nearby also near them rock ore sips its own", "10,22"); tfymAddSlide("Galmoursaurus Beautifemur", "1679", "20230702", "Painting/Color Drawing", " rare glimpse dinoaur primping itself with the scientific name galmoursaurs beautifemur kids call dolled-up dino diva", "7"); tfymAddSlide("Jean E.", "1680", "20230703", "Painting/Color Drawing", " genie called jean comes out lamp wearing his favorite jeans", "5,12"); tfymAddSlide("Captain Flushbeard", "1681", "20230704", "Painting/Color Drawing", " pirate turtle called captain flushbeard sailing the ocean his toilet turned into boat", "7,12,20,23"); tfymAddSlide("Opposite Day", "1682", "20230706", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person wears shoes the head hat hip shirt torso gloves feets while cat gnaws bone dog plays with yarn and books nearby have opposite titles", "13"); tfymAddSlide("Thank you to my fans", "1683", "20230707", "Painting/Color Drawing", " stage performer thanking his fans the audience who are actual", "10"); tfymAddSlide("Trip on a Trip", "1684", "20230708", "Painting/Color Drawing", " astronaut has tripped broke his mask and died some time ago mars while holding letter from mother careful small rocks the path", "12,13"); tfymAddSlide("Penny's Revenge", "1685", "20230710", "Painting/Color Drawing", " pen holding human and using their tongue writing tool while nearby has been pushed into pencil sharpener", "13,19"); tfymAddSlide("Pawn Shop", "1686", "20230711", "Painting/Color Drawing", " group chess pieces driving past pawn shop", "10"); tfymAddSlide("The Faces of Food - seeing yourself", "1687", "20230712", "Painting/Color Drawing", " creature that has head looks like blueberry grabbing blueberries from limb and noticing how much its food", "2,7,10,11,22"); tfymAddSlide("Kert Rats", "1688", "20230712", "Painting/Color Drawing", " rat has captured starship", "7,12,21"); tfymAddSlide("Sraw Rats", "1689", "20230713", "Painting/Color Drawing", " rat has captured starship while the starships are fighting each other", "7,12,21"); tfymAddSlide("Captain Jack Sparrow", "1690", "20230714", "Painting/Color Drawing", " pirate sparrow drunk near bottle captain jack whisk key his treasure chest full worms nearby", "7,12,13,22,23"); tfymAddSlide("Profit Per Passenger", "1691", "20230718", "Painting/Color Drawing", " airline has crammed passengers into the plane where there only standing room they them cram roof and now are looking wings", "1,13"); tfymAddSlide("Artifical I", "1692", "20230720", "Painting/Color Drawing", " man and woman interact virtual world with each other using their perfectly shaped avatars while the real life they are not taking care bodies", "5,8,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Pinch An Inch, Time To Cinch", "1693", "20230721", "Painting/Color Drawing", " very skinny person with poor clothes being offered food from real rich wearing king crown the starving refuses falling for societies sayings that cause people believe they are fault and should not receive any help would pull himself bootstraps but has boots", "5,11,22"); tfymAddSlide("Life, Well Shit", "1694", "20230723", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person saying what beautiful day wile another hanging life shits them the same different perspectives", "1,11,14,15"); tfymAddSlide("Tic Toc", "1695", "20230723", "Painting/Color Drawing", " old person sleeping their bed that covered blanket has clocks small death spirit whispering his ear about how time moving towards end", "15"); tfymAddSlide("LoviCornAgon", "1696", "20230724", "Painting/Color Drawing", " unicorn and dragon have fallen love bonded tightly that they are becoming single being", "7,10,16,26"); tfymAddSlide("Yellow Ick Road", "1697", "20230726", "Painting/Color Drawing", " sign that says yellow ick road used say something nice but the and have fallen off", "12,13"); tfymAddSlide("The Influence Of Movies", "1698", "20230727", "Painting/Color Drawing", " lizard type creature being rode figure who has their shoulder and bird the lizards tail another that apple finally bug seen movie titanic saying top world", "7,10,13"); tfymAddSlide("Cub Scout vs. Boy Scout", "1699", "20230730", "Painting/Color Drawing", " bear cub has become scout and admiring their first small fire while boy using microwave keep warm cook food", "5,7,8,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("Mort's Mortuary", "1700", "20230801", "Painting/Color Drawing", " mort mortuary corpse 2304 has just arrived who was married that earlier and waiting for", "16"); tfymAddSlide("Anger Management", "1701", "20230802", "Painting/Color Drawing", " speaker tried give class anger management but all that left room disarray and the knocked out behind podium", "11,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("DeThroned", "1702", "20230803", "Painting/Color Drawing", " very cute animal has won first prize another received 2nd and 3rd the baby who award before lying ground having been dethroned", "7,19"); tfymAddSlide("Facing Time", "1703", "20230803", "Painting/Color Drawing", " clock face with the ages person from baby death skull", "6"); tfymAddSlide("Too Much of a Good Thing", "1704", "20230804", "Painting/Color Drawing", " even those things that feel good taste can over used here person has eaten too much rainbow cake and now vomting out", "5,11,22"); tfymAddSlide("Sisphyus Goes Capitalist", "1705", "20230806", "Painting/Color Drawing", " the old myth about sisyphus pushing bolder hill only have roll back over him re-told mode economics many society keep gather more stuff higher status bigger bank accounts their own lives comes crashing down them", "11,19"); tfymAddSlide("Mosquito Cross Breeding - Slurpitus Hematophagustomulasus", "1706", "20230806", "Painting/Color Drawing", " new breed mosquito slurping from human hand", "4,7,10,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("Automation Alienation", "1707", "20230807", "Painting/Color Drawing", " automation created make lives easier also disconnects from true life", "5,10,11"); tfymAddSlide("Global Warming Is Here - Don't Forget To Turn Out The Lights", "1708", "20230808", "Painting/Color Drawing", " skeleton sitting recliner having read magazine saying global warming here and note their light make sure turn off", "11"); tfymAddSlide("Bonds", "1709", "20230810", "Painting/Color Drawing", " living things share bond but even technology simulates life does not have any real connection", "1,11"); tfymAddSlide("Being Forgetful", "1710", "20230813", "Painting/Color Drawing", " get older our minds forget things more often here person high air ballon that low fuel they forgot put clothes their tie line pulling the truck and many other", "1,13"); tfymAddSlide("A face with hare for hair, No's for a Nose, Ear Drum for an ear, and other parts.", "1711", "20230816", "Painting/Color Drawing", " face where the parts are replaced objects that represent words they mean", "6"); tfymAddSlide("Taking Out The Trash", "1712", "20230817", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person taking out the garbage bag which filled with hats that say maga mag maka kag inside non-recyclables only trash can are pair orange hands coming saying biggest", "1,11,19"); tfymAddSlide("Mr and Mrs Newton - Discovering Gravity", "1713", "20230817", "Painting/Color Drawing", " mrs newton notices apple falling from tree while boob lower both cases they are discovering gravity", "5,13,24"); tfymAddSlide("Meal Time for humans", "1714", "20230819", "Painting/Color Drawing", " kitchen filled with cats trying get human who has built anti-pet cage around his dinner table that can eat peace", "7,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("D.aring A.ccepting C.omposed E.couraging", "1715", "20230821", "Painting/Color Drawing", " just couple birds who", "7,14"); tfymAddSlide("I Do It Myself", "1716", "20230822", "Painting/Color Drawing", " hands tattooing its own arm with tatone tattoo tatthree and tatfour along figure saying myself", "4,13,24"); tfymAddSlide("K.K.K. Disguised As R.W.B.", "1717", "20230823", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person who wearing all white robe touting their belief race has painted red and blue colors hides behind patriotic disguise", "5,11"); tfymAddSlide("Tom and Jerry Gettin Old", "1718", "20230824", "Painting/Color Drawing", " cat named tom and mouse jerry are gettin old sign that says lives near the through used with different reason writing upset slot", "7,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Human Growth - HuVid23", "1719", "20230825", "Painting/Color Drawing", " humans expand from earth other places and grow their species technology junk aliens see them infectious virus spreading", "10,11,12,21"); tfymAddSlide("Tow Ship", "1720", "20230825", "Painting/Color Drawing", " family traveling their space ship break down and are towed tow", "10,12,13,21"); tfymAddSlide("Love", "1721", "20230826", "Painting/Color Drawing", " two hearts love each other much that they have become one", "16"); tfymAddSlide("Working Hard To Not Work Hard", "1722", "20230828", "Painting/Color Drawing", " worker has been working for decades looking forward the day they can break ropes tasks work and find time what relax", "5,11,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Cage Free, Organic Pastor Raised", "1723", "20230829", "Painting/Color Drawing", " dozen eggs that are pastor raised clothed priest outfits while another labeled cage free have few haven yet gotten rid their chains", "13,22,24"); tfymAddSlide("Friend To The End", "1724", "20230830", "Painting/Color Drawing", " human skeleton lays the floor their home where they died while pet dog gnawing bones", "7,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("Kittens Mittens Bittens", "1725", "20230831", "Painting/Color Drawing", " human hand with mitten reaching down group kittens that are biting", "4,7"); tfymAddSlide("I Rode The Road", "1726", "20230901", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person riding road though horse", "13,17"); tfymAddSlide("Robin and Bat Man Create Aqua Man", "1727", "20230902", "Painting/Color Drawing", " robin bird dressed crime fighter along with his partner bat also are both relieving themselves which then creates new called aqua man", "5,7,10,12,13"); tfymAddSlide("Millipede, Centipede, Inchipede, Noipede", "1728", "20230903", "Painting/Color Drawing", " set pede animals", "7,12"); tfymAddSlide("Lumber Joe", "1729", "20230904", "Painting/Color Drawing", " crowd men walk two women one the clearly tree cutter with his chain saw axe shoulder but can seem figure out which", "1,13"); tfymAddSlide("Air Traffic Controllers", "1730", "20230906", "Painting/Color Drawing", " air traffic controller tower has its staff directing birds and butterflies their migration paths", "7,13,21"); tfymAddSlide("Show Host Is Talking (SHIT)", "1731", "20230908", "Painting/Color Drawing", " show host telling his listeners how rich shape model but reality none those has learned take lying new level", "1,5,8"); tfymAddSlide("Push Up on a Push Up", "1732", "20230910", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person eating ice cream push sitting another doing", "1,5,8,19,22"); tfymAddSlide("Bookstore At Night", "1733", "20230912", "Painting/Color Drawing", " two books late night get together one book sexuality and the other romance novel nearby sticky pad covered results", "13,14"); tfymAddSlide("Heart Attack", "1734", "20230914", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person calling 911 report that they are having heart attack but actually large physically attacking the", "1,13,15,16"); tfymAddSlide("Picket Line", "1735", "20230915", "Painting/Color Drawing", " group bugs are striking their picket line near fence", "1,7,9,13"); tfymAddSlide("29 Again!", "1736", "20230916", "Painting/Color Drawing", " turned again today and made myself laying cake celebrating", "5,14,22,24"); tfymAddSlide("Reaching Our Goals (ROG)", "1737", "20230918", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person trying reach their goals but there are many ropes ties his body preventing him these being pulled fictional hands like bills competition self doubt bumps the road fear time politics strees", "5,11,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Blood Donations, Brought A Bat", "1738", "20230919", "Painting/Color Drawing", " baseball player has come blood donation agency but brought his glove and bat nearby real bad hanging from the ceiling trying steal", "1,7,10,13,19"); tfymAddSlide("Wrap Your Head Around An Idea", "1739", "20230922", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person physically wrapping their head around large light bulb that contains ideas", "5,24"); tfymAddSlide("Caught My Tail", "1740", "20230923", "Painting/Color Drawing", " two old dragons sit the rockers and nearby grandpas tail plaque young are lap asking him tell story again how caught his own", "7,10,12,13,26"); tfymAddSlide("In Rows of Rose's Roses, A Rose Rose up as it Rows", "1741", "20230927", "Painting/Color Drawing", " lady named rose being rowed rows her own roses with one the", "1,2,8,10,13,20"); tfymAddSlide("Negative News", "1742", "20230929", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person trying reach through lot sharp spikes coming negative news get the stop button and prevent from drowing their thoughts", "5,11,15"); tfymAddSlide("Poor Baby Rich Baby", "1743", "20230930", "Painting/Color Drawing", " baby who given very little crying while that lot quite content and the parent can understand why poor", "1,11,15,22"); tfymAddSlide("Which Face Today", "1744", "20231001", "Painting/Color Drawing", " cute creature has counter full different heads that can put", "7,13"); tfymAddSlide("Thumbs Up Twice", "1745", "20231004", "Painting/Color Drawing", " large creature giving the viewer thumbs while its hand smaller also", "4,7,10,13"); tfymAddSlide("Speaker Of The House", "1746", "20231006", "Painting/Color Drawing", " speaker house thinks just the most important thing but other speakers and window chair etc think otherwise", "1"); tfymAddSlide("Dragon DragOff", "1747", "20231009", "Painting/Color Drawing", " dragon has entered contest for animals got talent and isn doing very well the staff are dragging off middle act", "1,7,10,13,26"); tfymAddSlide("To Let A Child Go", "1748", "20231011", "Painting/Color Drawing", " couple who has had children experience multiple moments where they have let their child from them going school finding mate dying", "5,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Success", "1749", "20231012", "Painting/Color Drawing", " couple poor people have come tall building with success the top and rickety ladder however those who already made are cutting making hard climb", "11,19"); tfymAddSlide("FOOTball", "1750", "20231013", "Painting/Color Drawing", " two teams creatures are playing game football unlike the normal foot used instead ball when balls break lost those sitting replacement bench must supply one", "8,10,13"); tfymAddSlide("Through Eyes Of A Pet", "1751", "20231014", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person laying the floor trying reach for their pet eye level and given them kiss but animals awkward moment human sticking lips out", "4,6,7,13"); tfymAddSlide("Scales on Scales", "1752", "20231015", "Painting/Color Drawing", " dragon doctor dietician scolding who eating too many donuts and getting heavy", "7,10,13,22,26"); tfymAddSlide("Outside The Box", "1753", "20231017", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person has been inside box like the others floating through world doing things everyone else following rules laws policies standards peer pressures and they finally break out explore new ways think", "5,9,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("CELLfie", "1754", "20231018", "Painting/Color Drawing", " parent carring baby his back head leg pushing stroller with inside and top dragging dog who doesn want walk while the partner talking their cell phone drinking fancy espresso telling quiet that they can focus", "5,11"); tfymAddSlide("SkeleTON", "1755", "20231020", "Painting/Color Drawing", " skeleton with very large rib cage stands next computer that shows 512 hours played and food pyramid created big industry says should eat sugar salt other bad things", "11,22"); tfymAddSlide("ChatET", "1756", "20231022", "Painting/Color Drawing", " alien taking class the alphabet while robot called chatet given help", "1,10,12"); tfymAddSlide("Rein", "1757", "20231023", "Painting/Color Drawing", " umbrella with horses head wearing crown though reins over kingdom and rein for riding while rains", "7,20"); tfymAddSlide("Silly Games", "1758", "20231024", "Painting/Color Drawing", " couple babies dress army gear for two opposing countries waving their flags holding large guns showing how silly war", "5,11,13"); tfymAddSlide("Here", "1759", "20231025", "Painting/Color Drawing", " alien flying earth when they hear someone beaming out signal from the planet asking anyone there and alient thinks here", "10,12,21"); tfymAddSlide("After Oil", "1760", "20231026", "Painting/Color Drawing", " lady with lots cats one the last people use vehicle when gas runs out and she utilizes her push", "7,11,13"); tfymAddSlide("Pieces of Peaces", "1761", "20231029", "Painting/Color Drawing", " red house which has army people with weapons and other pieces wars locked while persons outside make the peace symbols pull cart filled peaceful like heart sign yin yang", "11,16"); tfymAddSlide("Ahhhtum", "1762", "20231030", "Painting/Color Drawing", " man dressed warm for cool walk autumn and sees the first snowflake which not ready winter", "2,5,13"); tfymAddSlide("Pool of Life", "1763", "20231031", "Painting/Color Drawing", " mismash melding figures with bathing suites are coming out and pool bubbling water", "5,9,20,24"); tfymAddSlide("The Grass Is Always Greener", "1764", "20231102", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person flying plane called over the hill mountain where grass spells out always greener but finding isn", "11,13,21"); tfymAddSlide("WT>P<TW, Willing To PREPARE To Win", "1765", "20231104", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person sits working project while the candles burn down and nearby cat waits for attention", "5,11,15"); tfymAddSlide("Singularity", "1766", "20231106", "Painting/Color Drawing", " computer has created the singularity and escaping from monitor", "5,12"); tfymAddSlide("Mic.Don.Old", "1767", "20231106", "Painting/Color Drawing", " overweight person continues eat the bad foods from restaurant that serves products with very cheap and ingredients", "5,11,22,24"); tfymAddSlide("His Holiness Meet The Dollee Lamba", "1768", "20231107", "Painting/Color Drawing", " priestly person built from holes gives its bessing lamb carrying doll with the book bye bull nearby and box full bottles spirits", "7,10,13"); tfymAddSlide("Noah 2023", "1769", "20231110", "Painting/Color Drawing", " the year 2023 noah brings his ship shore and uses rockets drones carry animals two since received message cell phone", "1,7,18,20"); tfymAddSlide("Spyders", "1770", "20231110", "Painting/Color Drawing", " group spyders closely watching fly window", "7,13,19,22"); tfymAddSlide("When You Have To Go, You Have To Go", "1771", "20231112", "Painting/Color Drawing", " nearby plant creatures are twisting their legs because they have pee while the only bathroom occupied one them", "2,9,10,13,15"); tfymAddSlide("Holding The Line, Walking The Line", "1772", "20231113", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person doing balancing act between holding the line and walking", "5,11"); tfymAddSlide("Boota", "1773", "20231114", "Painting/Color Drawing", " buddha monk wearing large cowboy boots meditates while flying calmly fly around him", "5,7,14,17,24"); tfymAddSlide("A.I. Is Here", "1774", "20231115", "Painting/Color Drawing", " technology sitting desk discuss how used when there were still humans", "9,12,19"); tfymAddSlide("Flying Apart", "1775", "20231116", "Painting/Color Drawing", " creatures head flying into pieces while nearby fly also apart package souper glue ready help only made with the best ingredients organic turkey both and others", "6,7,10"); tfymAddSlide("Reaching For Your Goals", "1776", "20231118", "Painting/Color Drawing", " set people are shown through year goals most too busy think would take long while one them does little every day and now after has reached the goal line", "4,11"); tfymAddSlide("It's The Counter That Counts", "1777", "20231119", "Painting/Color Drawing", " elf has been given bribe change bobby from the santa bad list good", "13,19"); tfymAddSlide("Teath vs Twoth vs Molers", "1778", "20231121", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person who has mouth full tea bags for teath looks baby only twoth and nearby mounds are produced molers", "6,7,13"); tfymAddSlide("Pots and Pans", "1779", "20231123", "Painting/Color Drawing", " set pots are having great time while they use", "10,12,13,14,22"); tfymAddSlide("Happy Thanks Taking", "1780", "20231123", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person all bundled for the winter and has made turkey day now they can take lot food with biscuits cranberries leg grapes cheese more", "14,22"); tfymAddSlide("CoVid Damages Hearts", "1781", "20231124", "Painting/Color Drawing", " elderly man wearing mask the grocery store hearing nasty words from mean people like sick? cold outside? moron! these are immature who feel putting down others somehow makes them more important all does make look those without empathy good hearts and bad apples that batch taste old saying says suck", "1,5,6,11,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Tick Talk", "1782", "20231126", "Painting/Color Drawing", " set clawks being used some nearby ticks talk each other bottle our thyme hangs the middle", "1,7,13"); tfymAddSlide("On Strike", "1783", "20231127", "Painting/Color Drawing", " group bowling pins strike holding signs like stand spare and count -not- points while ball heads their way", "10,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Change Focus", "1784", "20231128", "Painting/Color Drawing", " army tank has its driver come out the top and notice nearby flying butterfly causing him stop destroying things noticing beauty world", "7,11"); tfymAddSlide("The Human", "1785", "20231129", "Painting/Color Drawing", " human figure shown museum with its organs shelves nearby some the body has signs stuck like toe sign reads 000 few years ago robot children stand just outside protective barrier", "5,12"); tfymAddSlide("Dopamine", "1786", "20231129", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person running towards another dopamine fix while holding their cell phone which ringing blinging and dinging for more attention", "5,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("School Break Starts Today", "1787", "20231130", "Painting/Color Drawing", " some insects and animals just out school still wearing their backpacks", "7,14"); tfymAddSlide("Before He Became A Famous Colonel", "1788", "20231202", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person dressed for their new restaurant holds package kentucky fried frogs hopes making success", "5,7,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("Life's Journey", "1789", "20231204", "Painting/Color Drawing", " someone their life journey packing all baggage steep incline the weight past causes them lose balance below pirahna infested waters lies another person who fell down", "7,15,20,22"); tfymAddSlide("Watchers Watching Watchers", "1790", "20231205", "Painting/Color Drawing", " seems everyone wants use technology watch others but they also want hide from other people view", "6,11,19"); tfymAddSlide("No Chimney", "1791", "20231206", "Painting/Color Drawing", " santa has arrived apartment which chimney and knocks the door bring presents for kids adult kid inside are scared who might", "7,13,15"); tfymAddSlide("Nose vs. Virus", "1792", "20231207", "Painting/Color Drawing", " scary looking virus trying enter the nose while defenders inside nostril push back", "6,7,10"); tfymAddSlide("Fueldance", "1793", "20231208", "Painting/Color Drawing", " oil salesman for the industry leans back chair doing dance all profit that will made ignoring pollution cause", "5,8,11"); tfymAddSlide("Everything sucks, and we are all going to die", "1794", "20231209", "Painting/Color Drawing", " saying one children came with make fun how nasty other people situations can", "1,11,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("Road Trip", "1795", "20231209", "Painting/Color Drawing", " wife and going road trip not the destination sights that matter just time sitting next each other talking listining music being read", "14,16"); tfymAddSlide("Top Fit Competition", "1796", "20231210", "Painting/Color Drawing", " two really muscular contestants have won 2nd and 3rd prize while very unmuscular person named smith first the judge just happens last name well", "5,8"); tfymAddSlide("Only The Right One", "1797", "20231211", "Painting/Color Drawing", " heart has love arrow embedded with hearts flowing out there are wounds convered bandaides around the where other arrows have tried one those broken lay ground", "16"); tfymAddSlide("Mandala - Frogs, Rabbits And Other Stuff", "1798", "20231214", "Painting/Color Drawing", " mandala with some frogs rabbits person surrounded flying insects", "2,7,12"); tfymAddSlide("Happy B-Day Again", "1799", "20231220", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person having another birthday while the clock time weighs down arm reaching for card death nearby waiting patiently", "5,15"); tfymAddSlide("Surfing Tentacles", "1800", "20231221", "Painting/Color Drawing", " some surfers are surfing octopus tentacles", "7,8,20"); tfymAddSlide("Frosty And Family On Vacation", "1801", "20231223", "Painting/Color Drawing", " frosty the snowman and his family have gone vacation warm beach but they melted away leaving only their scarf toys other possessions", "12,13,20"); tfymAddSlide("Mandala - With Eyes, Chompers and Ears", "1802", "20231223", "Painting/Color Drawing", " mandala with teeth nose eyes and ears", ""); tfymAddSlide("Personal Present", "1803", "20231225", "Painting/Color Drawing", " husband got his wife what notice she had her eyes that present squiggling and has the shape famous person", "1,13"); tfymAddSlide("Sub v.s. Marine", "1804", "20231226", "Painting/Color Drawing", " submarine has spotted giant octopus but doesn seemed concern they not notice seeing large can opener falling from box near", "1,7,19,20,22"); tfymAddSlide("Character For Tina's Story", "1805", "20231226", "Painting/Color Drawing", " son writing story about tina and wanted come with character for", "5,7,10"); tfymAddSlide("Coy Toy", "1806", "20231227", "Painting/Color Drawing", " toy figure labled left and smiling smelling flower next another labledd right which angry ready for violence the background stand labaled middle but currently vacant child nearby says toys will not play nice together", "5,7,10,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Next In Line", "1807", "20231228", "Painting/Color Drawing", " graveyard has post that says take number and under the stones ground are pile coffins near one couple crying for both those lost knowledge they getting close well", "11,15,24"); tfymAddSlide("From Trash To Treasure", "1808", "20231229", "Painting/Color Drawing", " some human trash has been thrown the ocean and falls ground nearby animals advantage squid uses broken eyeglasses for viewing itslef shark brushes his teeth mermaid eraser pen scratch her back puffer fish glues tacks skin protection", "7,13,20"); tfymAddSlide("Wore Lots of Shoes, Taking a Break", "1809", "20231230", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person takes hide barefoot while they pull pile shoes have worn over their life", "3,14"); tfymAddSlide("Wore Lots of Hats, Taking a Break", "1810", "20231231", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person sits with their bald head soaking the sun rays while hat rack are many hats they have worn over life", "14"); tfymAddSlide("Star Lars", "1811", "20240101", "Painting/Color Drawing", " powerful evil character that looks like candy piece tells minion dressed pair levis bob father both have their light sabers out for battle", "5,8,10,12,13,21"); tfymAddSlide("Love Death", "1812", "20240104", "Painting/Color Drawing", " love and death are the yin yang life this mandala tries represent their connection", "9,15,16"); tfymAddSlide("Windy Day At The Zoo", "1813", "20240105", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person has visited wild animal park but strong wind blowing them towards cage that very dangerious creature bending the bars", "7,10,13,15,16,22"); tfymAddSlide("Street Lights", "1814", "20240106", "Painting/Color Drawing", " some spaceships are trying use the streetlights adapted for space but with direction down others doing left righ and more front back drivers get confused hit each other", "12,13,21"); tfymAddSlide("Flour Flower", "1815", "20240106", "Painting/Color Drawing", " bee has been collecting pollen from flowers when comes across flower that just bag flour", "2,7,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("Da'Day To You", "1816", "20240108", "Painting/Color Drawing", " cowboy riding his horse down long road letting you know enjoy the journey and wonders experience", "5,7,11,17"); tfymAddSlide("Printing Press Box", "1817", "20240109", "Painting/Color Drawing", " courtroom filled with books characters", "1,12,13"); tfymAddSlide("The Bleeding Edge Approach", "1818", "20240110", "Painting/Color Drawing", " pest control company has learned from how some countries use might handle issues house totally destroyed and all its people killed the pursuit killing mouse hole still got away", "1,7,11,19"); tfymAddSlide("Genders", "1819", "20240111", "Painting/Color Drawing", " character without gender shows emotion the viewer while behind face emotions swirl private", "6,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Mr and Mrs Einstein At The Beach", "1820", "20240111", "Painting/Color Drawing", " and mrs einstein are enjoying day the beach laying next each other her thoughts shown them running down love while his formulas experiments", "13,20"); tfymAddSlide("Arms War", "1821", "20240112", "Painting/Color Drawing", " war between characters with arms shows them using weapons throw each other", "1,9,13"); tfymAddSlide("Yoga With Cats And Dog", "1822", "20240113", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person does yoga while the cats try hang his body sleeping dog nearby just relaxes and not bother him", "5,7,8,13"); tfymAddSlide("Self Help", "1823", "20240113", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person sits hospital surgery room performing self help steps remove bad memories from their brain", "5,11"); tfymAddSlide("Unexpected Shapes", "1824", "20240113", "Painting/Color Drawing", " some unexpected shapes intertwine", "24"); tfymAddSlide("The New Norm", "1825", "20240114", "Painting/Color Drawing", " cartoom slide shows mon tue and wed the same house was sunny snow everywhere flooding", "11,19,20"); tfymAddSlide("Everyone Dislikes Monday", "1826", "20240115", "Painting/Color Drawing", " dracula comes down the stairs while egore brings him morning bleeding heart and nearby dragon dog stretches all three are not too excited about beginning week", "7,10,12,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("Bodies Are A Microbiome", "1827", "20240116", "Painting/Color Drawing", " they say our bodies are one big micro-biome don think about maybe little?", "1,6,7,13,22,24"); tfymAddSlide("Electial Dysfunction", "1828", "20240117", "Painting/Color Drawing", " dragon randomly picks candidate from wall faces while the tail can stay erect", "6,7,10,11,13,26"); tfymAddSlide("Hugging Hearts", "1829", "20240117", "Painting/Color Drawing", " two heads are huggng each other forming heart while hearts explode and melt from their into pool love some fly the sky", "6,11,14,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Digital Masks", "1830", "20240118", "Painting/Color Drawing", " digital masks fake feelings are common now with people using screens express themselves here figures wear their shoulders show happiness while they lower heads depression most having the screen say give likes?", "1,5,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Taking Back Time", "1831", "20240119", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person reaching for clock and stretching while tries pull the minutes back has bag they are trying hold laying eggs that turn into time birds peck away", "5,7,10,11,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Evolution Supercharged", "1832", "20240120", "Painting/Color Drawing", " frog type creature extending its tongue that has many ends towards fly extra very large wings", "7,10,12,13,20,22"); tfymAddSlide("Becoming Sharper, Not Smarter", "1833", "20240120", "Painting/Color Drawing", " line unsharpened pencils approach pencil sharpener with the lable society some have already gone through and come out perfect sharpened heads one has escaped running off distance", "11,19"); tfymAddSlide("Making Peace With Death", "1834", "20240121", "Painting/Color Drawing", " death comes all this person meditating about and making peace with while puts its boney hand the head", "11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Achieving Balance", "1835", "20240121", "Painting/Color Drawing", " hippo type creature balancing lot awkward shapes while balloons float wit hspikes make the harder", "7,13"); tfymAddSlide("They Say Opposites Attract", "1836", "20240122", "Painting/Color Drawing", " couple such close embrace that they are wearing the same shorts one partner bubbly and out going while other moody solemn but both find love being together", "5,11,16"); tfymAddSlide("What Did The Rabbit Do Last Summer?", "1837", "20240123", "Painting/Color Drawing", " monkey asking rabbit what did last summer the has devlish look its face while many holes with baby rabbits are nearby", "7,13"); tfymAddSlide("Inspiration For The First Russian Doll", "1838", "20240124", "Painting/Color Drawing", " large doll has eaten the smaller ones which gives idea for how make russian dolls", "10,12,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("Play Music With Those You Lost", "1839", "20240125", "Painting/Color Drawing", " three stores line the street one sells guitars other flutes and third organs", "13"); tfymAddSlide("Intelligent Life", "1840", "20240125", "Painting/Color Drawing", " alien spaceship flys near earth see there intelligent life after seeing the surface covered with war pushing beings says nope and", "1,10,11,21"); tfymAddSlide("Winners And Losers", "1841", "20240126", "Painting/Color Drawing", " politician smiles get voters vote for them then tells lies during the election and finally pulls cart cash away while starve", "11,19"); tfymAddSlide("Epochs with H-Pox", "1842", "20240127", "Painting/Color Drawing", " before humans paleozoic during human pox and finally after freezoic shows how the earth looks good but not", "1,11,20,21"); tfymAddSlide("Mr. Pharmsa Meets Ms. Karma", "1843", "20240127", "Painting/Color Drawing", " male with very large personal part comes contact female who also has parts", "5,13"); tfymAddSlide("Puprechaun", "1844", "20240128", "Painting/Color Drawing", " puppy puprechaun with its mug full drink pipe blowing bubbles and pot the end rainbow bones", "7,12"); tfymAddSlide("Always And Forever", "1845", "20240129", "Painting/Color Drawing", " living hand holds skeleton finite embrace lovers", "4,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("NeuroticLink", "1846", "20240131", "Painting/Color Drawing", " they are now looking embedding tech into human brains this shows someone who getting all sorts embedded over the body", "6,11"); tfymAddSlide("Take Pride In Your Work", "1847", "20240131", "Painting/Color Drawing", " bird swoops down for another attack round poop someone head", "6,7,13,19"); tfymAddSlide("The Other Side", "1848", "20240202", "Painting/Color Drawing", " empty computer desk with tech shows that the person has learned about outside and left", "1,11"); tfymAddSlide("Wheeling To Prepare To Win", "1849", "20240202", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person rides bicycle with many tires and sign that reads wtptw", "8,11"); tfymAddSlide("Sharing Caps", "1850", "20240203", "Painting/Color Drawing", " baseball player shares his cap with bottle and its", "5,14,22"); tfymAddSlide("Chase Versus Cherish", "1851", "20240204", "Painting/Color Drawing", " rabbits run turtle who admiring flowers", "2,7,11"); tfymAddSlide("Fuming At Everything", "1852", "20240205", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person upset everything they come across much that fumes out their eyes ears mouth and nose", "6,15"); tfymAddSlide("Going Nowhere", "1853", "20240206", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person sits boat being pulled balloons one direction while pirahna under the another", "7,11,19,20"); tfymAddSlide("Making The Best Of It", "1854", "20240207", "Painting/Color Drawing", " dragon type creature lays extra small tent too for while their food taken ants cup broken with the liquid draining and boots are filled water large storms rains down continues smile", "7,10,11,20"); tfymAddSlide("Snowman Pushing A Marshmaloow Up A Snow Covered Mountain During A Blizzard", "1855", "20240207", "Painting/Color Drawing", " snowman pushing marshmaloow snow covered mountain during blizzard", "10,13"); tfymAddSlide("Notes", "1856", "20240208", "Painting/Color Drawing", " creature reads notes while plays instrument", "10,14"); tfymAddSlide("Staying Away From The Shit", "1857", "20240209", "Painting/Color Drawing", " creature make the golden ratio circle yin yang pyramid and other eye pleasing shapes wears contraption that keeps falling shit off", "5,7,10,11"); tfymAddSlide("Decoupled", "1858", "20240210", "Painting/Color Drawing", " poem about when one person from couple lost how the other feels", "1,16,24"); tfymAddSlide("Dave's Doodle Drafts - 3D", "1859", "20240210", "Painting/Color Drawing", " dave hard working making different doodles", "5,7,10,14,26"); tfymAddSlide("Ego's Tunnel Vision", "1860", "20240210", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person thinks important because wears crown and leads over country while the planet lives circles along with other planets around large star solar system among billions systems galaxy galaxies universe limitless universes", "11,21"); tfymAddSlide("Dad Rules - #1: I Do It Myself", "1861", "20240211", "Painting/Color Drawing", " dad balancing rickety ladder cutting down large tree while working above very sharp axe stump just beneath him others offer help but the leans towards being solitary worker", "1,5,11,13,19,24"); tfymAddSlide("One Second Too Late", "1862", "20240212", "Painting/Color Drawing", " robot that runs rechargeable batteries heading towards the charging station but out charge one second before power plug inserted", "13"); tfymAddSlide("Balloon Buddy", "1863", "20240213", "Painting/Color Drawing", " spikey creature holds yellow ballon and just wants pet while pile popped balloons lays around", "1,7,10,13,19"); tfymAddSlide("Screw You Time", "1864", "20240215", "Painting/Color Drawing", " older man upset that time drags down his body while young baby sits and stares the silly old lots clocks background ticking away reminding about how keeps moving", "1,5,11,15,19,24"); tfymAddSlide("Light Of My Life", "1865", "20240215", "Painting/Color Drawing", " the street filled with different light bulbs their daily walks while pair them have found each other and love", "1,10,16"); tfymAddSlide("Expecting...", "1866", "20240216", "Painting/Color Drawing", " creature that has already had lots babies expecting new batch soon", "7,10,13"); tfymAddSlide("Intentions", "1867", "20240217", "Painting/Color Drawing", " skinny cat and larger are reaching towards young bird sleeping its perch could tuck for other not nice purposes", "7,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("Finger Licking Good", "1868", "20240218", "Painting/Color Drawing", " grandma changed the cookie jar have spikes lid now she sees half eaten and questioning two young grandchildren one kids missing some fingers which are sitting bottom", "4,11,13,19,22"); tfymAddSlide("Love And Peace", "1869", "20240218", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person holding love sign one hand and peace the other their face makes yin yang symbol", "4,5,6,11,24"); tfymAddSlide("Playing The Game Of Life", "1870", "20240219", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person dangling from diving board above swirling tunnel coming out the ocean with pieces flying around two shark fins can seen swimming nearby and business bird over heavy weight just wants couple more", "7,11,19,20"); tfymAddSlide("Listen To Me, Follow Me", "1871", "20240220", "Painting/Color Drawing", " some figures hold signs that say bla each them want you hear follow their paths but none listen other", "5,10,11"); tfymAddSlide("Pull Downs versus Pull Ups", "1872", "20240220", "Painting/Color Drawing", " couple people are exercising one doing the regular pull ups while another unique down", "5,8,13"); tfymAddSlide("Kept Too Long", "1873", "20240221", "Painting/Color Drawing", " young kid bought grown your own fish kit and now the little thing has turned into very large scary with lots sharp teeth way too big for tank", "7,13,15,19,20,22"); tfymAddSlide("News Without Noise", "1874", "20240222", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person holding fingers their ears prevent the news screen from telling him all about bad even dog nearby wearing noise cancelling ear phones", "7,11"); tfymAddSlide("Easter Snake", "1875", "20240223", "Painting/Color Drawing", " long snake has founds its way through multiple easter egg painting jars and now ending rainbow color", "7,13,20"); tfymAddSlide("Enough Is Never Enough", "1876", "20240224", "Painting/Color Drawing", " large pig wearing diamon earring money belt satchel with gold coins and expensive watch stands next many tables lots cupcakes", "7,11,22"); tfymAddSlide("The Multi-Verses Say Hi", "1877", "20240225", "Painting/Color Drawing", " creatures from other universes cut through push our star filled sky say", "7,10,14,21,22"); tfymAddSlide("A Part Of Society, Apart From Society", "1878", "20240226", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person sits their basement apartment watching the windows street and people feet walk his front door closed with many locks spends time painting making art avoiding rat race above latest that earth heart coming out crying", "11"); tfymAddSlide("Touch Screen Bug Benefit", "1879", "20240227", "Painting/Color Drawing", " death attempting use new digital app speed the keeping removal people but touchscreen won recognize his boney finger", "4,6,11,13"); tfymAddSlide("3 Flys", "1880", "20240228", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person flying with single feather each hand", "5,21"); tfymAddSlide("Playing With Shapes", "1881", "20240229", "Painting/Color Drawing", " object that resembles face created out different shapes looks kind robotic top turtle the ocean", "6,10,12,20"); tfymAddSlide("The Original Care Bear", "1882", "20240302", "Painting/Color Drawing", " bear sits swing attached large tree branch getting hugged flower while pot nearby flowers want their turn", "7,14,16"); tfymAddSlide("A Vulcan's Excitement At Winning", "1883", "20240303", "Painting/Color Drawing", " vulcan officer starfleet has chosen numbers lotter and won large sum cash that being given him the clerk you can not tell there any excitement his face thorny pet nearby while store owner cat hissing other creature", "5,12,13"); tfymAddSlide("Beeing Powered", "1884", "20240304", "Painting/Color Drawing", " group bees are pulling jet that has had its engine removed", "7,13,21"); tfymAddSlide("Tender", "1885", "20240305", "Painting/Color Drawing", " two people each wearing heart their back embrace tender kiss top octopus type creature with gloves", "7,10,16"); tfymAddSlide("Towel Trio", "1886", "20240306", "Painting/Color Drawing", " bathroom built for his hers and", "7,10,13,20"); tfymAddSlide("Poor Piggy", "1887", "20240307", "Painting/Color Drawing", " piggy bank longer receiving money everyone using credit sails away raft", "7,11,20"); tfymAddSlide("Cutting Through The Silly", "1888", "20240307", "Painting/Color Drawing", " silly looking plane with balloons being pushed bird", "7,13,21"); tfymAddSlide("Laser Focused", "1889", "20240309", "Painting/Color Drawing", " three cats are being distracted laser pointed mouse while other mice steal the cat food", "7,13,19,22"); tfymAddSlide("Bananers", "1890", "20240309", "Painting/Color Drawing", " some minions want the bananers that monkey has they have come out from behind page and build chain their bodies reach them", "7,10,14,22"); tfymAddSlide("The Wailing Whale's Well", "1891", "20240309", "Painting/Color Drawing", " whale standing small well has fishing hooks stuck its body and relies the water keep safe", "7,11,20"); tfymAddSlide("Coupling Couple", "1892", "20240310", "Painting/Color Drawing", " two hands hold each other while their drink straws reach for love", "4,14,16,22,24"); tfymAddSlide("Making A Choice", "1893", "20240311", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person hangs from two levers with choice and while bird sign influencer has its feather tickling the their sweat forming puddle below they balance single cup", "5,7,11,15,20,24"); tfymAddSlide("Trash Talk", "1894", "20240312", "Painting/Color Drawing", " creature that lives trash can riding down the road skateboard while saying hello other cans and their creatures", "1,7,8,10,14"); tfymAddSlide("Not Using Our Tools To Break Rules", "1895", "20240313", "Painting/Color Drawing", " people get stuck behind what others tell them considered the norm rules and miss chances try things different way", "5,11"); tfymAddSlide("Where You Stand", "1896", "20240314", "Painting/Color Drawing", " couple aliens have landed earth long time after humans disappeared they find walls built between land spaces and think silly thought you were better worse depending which piece dirt stood", "1,10,11,12"); tfymAddSlide("Interview 4 You", "1897", "20240315", "Painting/Color Drawing", " computer has cardboard cutout interviewer simulate human while asks the why should hire them same time desk slot for put money into supporting cost", "1,11,19"); tfymAddSlide("Waking Up Next To The One You Love", "1898", "20240316", "Painting/Color Drawing", " two elephants lie the forest while one sleeps other awake and happy next", "7,16"); tfymAddSlide("Suspension From Work", "1899", "20240318", "Painting/Color Drawing", " goofy looking dog dressed farmer showing off his suspenders while another animal doing all the work", "7,11,13,18"); tfymAddSlide("Meet The Meat", "1900", "20240319", "Painting/Color Drawing", " animals sit beneath sign that reads meet the meat while humans show with utensils for eating nearby hills cannibal camp looks same way", "7,11,19,22"); tfymAddSlide("Evolution", "1901", "20240320", "Painting/Color Drawing", " couple normal birds cannot keep with bird that has evolved into very muscular fast version", "7,21"); tfymAddSlide("Danger - No Fishing", "1902", "20240322", "Painting/Color Drawing", " sign says danger fishing but fisherman only sees small fish the surface and harm while another they should not under water giant creature has hook its eye lid about show why dangerous", "7,8,10,11,19,20,22"); tfymAddSlide("Cockroaches", "1903", "20240324", "Painting/Color Drawing", " husband who looks like cockroach while late night snacking the kitchen cockroaches rummage for food well wife asking from hears", "1,5,7,13,22"); tfymAddSlide("Hear, Speak, See, Think No Evil", "1904", "20240325", "Painting/Color Drawing", " few things humans use sit around tables drinking hot drinks while being served robot microphone says the have heard phone said security camera thing seen and thought", "1,11,12"); tfymAddSlide("Total Freedom", "1905", "20240326", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person has gotten rid their clothes skin wallet cell phone and computer they now feel completely free", "1,5,11,14,24"); tfymAddSlide("Beecoming King", "1906", "20240329", "Painting/Color Drawing", " bee beecoming king with the help some fairy flowers while group bees come pay their respect", ""); tfymAddSlide("Tennis For A Jedi", "1907", "20240401", "Painting/Color Drawing", " jedi plays tennis against robot balls", ""); tfymAddSlide("Disconnected", "1908", "20240403", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person sits their falling apart house and pets that have starved death while plays video games virtual world taking care his", ""); tfymAddSlide("T-Rex Meets V-Rex", "1909", "20240405", "Painting/Color Drawing", " tyrannosaurus rex meat eater meet vegisaurus", ""); tfymAddSlide("Through The Eyes Of A Salesman", "1910", "20240406", "Painting/Color Drawing", " salesmen often change the facts information anything long they are able get customer part with their money here person trying clothes that way too big for them but sales says perfect while hiding price tag", ""); tfymAddSlide("Drum Roll v.s. Rock & Roll", "1911", "20240407", "Painting/Color Drawing", " drum rolled along with rock roller coaster", ""); tfymAddSlide("Fingerprint Required", "1912", "20240409", "Painting/Color Drawing", " alien laughing armless astronaut who unable get into their rocket due finger print scanner", ""); tfymAddSlide("Becoming More Human", "1913", "20240410", "Painting/Color Drawing", " robotic artificial intelligence machine continaully upgraded look more and human the even tells you like", ""); tfymAddSlide("Balloons For Bats", "1914", "20240411", "Painting/Color Drawing", " couple upside down bats are playing with their balloons which actually weights", "7,8,14"); tfymAddSlide("Family", "1915", "20240413", "Painting/Color Drawing", " family hearts are enjoying moment together", ""); tfymAddSlide("The Chairman Stares At The Chair On The Stairs", "1916", "20240414", "Painting/Color Drawing", " chair sits top some stairs while chairman staring", ""); tfymAddSlide("Lazy Laser - Pro-State Procedures", "1917", "20240415", "Painting/Color Drawing", " scientist squeezing steel balls laser that unable hit the target light beam does not have enough pressure", ""); tfymAddSlide("Sonshine And Moonshine", "1918", "20240416", "Painting/Color Drawing", " sun looks father shining his son head while the moon shows shine above person passed out from moonshine", "1,13,21"); tfymAddSlide("More Effort - Less Speed", "1919", "20240417", "Painting/Color Drawing", " turtle tries use new technology advanced bicycle which has square tires but not going anywhere", "7,8,13"); tfymAddSlide("Spider And Man", "1920", "20240418", "Painting/Color Drawing", " giant spider tall building thinks human dressed with fake webbing silly", "7,10,12"); tfymAddSlide("The Long Road To Peace", "1921", "20240419", "Painting/Color Drawing", " donkey pulling cart with missile shells filled flowers instead power has two signs know war peace and", "7,11"); tfymAddSlide("To Some, Saturday Sleep-Ins Suck", "1922", "20240420", "Painting/Color Drawing", " some pets waits the kitchen saturday morning waiting for human wake and feed them", "7,22"); tfymAddSlide("Summer Snowman Secret", "1923", "20240422", "Painting/Color Drawing", " snowman melts the spring sun exposing child hand hiding secret while nearby squirrel looks scene angrily", "7,10,20"); tfymAddSlide("Dueling Dating Dragons", "1924", "20240427", "Painting/Color Drawing", " pair dragons who are love play dueling dance", "7,10,14,16,26"); tfymAddSlide("Nautical Nibbles", "1925", "20240502", "Painting/Color Drawing", " fish fancy restaurant under the sea trying decide which worm hook wants order", "7,20,22"); tfymAddSlide("Unique Workouts - The Golden Ratio", "1926", "20240503", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person made two opposite golden ratio shapes works out weights that contain the number 618", "5,8,24"); tfymAddSlide("Squid Alien On Moon Plays With Heart Balloons", "1927", "20240422", "Painting/Color Drawing", " squid alien moon plays with its heart shaped balloons while space bird flys", "7,10,12,14,21"); tfymAddSlide("Success - Now Jump", "1928", "20240505", "Painting/Color Drawing", " couple people have climbed the ladder success and now find out that they are supposed jump into golden years which pool water filled with sharks ready bite", "1,11,19"); tfymAddSlide("Dangerous Jobs - Process Phlem", "1929", "20240508", "Painting/Color Drawing", " rat has job removing hairballs from cat", "7,13,15,19"); tfymAddSlide("Life Events - Slurp *Cough* Slurp", "1930", "20240510", "Painting/Color Drawing", " person continaully drinks from straw cup being filled life events sometimes they are good not", "5,11,20,22"); tfymAddSlide("Fighting Fear - The Id", "1931", "20240512", "Painting/Color Drawing", " creature fighting with their own tail trying overcome inner fears like nervous anxiety doubt and worry", "5,7,10,11,15");